Members & Fellows
Thank you for your support for the College
Your involvement will help us to ensure that those working in general dentistry gain the professional recognition you deserve, supporting patients.
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My journey to College Fellowship: Fatimah Jawaid
Fatimah Jawaid FCGDent describes her professional journey and how her experience led to Fellowship of the College.
Nominations open for Council elections
Nominations are now open for elections to the College Council, and all Full Members, Associate Fellows and Fellows are invited to nominate themselves as candidates.
Notice of elections
Elections will soon be held for six seats on the College Council, and eligible members are encouraged to consider standing.
Fellows’ Summer Reception
Friday 13 June 2025, 5pm-8pm, Sheffield. An opportunity to network with peers and meet College Trustees, Council / Faculty Board members and staff. Open to Fellows and Associate Fellows.
New messaging service for members
A new service has gone live which enables College members to contact each other.
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