Professional development


Members of the College enjoy access to 1000 hours of quality CPD, a linked e-PDP and free access to the CGDent CPD webinar programme, powered by ProDental CPD.

Our CPD programme will develop to support our Career Pathways for each and every member of the dental team.

Featuring expert speakers, our regular live webinars examine a range of important and topical issues affecting dental professionals today. Find out which webinars are coming soon and access recent webinar recordings.

Join now to enjoy the benefit of a rich resource of online professional development.

We are pleased to work with Colgate, supporting the College’s Career Pathways. Colgate have produced the free “Whole Mouth Health” resource: Evidence-based, interactive, highly visual, fully narrated, educational modules for students and qualified DCPs and dentists, developed with CGDent Trustee, Prof Liz Kay.

In your area

The College’s Affiliated Groups are running events through the year, with special rates for Members & Fellows of the College. Check our events programme for more information.


Returning to Dentistry after COVID-19: Implementing Safe Practice

Webinar. Sunday 9 August 2020. Answering key questions for those outside the UK about the safe return to practice during the COVID-19 pandemic

The risk-based approach to COVID-19: FGDP(UK)-CGDent-ProDental CPD webinar

Webinar. Tuesday 7 July 2020. An examination of the risk-based approach to safe practice in the UK during the COVID-19 pandemic.

COVID-19 guidance: FGDP(UK)-CGDent webinar on the safe management of general dental practice

Webinar. Wednesday 3 June 2020. Discussing the CGDent-FGDP guidance on the safe management of general dental practice during the COVID-19 pandemic