Register of Mentors in Implant Dentistry

The College hosts a Register of recognised Mentors in Implant Dentistry, who have met specific standards in their clinical and mentoring practice, the evidence for which has been reviewed by a Panel comprising representatives of the College, the Association of Dental Implantology (ADI) and the International Team for Implantology (ITI).

Training Standards in Implant Dentistry (2016),  Mentoring in Implant Dentistry: Good Practice Guidelines was released jointly by CGDent and the ADI in May 2022, with endorsement by ITI. This Register addresses those standards.

What is the purpose of the Register?

The Register supports those undertaking training in Implant Dentistry to access suitably trained and experienced mentors. It is hoped this will support enhanced standards of training and practice in implant dentistry.

The Register is freely accessible.

Fee for inclusion in the Register

The current introductory annual fees for inclusion in the Register are:

Standard fee£500
ITI Member or Fellow
ADI Member
CGDent Fellow, Associate Fellow or Full Member£250
Meeting both the above ITI/ADI and CGDent membership criteria£160

What are the obligations of a Mentor?

Mentors are subject to a Code of Conduct which will ensure that any mentoring provided is in line with the guidance in Mentoring in Implant Dentistry: Good Practice Guidelines.

The mentor will be asked to provide an annual declaration that they are maintaining their expertise in both clinical and mentoring skills, and are still undertaking implant dentistry.

Criteria for inclusion in the Register

The following criteria were agreed on by a working group convened by CGDent, the ADI and ITI. It is based on the publication Mentoring in Implant Dentistry: Good Practice Guidelines (2022). These criteria must be fully addressed in an application for inclusion in the Register.

1. A postgraduate degree or qualification in implant dentistry, or documentary evidence of completion of a structured implant training course (minimum of 70 hours in total of verifiable contact learning and meeting, as specified by Training Standards in Implant Dentistry), or demonstrably equivalent training and experience > more

Evidence required

Copy of postgraduate degree or qualification (eg accredited PG Diploma) in implant dentistry showing subject, institution, length of course and date of obtaining qualification OR
Copy of documentation showing completion of a formal structured course in implant dentistry. The education provider, date of completion and number of hours of verifiable CPD must be shown. It is necessary for the course to have provided a minimum of 70 hours of verified contact learning  OR
For only applicants who commenced implant dentistry before 2005 and do not have either of the above, it is necessary to provide:
a description of training in implant dentistry that have undertaken before 2005 (giving dates, education providers, nature of training and subject areas)
Any available certificates to evidence this pre-2005 training
Evidence if implant-related CPD over the past 10 years

2. Placed and/or restored at least 250 implants in a variety of clinical situations, depending on which aspects of care are being mentored. This figure has been derived from a consensus of experts, however we acknowledge that suitability can also be demonstrated from a lower number of cases with appropriate insight and reflection. > more

Evidence required

An anonymised logbook of implant cases they have undertaken successfully over the past 5 years showing:

  • Patient identifier
  • Date of procedure
  • Number of units
  • Tooth site(s) notation/s
  • Type of case (SAC): Straightforward, Advanced or Complex
  • Whether surgical placement and/or restoration
  • Implant system used
  • Type of restoration provided
  • Evidence (for example invoices) from either an implant manufacturer to show the number of units of implants purchased over the previous 5 years by the applicant OR a dental laboratory to show the number of restored implant cases undertaken by the applicant
3. Five years’ experience in the specific prosthetic or surgical technique that the mentee is being trained in. This should be in the form of a description of the mentor’s overall post-qualification experience and specifically their implant training, courses attended and clinical experience. > more

Evidence required

A statement detailing the mentor’s overall post-qualification experience and specifically their implant training, courses attended and clinical experience.

4. Successfully completed an accredited medical education or mentoring course (a substantive implant-related teaching post, which includes clinical supervision, of at least two years duration will also be acceptable) > more

Evidence required

Copy of certificate showing successful completion of a course in medical education or mentoring, AND/OR:

A letter of reference from an employer demonstrating an appropriate level of implant teaching experience which includes clinical supervision.

Who will assess applications for entry to the Register?

Applications will be assessed by a Panel convened by the College with representation from ADI and ITI.