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Domestic abuse awareness in dentistry: shaping a safer tomorrow

Preetee Hylton RDN, an Associate Member of the College and full-time dental nurse and safeguarding lead, recently delivered a CGDent lecture on safeguarding in dentistry at the British Dental Conference and Dentistry Show. Here she describes how you can support patients and colleagues who may be suffering from domestic abuse.

Domestic violence and abuse (DVA) is a topic that sometimes infiltrates our conversations, appearing in discussions with family, colleagues, and friends, as well as in the news and our social media feeds. As we encounter these discussions, we often find ourselves looking for further information, looking into numerous articles that outline potential indicators of domestic abuse, perhaps stumbling upon statistics detailing its prevalence. It falls upon all of us – dental professionals included – to take on the responsibility of familiarising ourselves with the signs of domestic abuse in our patients and colleagues, enabling us to offer assistance and support when it is most needed.

Raising awareness about domestic abuse holds a deeply personal significance for me; it is driven both by my own lived experience and the desire to ensure that individuals facing similar challenges receive the support and assistance that I unfortunately lacked. In 2014, when I had escaped an abusive relationship, Pam Swain, Chief Executive of The British Association of Dental Nurses (BADN), offered me invaluable support. After losing touch for a few years, we reconnected at a dental conference. Pam asked if I would be willing to share my story to raise awareness of domestic violence and abuse. I first shared my lived experience at the North of England Dentistry Show in March 2022, where I encouraged dental professionals to register their workplaces/organisations with the Employers’ Initiative on Domestic Abuse (EIDA). Following this, I was invited to speak at the British Dental Conference and Dental Show in May 2022, with support from the National Examining Board for Dental Nurses (NEBDN), focusing on identifying signs of domestic abuse in patients, colleagues, and close ones.  Since then, I have written about domestic abuse and spoken at further dental events, including at a CGDent webinar on the subject.

What is the definition of domestic abuse?

In my discussions about domestic abuse, I have noticed a common tendency among those around me to focus mainly on physical assault. However, it is important to realise that domestic abuse extends far beyond visible signs, such as bruises, cuts, and broken bones.

In the UK, the government has defined domestic abuse and violence as:1

“Any incident or pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive or threatening behaviour, violence or abuse between those aged 16 or over who are or have been intimate partners or family members regardless of gender or sexuality. This can encompass but is not limited to the following types of abuse:

Controlling behaviour is: a range of acts designed to make a person subordinate and/or dependent by isolating them from sources of support, exploiting their resources and capacities for personal gain, depriving them of the means needed for independence, resistance and escape and regulating their everyday behaviour.

Coercive behaviour is: an act or a pattern of acts of assault, threats, humiliation and intimidation or other abuse that is used to harm, punish, or frighten their victim.”

This definition, which is not a legal definition, includes so called ‘honour’ based violence, female genital mutilation (FGM) and forced marriage, and is clear that victims are not confined to one gender or ethnic group.”

So, what are the possible signs of domestic abuse?2

Shocking statistics

The Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW) found that approximately 2.1 million people aged 16 and above (4.4% of the population), experienced domestic abuse in the year leading up to March 2023. The police recorded 1,453,867 incidents and crimes related to domestic abuse, which shows a 14.4% increase compared to the pre-pandemic year ending March 2020, despite overall numbers remaining relatively consistent.3

It is often overlooked just how widespread domestic abuse truly is; many victims conceal their experiences out of an unjustified sense of shame. These above-mentioned numbers could be higher, due to the number of cases which go unreported.

How can we offer support to someone experiencing domestic abuse?

What is our responsibility and duty as dental professionals?

Making sure that the safety and well-being of our patients is of utmost importance, necessitating adherence to training guidelines outlined by the General Dental Council (GDC) and Care Quality Commission (CQC).

When it comes to our yearly safeguarding training, we should all complete the following training4, and this should not be considered a box-ticking exercise.

Safeguarding of children and young people

Level 1: All non-clinical staff including receptionists, practice managers and staff without patient contact.

Level 2: Most dentists and dental care professionals.

Level 3: To be determined locally in larger organisations based on an assessment of need and risk.

Adult safeguarding

Level 1: All non-clinical staff including receptionists, practice managers and staff without patient contact.

Level 2: Most dentists and dental care professionals

Similarly, it is essential to extend this level of support to our dental colleagues, with employers bearing the responsibility to support team members encountering domestic abuse. It is our ethical duty to promote a workplace environment that is secure and supportive for all staff members. Cultivating a workplace culture of transparency and openness entails creating a space where individuals feel at ease discussing sensitive subjects. By championing this culture, we can help dismantle the stigma surrounding domestic abuse, empowering individuals to seek help and speak out on sensitive matters while ensuring they receive the necessary support they need.

Speaking about domestic abuse can often be emotionally and mentally taxing, yet I view it as my personal mission to guide and assist those in need and hopefully facilitate their journey towards breaking free from abusive relationships and situations.

Services to signpost patients and team members to:

– National 24hour Domestic Violence helpline for Women (Refuge): 0808 2000 247
– Women’s Aid:
– Solace Women’s Aid: 0800 802 5565,
– Flows: Finding Legal Options for Women Survivors: 0203 745 7707,
– National Domestic Violence Helpline for Men (Respect): 0808 8010 327
– The Mankind Initiative: 0182 3334 244
– Honour Helpline (Karma Nirvana) for advice on forced marriage and honour-based violence: 0800 5999 247
– Forced Marriage Unit: 0207 0081 151
– Broken Rainbow for advice and support for LGBTQ+ victims of domestic abuse: 0845 2604 460
– Galop for LGBTQ+ victims of domestic abuse: 0800 999 5428
– Southall Black Sisters: 0208 571 9595
– Rape Crisis: 0808 500 2222
– Hourglass (supporting the elderly): call 0808 808 8141, text 07860052906
– Ask for ANI (Action Needed Immediately) in your local pharmacies and jobcentres.
– Ask for Angela in pubs, bars and clubs.
– UK Says No More Campaign provided safe spaces for domestic abuse victims:

Call 999 in an emergency or if someone is at immediate risk of danger.

1 Circular 003/2013: new government domestic violence and abuse definition. Available at

2 Victim Support: Recognising the signs of domestic abuse. Available at

3 Domestic abuse prevalence and trends, England and Wales: year ending March 2023. Available at

4 Safeguarding in general dental practice: A toolkit for dental teams.  Available at

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