Recorded webinar. Thursday 17 February 2022, 7pm

CGDent members and ProDental subscribers have free access to the recorded webinar and can claim CPD hours for free. A £20 fee will apply for non-members/non-subscribers who wish to claim CPD.
This webinar is part of our ‘Talking Standards’ series which sets out to examine areas covered by our evidence-based standards and guidance. The webinar explores the content of the Guidance Notes for Dental Practitioners on the Safe Use of X-ray Equipment – 2nd Edition (published October 2020) and will draw attention to areas where the guidance differs from that in the first edition, or where new guidance has been introduced.
The first edition of the Guidance Notes for Dental Practitioners on the Safe Use of X-ray Equipment (the Dental GNs) was published in June 2001 following the establishment of a working party by the National Radiological Protection Board (NRPB) and copies of the guidance were distributed to every dental practice in the UK by the Department of Health.
In the 20-plus years since then there have been significant changes requiring further guidance to be developed. These include:
- a move from film-based dental radiography towards digital imaging techniques,
- the appearance of dental cone-beam CT and hand-held dental X-ray equipment in general dental practice,
- revised radiation protection legislation.
Good practice guidelines for the dental profession have also moved with the times, with, for instance, evidence-based selection criteria and national diagnostic reference levels now available for all imaging modalities. A substantial amount of experience has also been accrued by those organisations and individuals providing radiation protection advice and services to dental practices.
The webinar aims to refresh and update viewers on:
- the means of restricting the exposure of staff and patients as far as is reasonably practicable,
- the principal requirements of relevant legislation, namely – The Ionising Radiations Regulations 2017, The Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposure) Regulations 2017and the associated guidance: Guidance Notes for Dental Practitioners on the Safe Use of X-Ray Equipment – 2nd Edition.
- how to apply the basic principles of practical radiation protection in a dental practice.
- Andrew Gulson, Specialist Radiation Protection Scientist and Certificated Radiation Protection Adviser
This webinar is part of the new partnership between the College of General Dentistry (CGDent) and ProDental CPD.
Membership of the College of General Dentistry is open to all registered dental professionals. Membership for dentists is available from £94, and for other registered dental professionals from £33. The full list of CGDent membership rates is at