The latest issue of the Primary Dental Journal, ‘General dentistry (part two)’, is now available to view online.

This new issue contributes to broadening knowledge on a range of relevant topics for the whole dental team, with papers that have been carefully curated by the journal’s Editor-in-Chief, Prof Igor Blum (Clinical Professor of Primary Care Dentistry and Advanced General Dental Practice at King’s College London).
Featured subjects include an insight into the information provided by Greater Manchester dental practice websites on oral cancer; a paradigm shift in dental caries management using silver modified atraumatic restorative treatment (SMART); an overview of the remarkable two-way links between diabetes mellitus and periodontal disease; and a thought-provoking article on regenerative endodontics. Also included in this issue – in the fleeting interim between Presidents, as we bid a fond farewell to Abhi Pal and warmly welcome Roshni Karia to this post – is a unique update from the College’s Chair of Trustees, Mick Horton. (The full list of contents is below.)
Outlining the purposes of the general dentistry issues, Prof Blum said:
“I hope you will enjoy this issue and find the articles… both interesting and stimulating..”
Full online access to the majority of articles is reserved for College of General Dentistry members and Primary Dental Journal subscribers, who can also expect their printed copies to arrive in the next 2–3 weeks.
For non-members / non-subscribers, at least one paper in each issue is made available online free of charge, with all other articles available to purchase via the links below.
An annual print subscription, normally costing £130, is included with membership of the College, which also includes online access to the current issue, access to the PDJ Archive of over 1,400 past articles, and a range of other benefits. College membership, which is tax deductible, is available from £44.
On behalf of the College, the PDJ editorial team would like to express its gratitude to all the authors and peer reviewers who have contributed to the publication of this issue.
CGDent members can view full articles by logging in via the yellow button below, then clicking ‘Access the PDJ Archive’:
Issue contents:
- Primary Dental Journal: continuing professional development for the primary care dentistry team by Igor R. Blum, Editor-in-Chief
- Chair’s update by Mick Horton, CGDent Chair of Trustees
- College News by the College of General Dentistry
- Research Abstracts: General dentistry by Ario Santini
- Assessing the information provided regarding oral cancer by dental practice websites within the Greater Manchester area by Roshni Patel, Sajid Sainuddin
- Silver modified atraumatic restorative treatment: a paradigm shift in dental caries management by Damodar Hegde, Baranya Shrikrishna Suprabha, Arathi Rao
- GIRFT and Measuring Outcomes in MCNs: endodontics in 646 teeth treated in Tier 2 (Primary Care) and Tier 3 (Secondary Care) settings in England by Shiyana Eliyas, Kewal Shah, Nalin Dhamecha, Tapasya Jayaram, Aaron Yusuf, Vishal Jasani, Nirvair Kaur
- Intra-radicular retention with custom designed CAD-CAM fibre-reinforced composite post-core: a dental technique by Carolina Yoshi Campos Sugio, Bianca Tavares Rangel, Amanda Aparecida Maia Neves Garcia, Anna Clara Gurgel Gomes, Adolfo Coelho de Oliveira Lopes, Estevam Augusto Bonfante, Karin Hermana Neppelenbroek
- Evidence-based clinical management of localised tooth wear and a repeatedly dislodged posterior crown utilising the Dahl Concept by Joshua Ee Xin Ong, Igor R. Blum
- Challenges in differential diagnosis and treatment of cervical root resorption vs. root caries by Robert Spielman, Governor Ameh, Irene Brandes, Leonard Berkowitz, Natalia Elson, Igor R. Blum
- Diabetes mellitus and periodontal disease: a new perspective by Christopher Turner
- Regenerative endodontic treatment of necrotic permanent teeth with pre-eruptive intracoronal radiolucency: a case report by Zakaria Karimi, Mustapha El Alloussi
The next issue of the journal, Implant dentistry (part one), is due out in Autumn 2024.