Register of Mentors in Implant Dentistry

The College hosts a register of mentors in implant dentistry who have met specific standards in their clinical and mentoring practice.

The Register of Mentors in Implant Dentistry, which is freely accessible online, supports enhanced standards of training and practice in implant dentistry by providing recognition to those with the qualifications and experience to act as a mentor, and by enabling those undertaking training in implant dentistry to identify and contact suitably qualified and experienced mentors.

Joining the Register

Those wishing to join the Register must meet the published criteria, which were agreed by CGDent, the Association of Dental Implantology (ADI) and the International Team for Implantology (ITI) based on the requirements in Mentoring in Implant Dentistry: Good Practice Guidelines.

Evidence submitted by applicants is reviewed by a joint CGDent-ADI-ITI panel.

Once admitted to the Register, mentors are subject to a Code of Conduct which requires that their mentoring is provided in line with the published guidelines. They also provide an annual declaration that they are still undertaking implant dentistry and that they are maintaining their expertise in both clinical and mentoring skills.


Annual fees for inclusion in the Register are detailed below. There is no fee for assessment of applications to join.

Membership statusAnnual FeeEffective cost after 40% tax relief*
Not a member of CGDent, ITI or ADI£500£300
ITI Member or Fellow
ADI Member
CGDent Fellow, Associate Fellow or Full Member£250£150
Meeting both the above ITI/ADI and CGDent membership criteria£160£96

* Figures shown are indicative based on the higher rate of income tax currently applicable in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Actual cost after tax relief may vary, and in many circumstances may be lower.