The latest issue of the Primary Dental Journal, ‘General dentistry (part one)’, is now live online.

The issue features articles on a wide range of topics of relevance to the whole dental team, selected by the journal’s Editor-in-Chief, Prof Igor Blum (Clinical Professor of Primary Care Dentistry and Advanced General Dental Practice at King’s College London).
Topics covered include, among others, an exploration of the Delivering Better Oral Health version 4 toolkit; an examination of job satisfaction/dissatisfaction among dentists and dental care professionals; a review of current trends in digital implant planning and rehabilitation; and an update on dental transpositions. This issue also includes the final update on College developments by Dr Abhi Pal, whose term as President ends in June 2024. (The full list of contents is below.)
Outlining the purposes of the general dentistry issues, Prof Blum said:
“As part of our ongoing effort to support the journey of continued learning and development of the primary dental care team, the articles in these issues address topics likely to be informative and relevant to your practice, and which I trust readers will find stimulating, interesting and valuable.”
Full online access to the majority of articles is reserved for College of General Dentistry members and Primary Dental Journal subscribers, who can also expect their printed copies to arrive in the next 2–3 weeks.
For non-members / non-subscribers, at least one paper in each issue is made available online free of charge, with all other articles available to purchase via the links below.
An annual print subscription, normally costing £130, is included with membership of the College, which also includes online access to the current issue, access to the PDJ Archive of over 1,400 past articles, and a range of other benefits. College membership, which is tax deductible, is available from £125 for dentists, £83 for other dental professionals, and £42 for Dental Nurses, new registrants and concessions.
On behalf of the College, the PDJ editorial team would like to express its gratitude to all the authors and peer reviewers who have contributed to the publication of this issue.
CGDent members can view full articles by logging in via the yellow button below, then clicking ‘Access the PDJ Archive’:
Issue contents:
- The role, applications and challenges of artificial intelligence in dentistry by Igor R. Blum, Editor-in-Chief
- President’s update by Abhi Pal, CGDent President
- College News by the College of General Dentistry
- Research Abstracts: General dentistry by Ario Santini
- How to have healthy conversations: contemporary evidence and behaviour change tools in support of Delivering Better (Oral) Health by Jennifer E. Gallagher, Jenny H. Godson, Zoe Marshman
- It’s not just about the money: recruitment and retention of clinical staff in general dental practice – part 1: dentists by Jessica A. Holloway, Ivor G. Chestnutt
- It’s not just about the money: recruitment and retention of clinical staff in general dental practice – part 2: dental care professionals by Jessica A. Holloway, Ivor G. Chestnutt
- A comprehensive review and update on the current state of computer-assisted rehabilitation in implant dentistry by George Michelinakis, Dimitrios Apostolakis, Dimitrios Nikolidakis, Igor R. Blum
- Dental transpositions: an update for clinicians by Nima Amin, Kate Parker, Varlie Bacon, Sara Stephens, Matthew Chia
- Opinions of UK GDPs on the restoration of posterior root filled teeth: a vignette survey by Dariusz Kasperek, Afzal Haque, Sondos Albadri, Fadi Jarad
- Role of ChatGPT in academia: Dental Students’ perspectives by Priyanshu Kumar Shrivastava, Simran Uppal, Gaurav Kumar, Priyanka Jha
- Aesthetic treatment planning simplified using digital smile design: a case report by Amanda Nadia Ferreira, Meena Ajay Aras, Vidya Chitre, Kennedy Mascarenhas, Aradhana Nagarsekar, Ashwin Mysore
The next issue of the journal, General dentistry (part two), is due out in Summer 2024.