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Council elections 2024 – call for candidates

Nominations are now open for elections to twelve regional and role-based seats on the College Council, and all eligible members are invited to put themselves forward. To stand for one of the eight regional seats being elected, you must be a Full Member, Associate Fellow or Fellow of the College (in any team role) and must live or work within that region, and be registered to that region with the…

College to elect Council members from across the dental team

The College is expanding its elected national representation to encompass the whole dental team. Elections are held each year for a number of seats on the College’s Council, and this year, for the first time, four role-based seats will be…

Tax relief now available on membership fees

College members who are UK taxpayers can now claim income tax relief on their membership subscription fees. The College began enrolling founding members in 2020, and qualifying professional bodies can apply after three years to have their subscriptions allowed as…

Our experience of the Certified Membership Scheme

Phill Brown FCGDent is a Facilitator on the College’s Certified Membership Scheme and dental therapist Poppy Dunton, Associate Member, is enrolled on the programme and supporting its development. In a recent conversation with Roshni Karia MCGDent, they shared their experiences…

Notice of elections

Elections will soon be held for twelve regional and role-based seats on the College Council, and all eligible members are invited to consider standing. The Council is the voice of our members.  It oversees our role as a professional body…