Thursday 30 January 2025, 4-5.30pm, London

The Court Room, Cutlers’ Hall, Warwick Lane, London EC4M 7BR
All past authors, guest editors, peer reviewers, book reviewers, editorial board members, production staff and other contributors to the Primary Dental Journal were invited to attend a reception marking the journal’s impending 50th issue.
The event, The Primary Dental Journal: celebrating 50 issues, took place on the afternoon of Thursday 30 January 2025 in the Court Room of the historic Cutlers’ Hall in London.
It was hosted by Sir Nairn Wilson CBE, the founding editor of the PDJ and President Emeritus of the College, and the current editor-in-chief, Professor Igor Blum.
Eligible individuals for whom we hold a functioning email address were sent an email inviting them to book their place.
Detailed information on eligibility, who we have emailed invitations to, and how eligible individuals who have not received an invitation can get in touch with us, is available here.

Associate Fellows and Fellows of the College attending this reception – and those eligible to join or upgrade to become one – may wish to note that it will be followed at 6pm by the Fellows’ Winter Reception upstairs in the Livery Hall. This is a chargeable event with separate ticketing arrangements of which all Associate Fellows and Fellows have been notified by email.