Members & Fellows

Thank you for your support for the College

Your involvement will help us to ensure that those working in general dentistry gain the professional recognition you deserve, supporting patients.

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Member register


Recruitment for new President

The College is in the process of appointing its next President, and all full members are eligible to apply. The President chairs and represents the elected College Council, is accountable to the Board of Trustees, and is the College’s most senior and visible office holder. (S)he will work closely with the Chief Executive to deliver the College’s ambitions as a professional body and charity in the public interest, and will…

Publication of qualifications on the Member Register

The College’s online Member Register, a public record of each current member’s membership number and grade, now has the additional facility to advertise members’ qualifications. The new functionality has been developed following interest from members, who can now proudly display…

Certificates of Membership now available for download

College members can now download a copy of their Certificate of Membership from their online account. The Certificate of Membership is available as a PDF for Student Members, Affiliate Members, Associate Members, Full Members, Associate Fellows and Fellows to save,…

Retiring this year?

If you are planning to discontinue your GDC registration at the end of the year, you can maintain a link with dentistry by staying a member of the College. Retired members enjoy the same benefits, rights and privileges of the…

Recognition of non-UK postgraduate qualifications

A new process has been announced for the consideration of postgraduate qualifications awarded outside the UK in helping determine eligibility for Full Membership, Associate Fellowship and Fellowship of the College. Map highlighting member states of the European Higher Education Area…