Site icon College of General Dentistry

CGDent-Quintessence International Conference: full programme now available

A complete programme has now been published for the Excellence for the dental team International Conference, which is being co-hosted by the College of General Dentistry and Quintessence Publishing in London on Friday 24 and Saturday 25 March 2023.

The conference boasts 34 of the biggest names in dentistry, drawn from eight nations, and will deliver a unique two-day programme encompassing all aspects of dental care from implantology to endodontics.

With 36 presentations and 29 moderated discussions taking place across four different lecture theatres, it will cover the most up-to-date and effective procedures to help everyone in dental practice deliver the best possible patient outcomes, and on the Friday evening delegates will have the opportunity to socialise with the speakers, fellow College members and other participants at a drinks reception, three-course dinner and a party with live band.

The programme is available via the button below.

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