The journey
After long years of discussion, we are delighted to have embarked on the journey to establish a College of General Dentistry, with the aspiration to secure a Royal Charter, elevating the standing of the profession and its service to patients. Here, we briefly describe the initial steps we are taking.
1. Foundation
In 2017, the elected Board of FGDP(UK) mandated our Trustees to establish a new College, to fulfil the long-held aspiration for an independent College for dentistry.
The Trustees of the College have started to develop it as an independent institution to build upon and progress the work of the Faculty.
2. Consolidation
The College is working with partners to ensure a sustainable enterprise is forged, to build on the Faculty’s success.
The Trustees are seeking support for the College initiative across dentistry and in other areas of healthcare.
3. Development
As we establish the College, we will establish Faculties, reflecting the constituent professions of the dental team and offering career pathways through membership.
The career pathways that will underpin our membership structure are now under development.
We believe that a Royal Charter will enhance the standing of dentistry in the UK and internationally, and we have already taken steps to make our case for granting of a Charter to the only College dedicated to dentistry.
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