Other sources of information, help and support
There is a wealth of high-quality information, help and support provided by various organisations in dentistry, many of which the College of General Dentistry is pleased to have as supporters. Also, government and NHS websites include extremely useful information, help and support relevant to dentistry and dental conditions, not all of which can be reproduced here. The following links, listed alphabetically, will hopefully be of assistance. The advice available using these links may not reflect the opinion or policy of the College. Therefore, the College accepts no liability or responsibility for the consequences of any inaccurate or misleading aspects of the advice.
Association of Dental Implantology
The Association of Dental Implantology exists to advance education in the field of dental implantology for the benefit of patients. The Association has a website for patients considering implant dentistry:
British Society for Dental Sleep Medicine
This society exists to enhance the quality of life of those suffering from sleep disorders – snoring and related conditions. The Society’s website includes information for the public: https://bsdsm.org.uk/advice-for-public/
British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry
The British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry is promoted as a world-leading authority on cosmetic dentistry. The Academy’s website includes an overview of contemporary cosmetic dentistry:
British Association of Clinical Dental Technicians
This association looks to sustain and advance the clinical services provided by Clinical Dental Technicians – the provision, maintenance and repair of dentures and related appliances. Information for patients may be found here:
British Dental Bleaching Society
This society exists for oral healthcare professionals who share an interest in dental bleaching – the whitening of teeth. Information for patients on the whitening of teeth may be found here:
British Endodontics Society
The focus of this society is the health and treatment of diseased pulps (nerves) of teeth. The Society website has a page for patients and the public:https://britishendodonticsociety.org.uk/patient-public/how-your-dentist-looks-after-your-teeth/embed/#?secret=3oxdeqYyqj
British Fluoridation Society
The Society’s website (https://bfsweb.org/) provides evidenced-based information on the dental benefits and safety of water fluoridation.
British Orthodontic Society
This society promotes the study and practice of orthodontics -braces and straightening teeth. Its website includes information on orthodontics for:
Children and teens
British Society for Paediatric Dentistry
This society is dedicated to improving the oral health of children from birth to 16 years of age. The Society’s website includes a page for parents/guardian and patients: https://www.bspd.co.uk/Patient
British Society for Periodontology and Implant Dentistry
This society is for dental healthcare professional with special interests and expertise in periodontology – diseases of the gums and their treatment, and the use of dental implants to replace missing and lost teeth. The Society’s website includes a page for patients: https://www.bsperio.org.uk/patients
British Society of Prosthodontics
This society promotes excellence, training and research in Prosthodontics – the replacement of lost teeth. Information on Prosthodontics for patients is provided at: https://www.bsspd.org/For+Patients.aspx
Change 4life
The website for this popular NHS health campaign (https://www.nhs.uk/change4life) includes free downloadable resources to help maintain a healthy diet, including low sugar and ‘smart snack’; ideas to help improve oral health.
Community Dental Service
TheCommunity Dental Service(https://communitydentalservices.co.uk/)is a referral only specialist dental provider which cares for patients when they are not able to be treated in general dental practice.
General Dental Council
The General Dental Council is the UK regulator for dentistry. The Council’s website includes, amongst other information, advise for patients and the public :
National Autistic Society
UK’s leading charity for people on the autism spectrum and their families provides a guide for autistic adults going to the dentist:
Going to the dentist – a guide for autistic adults (autism.org.uk)
NHS Booklet
What can your NHS do for you? https://extranet.salfordccg.nhs.uk/application/files/1416/1615/2838/What_can_your_NHS_dentist_do_for_you__easy_read.pdf
NHS Business Services Authority
The NHS Business Services Authority has produced easy read dental fact sheet and supporting poster on who can have free NHS dental care (https://www.nhsbsa.nhs.uk/help-nhs-dental-costs/free-nhs-dental-treatment).
NHS Direct Online
The NHS website (https://www.nhs.uk/) provides health information, including information of dental conditions (Health A to Z), NHS Dental Services, dentists and the cost of NHS dental care (https://www.nhs.uk/nhs-services/dentists/).
Oral Health Foundation
The foundation promotes oral health and provides independent and impartial advice to patients. You can visit the Foundation’s website (https://www.dentalhealth.org/) for information or to complete an online query form. You can also email them at [email protected], or telephone 01788 546 365. There is also a Confidential Advice Service Helpline on 01788 539 780.
Public Health England
Quick guides to oral health
In adults:
People with learning disabilities:
Oral care and people with learning disabilities – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
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