CGDent and GC Award for Foundation Trainees
We asked Dr Golasa Sheikh Akbari what she learnt from the two-day composite layering course, and what advice she would pass on to other Foundation Trainees.
Dr Golasa Sheikh Akbari
Interview transcript
Golasa Sheikh Akbari (GSA): Hi, I’m Golasa. I’m currently a Foundation Dentist in London and I qualified from the university of Birmingham.
GC’s John Maloney (JM): What have you learnt on the course in the last two days and what have you enjoyed the most?
GSA: I have learnt a lot about composite layering and the importance behind the physics of light and composite, how everything reflects, and looking at the opalescence and factors like that. I really enjoyed the hands-on aspect and actually being able to put all the theory into practice and see what results you can get.
JM: Fantastic. What would you say to other Foundation Trainees thinking of entering?
GSA: I think it’s a really good thing to enter, with a really good prize. That you come and actually learn a lot about what you’ve done to enter the prize and you can see what you might have been able to do better on your case. It’s also really good to get support from your ES just so you can enter a case that’s appropriate as well.
The CGDent-GC Award is open to Dentists and Dental Therapists who are in their first year of qualification and are practising in the UK or Ireland, or are undertaking Dental Foundation Training, Dental Vocational Training or Joint Foundation Core Training.
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