Thursday 15 June 2023, 6pm-9pm, London

The College of General Dentistry Fellows’ Summer Reception took place on Thursday 15 June 2023, 6-9pm, at Cutlers’ Hall, Warwick Lane, London EC4M 7BR.
The event included a welcome by the President setting out progress to date in realising the vision for the College, as well as the admission of new Fellows – including all those whose applications succeed prior to the event – and the presentation of President’s Commendations and Honorary Fellowships.
An opportunity to network with peers, as well as to meet College Trustees, Council members and staff, the reception was open to all Fellows and Associate Fellows, those due to be presented with an Honorary Fellowship or President’s Commendation, those enrolled in Certified Membership and entrants to the research poster competition.
Fellowship of the College (FCGDent) is available by experience or by equivalence, and Associate Fellowship (AssocFCGDent) is open to those who hold the MGDS, a Specialty Membership of a UK dental faculty, or a Postgraduate Diploma level or Masters level qualification in a subject relevant to oral healthcare.