Former FGDP(UK) members have transferred to the College. This page sets out what the changes mean for you. If you missed the opportunity to transfer, it’s not too late; join the College now and upload your FGDP(UK) membership certificate in evidence of eligibility.

Membership categories

The College has five membership categories for Registrants, with FGDP(UK) members transferring as appropriate:

CGDent membershipFDGP membership
FellowsFGDP(UK) Fellows by assessment, ad eundum and by election.
Associate FellowsNot applicable to FGDP membership
Full MembersFGDP(UK) Members by assessment, ad eundum and by election.
MJDF Members.
Associate MembersFGDP(UK) Associates, Affiliates and DCP Members.
Student MembersFGDP(UK) Student Members (free).

FGDP(UK) Honorary Members and Fellows continue to be recognised as Honorary Members and Fellows of FGDP(UK), as this is an historic award.

Voting rights

Full Members and Fellows have voting rights that give them a full franchise in the affairs of the College.

Postnominals and the Member Register

Former Full Members and Fellows of the Faculty are entitled to use the appropriate postnominals in place of their FGDP(UK) designation:

Fellows: FCGDent

Associate Fellows: Assoc.FCGDent

Full Members: MCGDent

The online College Member Register shows valid postnominals for all members who have given permission for their entry to be shown.