The College of General Dentistry and Dental Protection have announced the establishment of a partnership which includes a discount on Dental Protection subscription fees for members of the College.

Under Dental Protection’s new ‘CGDent Scheme’, Members and Associate Fellows of the College will receive a discount of 5% on their Dental Protection subscription, and Fellows will benefit from an 8% discount. Existing Dental Protection members who are also members of the College can contact Dental Protection to get their relevant discount applied.
To take advantage of the reduced fees, College of General Dentistry members should contact Dental Protection. Existing Dental Protection members should call 0800 561 9000 to get their relevant discount applied, and those who are not yet Dental Protection members should visit to join.
Dental Protection members wishing to join the College should visit Membership of the College opened earlier this week. Membership is open to all registered dental professionals, and prospective members should at present join the FGDP(UK) to be eligible for admission to CGDent membership. Registered dentists with a postgraduate dental qualification will qualify as full members of CGDent and be eligible for an indemnity fee reduction.
The ethos of Dental Protection is closely allied with that of the College of General Dentistry, with a clear focus on education, quality and standards. This new partnership will allow both organisations to work closer on new initiatives, alongside improving standards of dental care both nationally and internationally.
In light of the challenges currently facing dentists, the two organisations have established a ‘win-win partnership’ that will draw upon their respective areas of expertise in order to meet their members’ needs.
Nairn Wilson FFGDP(UK), Chair of Board of Trustees, College of General Dentistry, said:
“Partnering with Dental Protection is an important step for the College of General Dentistry. I am delighted that Dental Protection are keen to be part of our journey to improve oral health care for all.
“This partnership demonstrates that ambitious and dedicated dental professionals who strive to deliver the best quality of care, through a robust career pathway and professional qualifications such as are being developed by the College, can be rewarded. We look forward to further developing this partnership for the benefit of our members and the profession in the future.”
Raj Rattan, Dental Director at Dental Protection said:
“I am delighted that we will be partnering with the College of General Dentistry. We both provide high quality support for general dental practitioners and it was an obvious decision for us to work even more closely together.
“This partnership lays on the shared understanding of the needs and challenges that the profession faces. The College seeks to improve the standard of care delivered to patients through standard setting, publications, postgraduate training and assessment, education and research. Something that Dental Protection has also been doing for years.
“I believe this will be the beginning of a long-lasting partnership aimed at improving the standards for the profession and supporting dentists in the UK.”