Wednesday 5 July 2023, Manchester

Remimazolam training for sedationists and dental teams: one day hands-on CPD course, delivered by UK Sedation
Science and Industry Museum, Liverpool Road, Manchester M3 4FP
Course leads:
- Dr Roy Bennett FCGDent, accredited mentor in IV sedation & founder of Mellow Sedation Training
- Dr Rob Endicott, accredited mentor in IV sedation
This CPD course was designed to train experienced dental sedationists in the use of the new benzodiazepine Remimazolam, and was also suitable for all members of the dental team involved in the treatment of the sedated patient: dentists, nurses and hygienists.

The Intercollegiate Advisory Committee on Sedation in Dentistry, on which the College is represented and which publishes the UK’s Standards for Conscious Sedation in the Provision of Dental Care, has recently issued a statement on the clinical use of Remimazolam for intravenous conscious sedation for dental procedures.

Dr Roy Bennett FCGDent and Dr Rob Endicott host an on-demand webinar which provides an introduction to Remimazolam and its use in different situations. The webinar recording is free to view for College members and is available for a fee for non-members.