College endorses updated guidance on periodontal diseases

The College of General Dentistry has endorsed newly updated guidance on periodontal diseases from the Scottish Dental Clinical Effectiveness Programme.

The second edition of Prevention and Treatment of Periodontal Diseases in Primary Care, published this week, aims to help dental teams recognise patients at risk of developing periodontal diseases early, and provide them with preventative care and treatment to improve their oral and general health.

The guidance has been updated following a thorough review of the evidence, and after consultation with dental organisations including the College of General Dentistry.

The changes in the new edition include: 

  • new advice on the assessment of risk
  • updated information on diagnosis of periodontal diseases to reflect the 2018 Classification of Periodontal Diseases
  • information on planning treatment that reflects the stepwise approach to periodontal therapyand consideration of tooth prognosis
  • expanded advice on the management of risk factors and assessing the response to periodontal treatment
  • advice on the specific management of patients with furcation involvement and the management of patients with systemic conditions linked to periodontal disease
  • expanded advice on the management of patients considering dental implants
  • updates to the evidence and basis for the key recommendations
  • updates to the supporting tools

The full guidance and supporting tools are available at

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The latest edition of the Primary Dental Journal, the Dental trauma issue, is now live online featuring a wide range of topics relating to aspects of general dental practice and the primary care team.

New PDJ online: Dental trauma

The latest issue of the Primary Dental Journal (vol.12, no.4), on the theme of dental trauma, is now live online.

Focussed on the theme of dental trauma, it is guest edited by Beth Burns, a Consultant & Clinical Lead in Restorative Dentistry at Glasgow Dental Hospital and Board Member of Dental Trauma UK.

In this issue, Mrs Burns has selected a range of key topics for the whole team of dental professionals, including a review of the International Association for Dental Traumatology (IADT) 2020 guidelines, how to prepare for success in dealing with dental trauma, and advice on how to prevent or minimise dental trauma. A full list of papers is below.

While dental trauma is most common in paediatric patients, this issue also looks at the challenges presented in the management of adult trauma patients. As an unscheduled and urgent aspect of dentistry, dental trauma usually presents a level of stress to both the patient and also the dental team, and the issue offers ways to alleviate these stresses in primary dental care through knowledge and practical advice on the assessment and management of a range of traumatic dental events.

Beth Burns summarises:

“This issue aims to provide not just a review of the most up-to-date guidance, but also a demonstration of practical application, with an abundance of clinical cases discussed, and all injury diagnoses covered.

“In planning the contents of this journal, I have aimed to provide dental professionals with a comprehensive source of current information in an easily accessible format. I am immensely proud of the quality of articles all the authors have contributed to this issue, and I hope you will find them an extremely useful resource you can refer to time and time again.”

Overseeing the papers alongside Mrs Burns, the PDJ‘s Editor-in-Chief Professor Igor Blum says this issue will serve as a guide for general dental practice:

“Beth and the contributing authors have excelled in achieving our joint vision to reduce anxiety for the general dental practice team by providing relevant and useful information alongside guidelines to assist in manging patients who have sustained traumatic dental injuries. I am certain readers will find the collection of articles in this issue of interest and will be able to glean useful tips for the next time you will be presented with a patient suffering from acute dental trauma.”

Full access to the majority of articles is reserved for College of General Dentistry members and Primary Dental Journal subscribers. For non-members / non-subscribers, individual print issues are available to purchase from £42. An annual print subscription, normally costing £129, is included with membership of the College. Membership is available from £125 for dentists, from £83 for other dental professionals, and from £42 for Dental Nurses and those eligible for a concession and also includes online access to the PDJ Archive of over 1,400 articles, and a range of other benefits.

CGDent members and PDJ subscribers should expect their printed copies to arrive in the next 2–3 weeks.

On behalf of the College, the PDJ editorial team would like to express its gratitude to all the authors and peer reviewers who have contributed to the publication of this issue.

CGDent members can view full articles by logging in via the yellow button below, then clicking ‘Access the PDJ Archive’:

At least one paper in each issue is made available online free of charge on an Open Access basis. Non-members can view all other full articles using the purchase options presented when clicking the individual article links below, or can use the links above to purchase a complete issue or an annual subscription, or become a member.

Issue contents:

The next issue of the journal will feature a wide range of General dentistry papers, and is due out in Spring 2024.

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Preventing antimicrobial resistance together

Understanding antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and the drivers for its development will help healthcare professionals work together to reduce its emergence and spread. It is well documented that the more we use antimicrobial agents, the more drug resistance will develop. Fourteen national dental organisations have come together to support the World AMR Awareness Week theme, “Preventing Antimicrobial Resistance Together”.

If no action is taken, AMR infections are predicted to lead to 10 million deaths annually by 2050; a number higher than the total caused by COVID-19 during the pandemic period. Therefore, dental professionals have worked together to update the online dental antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) toolkit with resources for dental teams, students and patients as well as wider healthcare professionals.1 The range of educational resources included a new website for students and educators providing links to various online training courses.2  

Our profession already focuses on the prevention of oral diseases to reduce the incidence of severe infections that necessitate the use of antimicrobial agents. Adhering to the best practice recommendations aimed at preventing infections, in addition to stewarding the use of antimicrobial agents, is very important. Accordingly, “Delivering better oral health: an evidence-based toolkit for prevention3” is included in the updated AMS toolkit1. It is also acknowledged that system-level changes are required to facilitate the provision of best practice. Furthermore, we need to look to the future and ensure appropriate disposal of antimicrobials to reduce environmental contamination.  Guidance on the appropriate disposal of waste in healthcare settings including dentistry is available in HTM07-01 and SHTN3.4

We encourage you to make the most out of these resources to ensure you and your team are working together to help keep your patients safe by tackling the problem of AMR:

  1. Dental Antimicrobial Stewardship Toolkit* is available via
  2. Keep Antimicrobial Working (KAW) education resource for students and educator are available at
  3. Delivering better oral health: an evidence-based toolkit for prevention is available via
  4. Safe and sustainable management of healthcare waste is available via and for Scotland, the Scottish Health Technical Note 3 (SHTN 3) in
  5. Dental Antimicrobial Stewardship in Scotland is available via SAPG Dental statement  recommending phenoxymethylpenicillin as first line when antibiotics are required for acute dento-alveolar infections available via

This statement is developed and supported by the Association of Clinical Oral Microbiologists, College of General Dentistry, Association of Dental Hospitals, British Association of Oral Surgeons, British Association for the Study of Community Dentistry, British Dental Association, British and Irish Society of Oral Medicine, British Society of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, Faculty of Dental Surgery of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, Faculty of Dental Surgery of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow, Faculty of Dental Surgery of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, Faculty of Dentistry of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Scottish Antimicrobial Prescribing Group and Health Education and Improvement Wales.

*Recent updates to the Dental Antimicrobial Stewardship Toolkit are in the process of being made online. If signposted to the former FGDP, users should instead visit

New PDJ online: Aesthetic dentistry, part 2

The latest edition of the Primary Dental Journal, the Aesthetic dentistry part 2 issue (vol.12, no.3), is now live online.

As with part 1 (vol.12, no.2), this issue is guest edited by two renowned experts in the field, Subir Banerji (Programme Director MSc Aesthetic dentistry, King’s College London) and Shamir Mehta (Professor of Aesthetic dentistry and Programme Lead, MSc Restorative and Aesthetic dentistry at CoMD/Ulster University).

In this part 2 issue, and the previous part 1 issue, the Guest Editors have selected a range of topics pertinent to the whole team of dental professionals, including discussions on the aesthetic management of tooth size discrepancies, the longevity of tooth-coloured materials in dental restoration, and an update on adhesion to enamel and dentine. A full list of part 2 papers can be found below.

Also included in this issue is the final of five domains from the College’s Career Pathways in Dentistry: Professional Framework, which describes the knowledge, skills and other attributes expected of primary care dental professionals at different career stages – from safe practitioner through to accomplished practitioner. The ‘Agency’ domain is published in this issue, and was preceded by the ‘Clinical & Technical’, ‘Professionalism’, ‘Reflection’ and ‘Development’ domains published in the Autumn and Winter 2022 and the Spring and Summer 2023 issues of the Primary Dental Journal. Every domain for all career stages can be viewed online, using the above link.

Full access to the majority of articles is reserved for College of General Dentistry members and Primary Dental Journal subscribers. For non-members / non-subscribers, individual print issues are available to purchase from £41. An annual print subscription, normally costing £125, is included with membership of the College. Membership is available from £125 for dentists, from £83 for other dental professionals, and from £42 for Dental Nurses and those eligible for a concession and also includes online access to the PDJ Archive of over 1,300 articles, and a range of other benefits.

CGDent members and PDJ subscribers should expect their printed copies to arrive in the next 2–3 weeks.

On behalf of the College, the PDJ editorial team would like to express its gratitude to all the authors and peer reviewers who have contributed to the publication of this issue.

CGDent members can view full articles by logging in via the yellow button below, then clicking ‘Access the PDJ Archive’:

At least one paper in each issue is made available online free of charge on an Open Access basis. Non-members can view all other full articles using the purchase options presented when clicking the individual article links below, or can use the links above to purchase a complete issue or an annual subscription, or become a member.

PDJ Autumn 2023 Aesthetic dentistry part 2 issue contents

The next issue of the journal will feature papers on the topic of Dental trauma, and is due out in Winter 2023. Anticipated papers include:

  • A review of the IADT Guidelines 2020
  • Prevention of traumatic dental injuries
  • How to succeed in dental trauma management
  • Assessment and management of fractures
  • Assessment and management of displacement injuries
  • Assessment and management of avulsion injuries
  • Special considerations in paediatric dental trauma
  • Monitoring and complications post-trauma

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Record-keeping in the real world of general dental practice

Friday 17 May 2024, 3.15-4.00pm, Birmingham

Enhanced CPD Theatre, Hall 5, National Exhibition Centre, Pendigo Way, Marston Green, Birmingham B40 1NT

This lecture discussed the importance of comprehensive and accurate record-keeping, and why it is fundamental for good clinical practice and essential for delivering quality patient care.

It was delivered by Dr George Wright FCGDent, Deputy Dental Director at Dental Protection. Dr Wright graduated with honours from the University of Sheffield and after completion of Foundation Training, moved into general practice working in the NHS. Previously he was Deputy Chairman of the Doncaster and Bassetlaw Local Dental Committee, Training Programme Director for Performer List Validation by Experience in Yorkshire and the Humber, President of the South Yorkshire Branch of the BDA, Chairman of the BDA’s Associate Group, Foundation Trainer with the South Yorkshire Deanery and Chief Examiner at the Faculty of Forensic and Legal Medicine of the Royal College of Physicians. He is also a Magistrate in the Adult Criminal Court. He joined Dental Protection in 2016, and in 2022 was appointed to the non-executive board of The MPS Foundation, a global not-for-profit research initiative, dedicated to shaping the future of patient safety and enhancing the wellbeing of healthcare professionals and teams.


  • At the end of the session attendees will have an understanding of the current guidance and best practice for dental record-keeping

Learning outcomes:

  • Understand what constitutes effective record-keeping in dentistry
  • Understand the dento-legal issues that can arise when storing, sharing and disposing of patient records


  • 0.75 hours

GDC development outcomes:

  • A
  • D

This lecture was free to attend for both members and non-members of the College, and is one of four College sessions at the British Dental Conference and Dentistry Show 2024 (BDCDS24), a two-day conference hosting over 200 CPD lectures, 400 exhibitors and 9,000 dental professionals.

College representatives were also available throughout the conference at Stand Q01 to talk to delegates about our vision for the profession, the benefits of membership and fellowship, and to answer questions.

It was not possible to register for specific lectures in advance, but those wishing to attend needed to register for BDCDS24 either in advance or on the day

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New PDJ online: Aesthetic dentistry, part 1

The latest edition of the Primary Dental Journal, the Aesthetic dentistry part 1 issue (vol.12, no.2), is now live online.

This issue is guest edited by two renowned experts in the field, Subir Banerji (Programme Director MSc Aesthetic dentistry, King’s College London) and Shamir Mehta (Professor of Aesthetic dentistry and Programme Lead, MSc Restorative and Aesthetic dentistry at CoMD/Ulster University).

In this part 1 issue, and the following part 2 issue, the Guest Editors have selected a range of topics pertinent to the whole team of dental professionals, including discussions on the “ideal” smile, clear aligners, and how digital dentistry can assist in aesthetic treatment planning. A full list of part 1 papers can be found below, together with papers anticipated

The issue also features the penultimate in five domains from the College’s Career Pathways in Dentistry: Professional Framework, which describes the knowledge, skills and other attributes expected of primary care dental professionals at different career stages – from safe practitioner through to accomplished practitioner. The ‘Development’ domain published in this issue will be followed by the final domain, ‘Agency’, in the following issue of the Primary Dental Journal. The first three domains, ‘Clinical & Technical’ and ‘Professionalism’ and ‘Reflection’, were published in the Autumn and Winter 2022 and the Spring 2023 issues, and every domain for all career stages can be viewed online, using the above link.

Full access to the majority of articles is reserved for College of General Dentistry members and Primary Dental Journal subscribers. For non-members / non-subscribers, individual print issues are available to purchase from £41. An annual print subscription, normally costing £125, is included with membership of the College. Membership is available from £125 for dentists, from £83 for other dental professionals, and from £42 for Dental Nurses and those eligible for a concession and also includes online access to the PDJ Archive of over 1,300 articles, and a range of other benefits.

CGDent members and PDJ subscribers should expect their printed copies to arrive in the next 2–3 weeks.

On behalf of the College, the PDJ editorial team would like to express its gratitude to all the authors and peer reviewers who have contributed to the publication of this issue.

CGDent members can view full articles by logging in via the yellow button below, then clicking ‘Access the PDJ Archive’:

At least one paper in each issue is made available online free of charge on an Open Access basis. Non-members can view all other full articles using the purchase options presented when clicking the individual article links below, or can use the links above to purchase a complete issue or an annual subscription, or become a member.

PDJ Summer 2023 Aesthetic dentistry part 1 issue contents

The next issue of the journal will continue with the topic of Aesthetic dentistry, and is due out in Autumn 2023. Anticipated papers include:

  • Adhesion to enamel and dentine: an update
  • The longevity of tooth-coloured materials used for restoration of tooth wear – an evidence-based approach
  • A survey of retention and support for anterior bounded saddles of removable partial dentures
  • Complications of toxins and fillers in facial aesthetics
  • Aesthetic management of tooth size discrepancies
  • Aesthetic management of incisors in children

This article was first published on 19 June 2023 and was updated on 5 July 2023 with the titles of paper anticipated for the Aesthetic Dentistry Part Two issue.

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New PDJ online: General dentistry

The latest edition of the Primary Dental Journal, The general issue (vol.12, no.1), is now live online.

The general issue brings together a wide range of topics, hand-picked by Editor-in-Chief, Professor Igor Blum, including a spectrum of contemporary approaches, clinical techniques and philosophies relating to aspects of general dental practice and the primary dental care team. A list of the papers can be found below.

The issue also features the third of five domains from the College’s Career Pathways in Dentistry: Professional Framework, which describes the knowledge, skills and other attributes expected of primary care dental professionals at different career stages – from safe practitioner through to accomplished practitioner. The ‘Reflection’ domain published in this issue will be followed by ‘Development’ and ‘Agency’ domains in future issues of the Primary Dental Journal. The first two domains, ‘Clinical & Technical’ and ‘Professionalism’, were published in the Autumn and Winter 2022 issues, and every domain for all career stages can be viewed online, using the above link.

Full access to the majority of articles is reserved for College of General Dentistry members and Primary Dental Journal subscribers. For non-members / non-subscribers, individual print issues are available to purchase from £41. An annual print subscription, normally costing £125, is included with membership of the College. Membership is available from £100 for dentists and from £33 for all other registered dental professionals, and also includes online access to the PDJ Archive of over 1,300 articles, and a range of other benefits.

CGDent members and PDJ subscribers should expect their printed copies to arrive in the next 2–3 weeks.

On behalf of the College, the PDJ editorial team would like to express its gratitude to all the authors and peer reviewers who have contributed to the publication of this issue.

CGDent members can view full articles by logging in via the yellow button below, then clicking ‘Access the PDJ Archive’:

At least one paper in each issue is made available online free of charge on an Open Access basis. Non-members can view all other full articles using the purchase options presented when clicking the individual article links below, or can use the links above to purchase a complete issue or an annual subscription, or become a member.

PDJ Spring 2023 general dentistry issue contents

The next issue of the journal will be on the topic of Aesthetic dentistry, and is due out in summer 2023.

Remimazolam CPD training day

Wednesday 5 July 2023, Manchester

Remimazolam training for sedationists and dental teams: one day hands-on CPD course, delivered by UK Sedation

Science and Industry Museum, Liverpool Road, Manchester M3 4FP

Course leads:

  • Dr Roy Bennett FCGDent, accredited mentor in IV sedation & founder of Mellow Sedation Training
  • Dr Rob Endicott, accredited mentor in IV sedation

This CPD course was designed to train experienced dental sedationists in the use of the new benzodiazepine Remimazolam, and was also suitable for all members of the dental team involved in the treatment of the sedated patient: dentists, nurses and hygienists.


The Intercollegiate Advisory Committee on Sedation in Dentistry, on which the College is represented and which publishes the UK’s Standards for Conscious Sedation in the Provision of Dental Care, has recently issued a statement on the clinical use of Remimazolam for intravenous conscious sedation for dental procedures.

Dr Roy Bennett FCGDent and Dr Rob Endicott host an on-demand webinar which provides an introduction to Remimazolam and its use in different situations. The webinar recording is free to view for College members and is available for a fee for non-members.

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Introduction to Remimazolam in Procedural Sedation in Dentistry

CGDent recorded webinar, Thursday 18 May 20237pm

In this CGDent webinar, experts in sedation in dentistry, Dr Roy Bennett and Dr Rob Endicott, will discuss the new ultra short acting benzodiazepine sedative, Remimazolam, which was approved for use in the UK in dentistry in 2023.

As well as examining the pharmacology of Remimazolam, the speakers will discuss their experience of using the drug in many different situations. 


  • Dr Roy Bennett FCGDent, accredited IV sedation mentor and founder of Mellow Sedation Training
  • Dr Rob Endicott, accredited mentor in IV sedation

CPD approx 1.5 hours

GDC development outcomes: C

This webinar is hosted by the College of General Dentistry and powered by our CPD delivery partner, ProDental CPD – watch recording below.

It was free to view live for all dental professionals, and College members also have free access to the recorded webinar and can claim CPD hours for free.  A £20 fee will apply for non-members who wish to claim CPD.

Membership of the College of General Dentistry is open to all registered dental professionals. Membership is available from £125 per year for dentists, from £83 for other dental professionals, and from £42 for Dental Nurses and those eligible for a concession. See the full list of CGDent membership rates here.

The Intercollegiate Advisory Committee on Sedation in Dentistry, on which the College is represented and which publishes the UK’s Standards for Conscious Sedation in the Provision of Dental Care, has recently issued a statement on the clinical use of Remimazolam for intravenous conscious sedation for dental procedures.

College members are eligible for a 20% discount for a one-day CPD training course in the use of the Remimazolam taking place in Manchester on 5 July 2023

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Remimazolam statement

The Intercollegiate Advisory Committee for Sedation in Dentistry (IASCD) has issued a statement on the clinical use of Remimazolam for intravenous conscious sedation for dental procedures.

The IACSD, on which the College is represented, publishes Standards for Conscious Sedation in the Provision of Dental Care – the accepted national standard for
conscious sedation in dentistry in the UK – however the current version pre-dates the authorisation of Remimazolam.

The committee has set out the expected standard of clinical use and training to enable safe use of Remimazolam until an established evidence base becomes available. Relating only to patients over eighteen years of age, the committee’s advice is that Remimazolam should not be used in younger patients until further evidence becomes available.

The statement says:

  • Remimazolam, titrated intravenously as a single drug in adults, shall be used adhering to the same clinical standards and training required for midazolam.
  • The technique is classified as an operator-sedationist technique.
  • An appropriate adult escort is required for post-sedation care, in the same way as for the use of intravenous midazolam.
  • Remimazolam and midazolam should not be used in combination or sequentially on a routine basis and without adequate justification for the same episode of sedation in primary care.
  • Remimazolam should be reconstituted, drawn up and clearly labelled by the clinician administering the drug.
  • Providers of intravenous conscious sedation for dentistry, trained and experienced in the use of midazolam to IACSD standards, do not require further supervised clinical experience. However, clinicians must consult the manufacturer’s product literature and have knowledge of pharmacology, dosing and indications together with an
    understanding of how these fit with the IACSD standards. Evidence of this can be gained through CPD courses with appropriately set aims and objectives.

Further information is available here

The College is hosting a live webinar on 18 May 2023, free to all dental professionals, which will provide an introduction to Remimazolam.

College members are eligible for a 20% discount for a one-day CPD training course in the use of the Remimazolam taking place in Manchester on 5 July 2023.

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