Become an Associate Member

Membership of the College marks you out from your peers and demonstrates that you are committed to upholding the highest standards of practice and patient care. By joining us as an Associate Member, you are joining a proud community of dental professionals, raising your professional standing and showing your commitment to lifelong learning.

Associate Membership is for you if you are:

  • a dental or oral health professional registered with the GDC or an equivalent overseas authority, or
  • a non-practising non-registrant or former registrant, such as an academic or retired professional

Qualified and registered oral health professionals, who have completed Dental Foundation Training (or equivalent) are recognised as a Capable Practitioner on the College’s Career Pathway.

Membership fee

We offer concessions on our membership fees in some circumstances and if you are a UK taxpayer, you may be able to claim tax relief on your fees. Dental professionals who join the College within their first year of registration receive a significant discount on the membership fee.

If you have any queries about our membership types, which membership is right for you, how to upgrade or how to apply, don’t hesitate to contact us and we’ll be happy to help.

Benefits to support your career

In addition to recognised professional status, joining us gives you access to a range of professional benefits designed to support you to achieve your best – learn more.

CGDent and GC Award for Foundation Trainees

The CGDent-GC Award, organised in conjunction with The Tom Bereznicki Charitable Educational Foundation and GC, recognises clinical skills and high levels of patient care.

The award is open to Dentists and Dental Therapists who qualified in the UK or Ireland in 2024 or who are undertaking Dental Foundation Training, Dental Vocational Training or Joint Dental Foundation Core Training. 18 successful candidates will each receive a fully-funded place on a two-day composite layering course in Belgium – find out more.

Not sure Associate Membership is right for you? View our other membership types to find the level that reflects your professional standing.