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Your involvement will help us to ensure that those working in general dentistry gain the professional recognition you deserve, supporting patients.
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Recognition of non-UK postgraduate qualifications
A new process has been announced for the consideration of postgraduate qualifications awarded outside the UK in helping determine eligibility for Full Membership, Associate Fellowship and Fellowship of the College.
Making the move into private practice
Dr Pouya Zohrabpour, GDP and co-creator of the Two Dentists YouTube Channel, describes his journey towards becoming a fully private associate dentist.
Fellows’ Summer Reception
Thursday 20 June 2024, 6pm-9pm, London. Open to Fellows, Associate Fellows and those enrolled in Certified Membership.
Birmingham meet-and-greet
Friday 17 – Saturday 18 May 2024, 9.00am – 5.30pm, Birmingham. The College invited all dental professionals to visit its exhibition stand (Q01) at British Dental Conference and Dentistry Show 2024
Annual Members’ meeting
Tuesday 9 April 2024. Hosted by the College’s President, Chief Executive and Chair of Trustees, our third Annual Members’ Meeting set out our progress to date in realising the vision for the College, and our plans for the future.
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