The College of General Dentistry has endorsed newly updated guidance on anticoagulants and antiplatelet drugs from the Scottish Dental Clinical Effectiveness Programme.

The second edition of Management of Dental Patients Taking Anticoagulants or Antiplatelet Drugs provides clear and practical recommendations and advice to enable the dental team to assess bleeding risk, and to plan and deliver treatment to dental patients taking various types of anticoagulant and antiplatelet medication.
The guidance has been updated following a thorough review of the evidence, and following consultation with dental organisations including the College of General Dentistry. While most of the recommendations remain unchanged from the original 2015 edition, changes include the addition of advice on the direct oral anticoagulant Edoxaban, and on patients taking low molecular weight heparin.
The full guidance document, together with a quick reference guide and a series of pre-and-post-treatment information leaflets for patients, can be downloaded at