
The Trustees of the Charity are accountable for the proper running of the organisation and fulfilment of its legal and regulatory duties

Chair of Trustees

Mick Horton FCGDent (Trustee 2017 to date, Chair since 2023)


Roy Bennett FCGDent (2025-)
Jane Clarke (2023-)
Onkar Dhanoya FCGDent (2022-)
Marie Parker FCGDent (2023-)
Neil Sawbridge (2017-)
Fred Thomson (2022-)

Former Trustees

Janet Clarke MBE FCGDent (2019-2024), former Chair
Kate Gregory (2019-2022)
Kevin Lewis FCGDent (2017-2022)
Ian Mills FCGDent (2018-2021)
Duncan Rudkin (2017-2019)
Prof Sir Nairn Wilson CBE FCGDent (2017-2020), Honorary Founding President
Lesley Pan (2019-2023)
Prof Elizabeth Kay FCGDent (2019-2023)