An introduction to research for primary dental care clinicians

An introduction to research for primary dental care clinicians is a series of nine papers, first published in 2010, which introduce readers to the basic principles of research methodology, discuss the relevance of research to primary dental care, and provide an overview of the different stages in a research project.

Log in to our website to view the guidance online free of charge, or register an account.

The guidance was updated and expanded in May 2022 with the publication of An Introduction to Clinical Research for Health and Social Care Professionals, edited by Ario Santini and Kenneth A Eaton. This is available in print or as an e-book from Author House through the above link, and an abridged online version will be made available by the College in due course.

Related articles

CGDent members can view full articles via the links below by first visiting the PDJ Member Access page and clicking ‘Access the PDJ Archive’.

Non-members who wish to read one of these papers, or other Primary Dental Journal articles, have the option to join the College from £94 for dentists and £33 for other dental professionals or subscribe to the PDJ.

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