Leadership in dentistry – a personal perspective
Abhi Pal FCGDent, Immediate Past President of the College, says the dental profession needs to create opportunities for all team members to develop leadership skills
Domestic abuse awareness in dentistry: shaping a safer tomorrow
Preetee Hylton RDN, describes how you can support patients and colleagues who may be suffering from domestic abuse.
The year in review
Dr Mick Horton FCGDent, Chair of Trustees, reviews the College’s achievements over the past twelve months.
Navigating the chaos of managing medical dental crises
Lecturer and Tier II-accredited Oral Surgeon, Dr Sukhvinder Atthi FCGDent, shares advice on managing some of the common medical emergencies that can occur in dental practice.
Our experience of the Certified Membership Scheme
Poppy Dunton, a member of the Certified Membership Scheme, and Phill Brown FCGDent, a CMS Facilitator, share their experiences of the programme.
How the dental sector could retain dental nurses
Registered dental nurse, Dr Debbie Reed FCGDent, reflects on the results of her recent research into dental nurse retention in the UK.
‘What are you doing in Glasgow in December?’
Patricia Thomson FCGDent, reviews the College’s third annual study day in Scotland, which took place on Friday 1 December 2023.
Promoting healthy oral health behaviours at every opportunity by all
Dental Therapist Sarah Murray MBE, discusses the role of dental practices in delivering preventative oral care advice.
Clinical Dental Technicians: how we can benefit your dental practice
Clinical Dental Technicians Emily Pittard MCGDent and Carmel Vickers-Wall, an Associate Member of the College, examine the role of a CDT and how they can work efficiently and effectively within the dental team.
The right to smile
David Shiers, Gordon Johnston and Vishal Aggarwal FCGDent believe that poor oral health should not be an inevitable consequence of experiencing severe mental illness.
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