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Your involvement will help us to ensure that those working in general dentistry gain the professional recognition you deserve, supporting patients.
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Widening the Circle – ‘1992’ meetings now open to all retired members
The College has expanded eligibility to join its 1992 Circle to all fully retired members, who will be enrolled automatically.
Annual Members’ Meeting
Tuesday 2 March 2027, 7pm-8pm. Our sixth Annual Members’ Meeting will provide an update on our progress in realising the vision for the College, set out our future plans, and offer members the opportunity to ask questions.
Annual Members’ Meeting
Tuesday 3 March 2026, 7pm-8pm. Our fifth Annual Members’ Meeting will provide an update on our progress in realising the vision for the College, set out our future plans, and offer members the opportunity to ask questions.
My journey to College Fellowship: Fatimah Jawaid
Fatimah Jawaid FCGDent describes her professional journey and how her experience led to Fellowship of the College.
Nominations open for Council elections
[APPLICATIONS NOW CLOSED]. Nominations are now open for elections to the College Council, and all Full Members, Associate Fellows and Fellows are invited to nominate themselves as candidates.
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