Our donors & supporters
Donors to the College
Our Benefactors and Donors are celebrated as contributors to our mission.
We are honoured to identify those generous contributors who shared our vision as Founders of the College of General Dentistry.
If you’d like to support the College as we work to achieve our vision, we are gratefully accepting donations on a single or recurring basis.
We were thrilled by the support we received on the journey to the historic launch of the College of General Dentistry; a Register of Supporters lists all those who have supported us along the way.
Corporate Partnerships
We are grateful to our corporate partners, who make a vital difference in supporting the College to fulfil our vision and objectives.
Supporting Organisations & Institutions
We are delighted with the expressions of institutional support that we have received from across dentistry and related healthcare interests.
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Company Registration No. 2586636 | Registered Charity No. 1002769