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Fellowship by equivalence: update
The list of fellowships which qualify applicants for Fellowship of the College by means of equivalence has been formally expanded to include Fellowship of the former Faculty of General Dental Practice.
Admissions to Associate Fellowship
The College has admitted over 150 dental professionals to date into Associate Fellowship in recognition of their high level of practice.
Presentation of new Fellows
The College formally presented over 35 individuals with their Fellowship at the first CGDent Fellows’ Winter Reception, which took place on 18 January at the Whitworth Art Gallery in Manchester.
Why I have left the College a legacy in my will
Dr Shelagh Farrell FCGDent, a College Founder and Ambassador, talks to Professor Nairn Wilson FCGDent, President Emeritus of the College, about leaving a legacy to CGDent.
New Certified Membership programme: enrolling now
The College has launched Certified Membership, a new, enhanced membership scheme offering elevated professional recognition and ongoing one-to-one career support.
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