Primary Care Orthodontics
CGDent Postgraduate Diploma in Primary Care Orthodontics
Delivered by IAS Academy, a CGDent Trusted Provider
Applications for the current programme are now closed
Watch our three-part ‘Introduction to Orthodontics’ webinar series, led by Course Lead Prof Ross Hobson.
The Postgraduate Diploma in Primary Care Orthodontics is is a comprehensive orthodontic programme that aims to provide you with the skills and knowledge needed to treat more complex malocclusions including extraction cases. The course covers all appliance systems – fixed functional, aligners, lingual and Inman – and includes both the theory and practical aspects of orthodontic care.
The course extends over two years, with modules delivered in six blocks of three or four days, about three months apart. During the course you will discuss multiple new cases, participate in online webinars, hands-on practical sessions and will be mentored by specialists one-to-one, for ten treated cases.

This course is recommended for dentists who have treated at least ten fixed cases, are treating a minimum of ten orthodontic cases per annum, and are familiar with using fixed appliances. This is to ensure that you have enough case-flow and experience.
You will be granted access to the IAS Assessment, Diagnosis and Records online course, which you are expected to complete by the time you commence the Postgraduate Diploma in Primary Care Orthodontics.

What does the course cover?
Through a combination of lectures, seminar and practical sessions, the programme covers:
- Records, assessment, diagnosis and treatment planning
- Treatment planning for Class I, Class II div1, Class II div 2 and Class III malocclusions
- Radiography – Ceph/OPG/CBCT
- Fixed appliances
- Lingual appliances
- Removable appliances
- Functionals
- Retention
- Aetiology of malocclusion, growth & development
- Development of the dentition and tooth movement
- Dental material & biomechanics
- Multidisciplinary care, including restorative, periodontics & surgery
- Critical reading skills
- Health education, health & safety, legislation and audit
- Marketing and practice management

How is the course delivered?
We keep our class sizes small, a maximum of 12 students in each intake, to ensure you receive all the care and attention you need to successfully complete this advanced course. The programme is delivered through a blended-learning approach, over two years, with six courses of three or four days in length each.
Each of the six courses is delivered through hands-on practical sessions, presentations, online multiple-choice questionnaires, EMI’s and a written assignment.
Weekly online planning discussion
As part of the on-going course assessment, you will participate in an online forum alongside others in your cohort, considering different cases and questions on a weekly basis.
Supervised cases
The course lead, Prof Ross Hobson, will mentor you through ten cases – two to three cases for each of the six courses. This will involve bringing full records (trimmed study models, photos printed and on a memory stick, and radiographs original and on a memory stick) to each course.
Independent study
Whilst you are participating in each of the six courses, you will assess papers and/or cases overnight for discussion the following day.
Audit project
You will complete one audit on a project of your choosing, with further details provided on the first course.
The Postgraduate Diploma in Primary Care Orthodontics is a Level 7 course and is worth 120 credits.
GDC development outcomes: A, B, C

Continuous informal and formal assessments throughout the programme will include hands-on practical sessions, presentations, and multiple-choice questionnaires.
A final examination will be held by the College of General Dentistry.
Your lead
Professor Ross Hobson

Ross graduated from the University of Newcastle, has Fellowships from the Royal Colleges of Surgeons of Glasgow, Edinburgh and England. His MDOrth is from the RCPS Glasgow. He was the first dentist to be awarded the prestigious Senior Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy. His specialist orthodontic training was completed in Dundee. He has published over 60 refereed articles on Orthodontics, hypodontia, dental materials and education. Ross is a former professor at UCLan.
Training facilities
The IAS Academy training facility offers high-tech learning in an accessible location. Facilities include a state-of-the-art projector, surround sound system and ‘halfway’ mounted screens, which allow visibility for the entire classroom. Students’ comfortable work stations provide individual lighting and ample space and catering and refreshments are provided on-site.
Next course dates
The programme runs over two years and is supported by six courses of three or four days in length each.
The current programme started on 13 June 2024 and is now closed for applications.
The course dates are:
- Course 1: 13-15 June 2024
- Course 2: 16-19 October 2024
- Course 3: 20-22 February 2025
- Course 4: 5-7 June 2025
- Course 5: 18-20 September 2025
- Course 6: 4-6 December 2025
(These dates above may be subject to change in unforeseeable circumstances.)
£13,950.00 +VAT (£16,740.00)
An initial non-refundable payment of £1,395.00 +VAT (£1,674.00) is required to secure your booking. The full balance is payable within 12 months of signing up for the course.
Please note that the course fee does not include accommodation, course literature or required materials and equipment.
Next steps
If you meet the course entry requirement of having treated at least ten fixed cases, register your interest here to find out more about the course and application details.
Introduction to orthodontics webinar series
Course lead, Prof Ross Hobson, hosts a three-part CGDent webinar series exploring the possibilities and limitations of orthodontic treatment with Fixed Braces, and an insight into the Postgraduate Diploma in Primary Care Orthodontics. The on-demand webinars are free to view for CGDent members and are available to non-members for a small fee.
- Webinar 1: Assessment, Diagnosis and Case Selection
- Webinar 2: Principles of Treatment Planning
- Webinar 3: Appliances, Retention & Training
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