Members & Fellows

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Your involvement will help us to ensure that those working in general dentistry gain the professional recognition you deserve, supporting patients.

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2022-2023: the year in review

Following the College’s second Annual Members’ Meeting in March 2023, Chair of Trustees, Janet Clarke, reviews our significant achievements.

Updating postnominals

Professor Emeritus Nairn Wilson CBE FCGDent, Honorary Founding President of the College, encourages former members and fellows of the FGDP, together with colleagues who have recently joined CGDent, to update their postnominals.

Fellows’ Summer Reception

Thursday 15 June 2023, 6-9pm, London. Open to Fellows and Associate Fellows, those gaining an Honorary Fellowship or President’s Commendation, those enrolled in Certified Membership and poster competition entrants.

1992 Circle summer gathering

Thursday 15 June 2023, 4-6pm, London. All those who are retired from practice and were a Fellow of the FGDP, or are or were a Fellow of CGDent, are eligible to join the 1992 Circle and could attend the summer…

BSRD spring meeting 2023

Thursday 18 May & Friday 19 May 2023. The BSRD Spring Meeting was on the topic of Biomimetics in dentistry and features lectures from a range of speakers. College members received a discount on the fee.