The College is reaching out to all past contributors to the Primary Dental Journal – authors, guest editors, peer reviewers, book reviewers and editorial board members – who are invited to attend a reception marking the impending 50th issue.

The event, The Primary Dental Journal: celebrating 50 issues, will take place in London on Thursday 30 January 2025.
First published in 2012, the PDJ was produced for nine years by the Faculty of General Dental Practice of the Royal College of Surgeons of England (FGDP), with the College taking over following the transfer-in of the FGDP over in 2021.
The College has distributed invitations to the reception by email to those PDJ contributors for whom it holds a functioning email address. However, the College does not hold functioning email addresses for all past PDJ contributors, and would like to encourage those to whom this applies to get in touch.
If you are a current or past member of the College and have previously contributed to the PDJ, we have sent an invitation to the email address you have most recently registered with us. We also hold email addresses for those who subscribe to our monthly e-newsletter and those who have registered for an account on the College website (for purposes such as viewing our standards and guidance publications). We have sent invitations to such individuals via those email addresses where we have determined that they belong to a PDJ contributor.
We also hold email addresses for non-member contributors whose papers were published by the College rather than the former FGDP (i.e. those appearing in issues from volume 10, issue 2 [Summer 2021] onwards). Unless subsequently updated via online account registration, these are the email addresses used for correspondence with the Managing Editor of the PDJ prior to publication of the relevant paper. We have sent invitations to these contributors using these email addresses.
However, the College may not hold an email address for any PDJ contributor whose paper was published prior to Summer 2021 (i.e. in volumes 1-9 or volume 10 issue 1) and who is not a member, newsletter subscriber or website account holder. We may also not have been able to verify that a particular non-member email address registered through our website belonged to a given PDJ contributor.
If you are a past PDJ contributor but are not sure which issue your paper was published in, please search the online PDJ Library. You do not need to be a member or otherwise logged in to perform a search.
If you were a contributor to an issue of PDJ published by the College but your email address has changed since publication of your paper(s), please let us know at [email protected]
If you are a past PDJ contributor for whom for any reason we may not hold a verified email address, we would love to hear from you, irrespective of whether you wish to attend this particular event – please write to us at [email protected]