Kushal Gadhia to speak at College symposium

Kushal Gadhia, Consultant and Honorary Lecturer in Restorative Dentistry at the Eastman Dental Hospital in London, will be speaking at a College symposium being held next month on tooth wear in general dental practice.

Dr Gadhia, a specialist in periodontics, prosthodontics, endodontics and restorative dentistry, will discuss material selection in managing tooth wear; costings, consent and communication in tooth wear cases; and whether every case needs to be restored in centric relation.

Co-founder of the Advanced Centre of Excellence, a provider of postgraduate dental education, and clinical lead of a general dental practice in north west London, Dr Gadhia has particular interests in treatment planning of the failing dentition, dental implant surgery, and managing complex restorative and implant cases. Actively engaged in lecturing, teaching and research, his work has been published in over 20 peer-reviewed journals, and he has organised a number of national and international study days and conferences.

Since graduating as a dentist from the University of Bristol in 2005, he has completed an MSc in Conservative Dentistry and been awarded a Fellowship in Restorative Dentistry of the Faculty of Dental Surgery of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. He is a past Chair of the British Society of Prosthodontics’ Young Practitioners Group, and has also held positions at the British Society of Periodontology and the Specialty Registrars in Restorative Dentistry Group.

​The symposium, organised by CGDent Midlands, will take place in Birmingham on Friday 12 July. Four hours of CPD, a three-course lunch, and refreshments are all included in the attendance fee, which is reduced to £85 for College members. Places are limited so early booking is advised. For further information, visit our events pages.

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Expanded CGDent-GC Award to invite entries from Dental Therapists

The CGDent-GC Award, which recognises clinical skills and patient care, is being expanded to include Dental Therapists, starting with the 2024/25 competition which opens in September.

Students on a composite course at GC’s Education Campus in Leuven, Belgium.

The Award, which is run by the College of General Dentistry and GC in association with the Tom Bereznicki Charitable Educational Foundation, was open to Foundation Dentists in its inaugural year, but from September will also be open to Dental Therapists taking part in Foundation or Vocational Training in 2024/25. The number of award winners is also being increased in line with the expanded eligibility.

Entrants will need to submit an aesthetic case they treat during their Foundation/Vocational Training year and winners will receive a fully funded place on a composite layering course at GC’s European Education Campus in Belgium.

Frances Robinson AssocFCGDent, Chair of the Board of the College’s Faculty of Dental Hygiene and Dental Therapy, said:

“I am immensely pleased that Dental Therapists will now be eligible to enter the prestigious CGDent-GC award for newly qualified clinicians. This development will ensure parity between Dental Therapists and their Dentist colleagues for clinical skills that align with their scope of practice; in line with the College’s mission. Please share this opportunity with your colleagues, students and networks and we wish all next year’s entrants good luck!” 

John Maloney, GC’s Director and Country Manager for the UK, Ireland and South Africa, said:

“Involving Dental Therapists in the CGDent-GC competition is a really positive step that will open up this comprehensive training opportunity to even more dental professionals. We would like to thank the Tom Bereznicki Charitable Educational Foundation for continuing to support the development of early career dental professionals through this award.”

Dr Tom Bereznicki FCGDent commented:

“I am delighted that the scope of the CGDent-GC Award has been extended to offer the same clinical and development opportunities to both early career Dentists and Dental Therapists alike. This will further support the oral health care team, and ultimately benefit patients.”

Full details of the 2024/25 CGDent and GC Award will be published when the competition opens in September 2024. To receive notifications, visit our award web page.

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Domestic abuse awareness in dentistry: shaping a safer tomorrow

Preetee Hylton RDN, an Associate Member of the College and full-time dental nurse and safeguarding lead, recently delivered a CGDent lecture on safeguarding in dentistry at the British Dental Conference and Dentistry Show. Here she describes how you can support patients and colleagues who may be suffering from domestic abuse.

Domestic violence and abuse (DVA) is a topic that sometimes infiltrates our conversations, appearing in discussions with family, colleagues, and friends, as well as in the news and our social media feeds. As we encounter these discussions, we often find ourselves looking for further information, looking into numerous articles that outline potential indicators of domestic abuse, perhaps stumbling upon statistics detailing its prevalence. It falls upon all of us – dental professionals included – to take on the responsibility of familiarising ourselves with the signs of domestic abuse in our patients and colleagues, enabling us to offer assistance and support when it is most needed.

Raising awareness about domestic abuse holds a deeply personal significance for me; it is driven both by my own lived experience and the desire to ensure that individuals facing similar challenges receive the support and assistance that I unfortunately lacked. In 2014, when I had escaped an abusive relationship, Pam Swain, Chief Executive of The British Association of Dental Nurses (BADN), offered me invaluable support. After losing touch for a few years, we reconnected at a dental conference. Pam asked if I would be willing to share my story to raise awareness of domestic violence and abuse. I first shared my lived experience at the North of England Dentistry Show in March 2022, where I encouraged dental professionals to register their workplaces/organisations with the Employers’ Initiative on Domestic Abuse (EIDA). Following this, I was invited to speak at the British Dental Conference and Dental Show in May 2022, with support from the National Examining Board for Dental Nurses (NEBDN), focusing on identifying signs of domestic abuse in patients, colleagues, and close ones.  Since then, I have written about domestic abuse and spoken at further dental events, including at a CGDent webinar on the subject.

What is the definition of domestic abuse?

In my discussions about domestic abuse, I have noticed a common tendency among those around me to focus mainly on physical assault. However, it is important to realise that domestic abuse extends far beyond visible signs, such as bruises, cuts, and broken bones.

In the UK, the government has defined domestic abuse and violence as:1

“Any incident or pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive or threatening behaviour, violence or abuse between those aged 16 or over who are or have been intimate partners or family members regardless of gender or sexuality. This can encompass but is not limited to the following types of abuse:

  • psychological
  • physical 
  • sexual
  • financial
  • emotional

Controlling behaviour is: a range of acts designed to make a person subordinate and/or dependent by isolating them from sources of support, exploiting their resources and capacities for personal gain, depriving them of the means needed for independence, resistance and escape and regulating their everyday behaviour.

Coercive behaviour is: an act or a pattern of acts of assault, threats, humiliation and intimidation or other abuse that is used to harm, punish, or frighten their victim.”

This definition, which is not a legal definition, includes so called ‘honour’ based violence, female genital mutilation (FGM) and forced marriage, and is clear that victims are not confined to one gender or ethnic group.”

So, what are the possible signs of domestic abuse?2

  • Manifesting visible indications such as bruises, burns, or bite marks on the body, particularly around sensitive areas like the neck, ears, shoulders, and arms.
  • Exhibiting signs of social withdrawal from loved ones, friends and colleagues – victims often make up various excuses as to why they are no longer able to socialise.
  • Experiencing financial constraints, whether through inadequate funds for essential needs like food or medication, or through complete control of finances by the abuser – especially if the victim and the abuser share a joint bank account.
  • Facing coercion into marriage by family members, accompanied by threats if the victim refuses – this is rather common in some cultures and often young people forced into marriage are not aware that this is abuse.
  • Encountering barriers to leaving the home, attending work, school, or social gatherings with family and friends.
  • Enduring continuous degradation, insults or humiliation, whether in private or in public settings – this could be about their physical appearance, about how they speak, about not keeping the house clean; the list is endless.
  • Being coerced into sexual activities or non-consensual intercourse, constituting rape, and warranting police intervention.
  • Experiencing “stealthing,” which involves the non-consensual removal or deliberate damage of a condom during sexual intercourse. This is considered a form of sexual assault and illegal in the UK.
  • Being subjected to gaslighting tactics, where the abuser denies or deflects blame for the abuse, leaving the victim questioning their own reality.
  •  Subjected to surveillance of all forms of communication, including social media, messaging services and online activities.
  • Being compelled to always share their whereabouts with the abuser via various tracking apps; at times, victims are unaware that the abuser has installed a tracking app on their phones.
  • Using young children as a means of coercion and/or control.

Shocking statistics

The Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW) found that approximately 2.1 million people aged 16 and above (4.4% of the population), experienced domestic abuse in the year leading up to March 2023. The police recorded 1,453,867 incidents and crimes related to domestic abuse, which shows a 14.4% increase compared to the pre-pandemic year ending March 2020, despite overall numbers remaining relatively consistent.3

It is often overlooked just how widespread domestic abuse truly is; many victims conceal their experiences out of an unjustified sense of shame. These above-mentioned numbers could be higher, due to the number of cases which go unreported.

How can we offer support to someone experiencing domestic abuse?

  • Find a private and safe setting to discuss their situation, respecting their willingness to open up.
  • Reassure them that we are available to support them and to listen to them without any judgment.
  • Acknowledge their courage for confiding in us and emphasise the fact the nobody deserves to ensure abuse, affirming their right to safety and happiness.
  • Offer ongoing support, encouraging them to express their emotions and respecting their decisions.
  • Avoid pressuring them into taking actions that they might not be ready for, such as leaving the abusive relationship or even reporting the abuse.
  • If they have sustained physical injuries, we must ensure that we offer to accompany them to seek medical help from their GP or from the hospital.
  • Help them in reporting the abuse to the police, should they choose to do so; we can call 101 to report it or if we feel that the individual is in immediate and/or severe danger from the abuser, we should call 999.
  • Consider seeking advice from social services, especially if children and/or vulnerable adults are involved in the situation.

What is our responsibility and duty as dental professionals?

Making sure that the safety and well-being of our patients is of utmost importance, necessitating adherence to training guidelines outlined by the General Dental Council (GDC) and Care Quality Commission (CQC).

When it comes to our yearly safeguarding training, we should all complete the following training4, and this should not be considered a box-ticking exercise.

Safeguarding of children and young people

Level 1: All non-clinical staff including receptionists, practice managers and staff without patient contact.

Level 2: Most dentists and dental care professionals.

Level 3: To be determined locally in larger organisations based on an assessment of need and risk.

Adult safeguarding

Level 1: All non-clinical staff including receptionists, practice managers and staff without patient contact.

Level 2: Most dentists and dental care professionals

Similarly, it is essential to extend this level of support to our dental colleagues, with employers bearing the responsibility to support team members encountering domestic abuse. It is our ethical duty to promote a workplace environment that is secure and supportive for all staff members. Cultivating a workplace culture of transparency and openness entails creating a space where individuals feel at ease discussing sensitive subjects. By championing this culture, we can help dismantle the stigma surrounding domestic abuse, empowering individuals to seek help and speak out on sensitive matters while ensuring they receive the necessary support they need.

Speaking about domestic abuse can often be emotionally and mentally taxing, yet I view it as my personal mission to guide and assist those in need and hopefully facilitate their journey towards breaking free from abusive relationships and situations.

Services to signpost patients and team members to:

– National 24hour Domestic Violence helpline for Women (Refuge): 0808 2000 247
– Women’s Aid: [email protected]
– Solace Women’s Aid: 0800 802 5565, [email protected]
– Flows: Finding Legal Options for Women Survivors: 0203 745 7707, [email protected]
– National Domestic Violence Helpline for Men (Respect): 0808 8010 327
– The Mankind Initiative: 0182 3334 244
– Honour Helpline (Karma Nirvana) for advice on forced marriage and honour-based violence: 0800 5999 247
– Forced Marriage Unit: 0207 0081 151
– Broken Rainbow for advice and support for LGBTQ+ victims of domestic abuse: 0845 2604 460
– Galop for LGBTQ+ victims of domestic abuse: 0800 999 5428 [email protected]
– Southall Black Sisters: 0208 571 9595
– Rape Crisis: 0808 500 2222
– Hourglass (supporting the elderly): call 0808 808 8141, text 07860052906
– Ask for ANI (Action Needed Immediately) in your local pharmacies and jobcentres.
– Ask for Angela in pubs, bars and clubs.
– UK Says No More Campaign provided safe spaces for domestic abuse victims: https://uksaysnomore.org/safespaces/

Call 999 in an emergency or if someone is at immediate risk of danger.

1 Circular 003/2013: new government domestic violence and abuse definition. Available at https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/new-government-domestic-violence-and-abuse-definition/circular-0032013-new-government-domestic-violence-and-abuse-definition

2 Victim Support: Recognising the signs of domestic abuse. Available at https://www.victimsupport.org.uk/crime-info/types-crime/domestic-abuse/recognising-signs-domestic-abuse/

3 Domestic abuse prevalence and trends, England and Wales: year ending March 2023. Available at https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/crimeandjustice/articles/domesticabuseprevalenceandtrendsenglandandwales/yearendingmarch2023

4 Safeguarding in general dental practice: A toolkit for dental teams.  Available at https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/791681/Guidance_for_Safeguarding_in_GDP.pdf

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Qualifications search functionality added to Member Register

The College’s online Register of Members & Fellows now includes new search functionality.

Members and other visitors to the website can now search in order to identify Full Members, Associate Fellows and Fellows of the College who have successfully achieved recognised postgraduate awards in particular areas of practice.

The new utility enables colleagues, employers and patients to identify those with significant education and training in specific fields of interest, either regionally or nationally, and to have confidence in the validity and credibility of an individual’s award.

To perform a search, go to the Member Register, click ‘By qualification‘ and enter the field of study for which you wish to identify qualified individuals. To narrow results down to one or more specific regions, click ‘By geography‘; otherwise leave this field blank. Then click Search.

The Member Register exists to help members demonstrate their professional standing, and the facility to add qualifications was implemented earlier this year. Since then, hundreds of individual awards have been uploaded by members to their online accounts and added to the register.

Members who have not yet added their qualification(s) to the register are encouraged to do so. There is no charge for this service, and full details of what can be added and how to do so can be found here.

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Ilser Turkyilmaz and Amin Aminian to edit PDJ implant issues

The College has announced that Professor Ilser Turkyilmaz and Dr Amin Aminian FCGDent are the guest editors on an upcoming two-part special issue of the Primary Dental Journal (PDJ) dedicated to implant dentistry.

(l-r) Professor Ilser Turkyilmaz and Dr Amin Aminian FCGDent

The double issue, which will be published in September and December 2024, will include clinical articles and updates from the UK and around the world on the latest evidence informing dental implantology and the practice of implant dentistry within general dental practice.

Anticipated papers (to be confirmed) include:

  • The role of the general dental practitioner in the care of the implant patient
  • The biomechanical principles of restoring a dentition with dental implants: a general dental practitioner’s perspective
  • Communication in implant treatment planning, placement and reconstruction in the digital age: a technologist’s perspective
  • Dental Nursing in implant dentistry: a skillset apart and how to get there
  • The hygienist’s role in the management of the implant patient in primary care
  • The impact of implants on a patient’s quality of life
  • Dentolegal aspects of dental implants
  • Developing implant mentoring programmes: breaking down the components
  • Mentoring in dental implants: from mentee to mentor
  • Imaging techniques in dental implant planning: Understanding the paradigm shift from periapical radiograph to cone beam computed tomography (CBCT)
  • Restoratively-driven digital dental implant planning and its clinical execution
  • Full-mouth rehabilitation of a patient with implant-supported fixed dental prostheses using CAD-CAM frameworks
  • Persistent numbness of the lower lip and chin due to inferior alveolar nerve injury after implant placement: a clinical report
  • Prosthetic considerations and strategies for single tooth implants in the aesthetic zone: a review
  • Current status and management of peri-implantitis: a systematic review
  • Fabrication of three implant-supported crowns using a digital workflow: a case report

The special issues will also feature, in print for the first time, the complete text of the College’s Mentoring in Implant Dentistry: Good Practice Guidelines. Setting out the details of the requirement in Training Standards in Implant Dentistry to have an experienced clinician acting as a mentor, it is endorsed by the Association of British Academic Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, the British Association of Oral Surgeons, the Foundation for Oral Rehabilitation, the International Team for Implantology and the Platform for Exchange of Experience, Research and Science.

Also included will be full details of the College’s Register of Mentors in Implant Dentistry, which is expected to be launched soon.

Ilser Turkyilmaz is Clinical Professor and Digital Dentistry Coordinator at the Department of Prosthodontics of New York University College of Dentistry, and also works part-time in private practice in Manhattan. After obtaining his dental degree (DDS) in 1998 from Hacettepe University, Ankara, Prof Turkyilmaz completed a PhD in Prosthodontics in 2004. He became a researcher in the Department of Biomaterials at Gothenburg University Institute of Clinical Sciences in 2005, later undertaking a fellowship programme in implant dentistry at Ohio State University in Columbus. In 2008 he became Assistant Professor in Prosthodontics at the University of Texas in San Antonio, where he also served as Director of the Dental School Implant Clinic from 2011-14 and maintained a private practice specialising in implants and fixed and removable prosthodontics. In 2016 he completed the Advanced Standing programme at Boston University Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine and became a Clinical Associate Professor in Prosthodontics at NYU.

He achieved Diplomate status in the International Congress of Oral Implantologists in 2011, is an active member of the Academy of Osseointegration, and is a committee member of the Implant Research Group of the International Association of Dental Research. He has edited and written chapters for several books on contemporary practice and the use of technology in implant dentistry, and has published over 100 clinical papers. He is a reviewer for several journals, an Editorial Board member for the Journal of Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research and the Journal of Implant and Advanced Clinical Dentistry, and an Associate Editor for the Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice. He has previously contributed to three issues of PDJ and guest-edited the Winter 2022 issue on the theme of Digital Dentistry.

Amin Aminian qualified from Liverpool University in 1993 and completed his Vocational Training in a rural dental practice in North Wales. He then moved to the Falkland Islands as Chief Dental Officer, providing dental care to the local population in Stanley and across the islands. After returning to the UK, he completed a Master’s degree in fixed and removable prosthodontics at the University Dental Hospital of Manchester in 2000, and gained Membership of the Faculty of Dental Surgery of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons in Glasgow the same year. In 2004 he completed four years’ specialist training in prosthodontics and was awarded a Membership in Restorative Dentistry at the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. He has worked in general dental practices in London and Manchester, as a locum consultant at Blackburn Royal Infirmary, and at specialist practices in Cheshire. His practice is limited to prosthodontics, and he accepts referrals from across the North-West and wider UK.

He led the module in Removable Prosthodontics on the Diploma in Aesthetic and Restorative Dentistry programme of the former Faculty of General Dental Practice (FGDP), and co-organised the 13-module Aesthetic Restorative Course. As an Honorary Teaching Fellow at Manchester University Dental Hospital, he supervised research projects in dental implants and aesthetic aspects of restorative dentistry. His other teaching posts have included Senior Lecturer at the University of Central Lancashire and Visiting Lecturer on the University of Birmingham’s MSc programme in Advanced General Dental Practice. Dr Aminian was also a panellist on the College’s webinar, How to get the best from your career in dentistry.

Primary Dental Journal is the College’s quarterly peer-reviewed journal. Unique in its dedication to general dental practice, it is a leading resource for GDPs and DCPs working in primary care, and has as its Clinical Editor and Editor-in-Chief Igor Blum, Clinical Professor of Primary Dental Care and Advanced General Dental Practice at King’s College London. Two themed issues in each annual volume explore topics of interest and relevance to the primary care dental team, led by an invited Guest Editor who is a renowned expert in the field, with two ‘general dentistry’ issues covering a wide range of topics.

College members are sent a print copy of each issue, and non-members can purchase individual issues or an annual subscription in print. Some individual articles are made available online free of charge.

The two upcoming issues of PDJ (volume 13, numbers 3 and 4) will be the first to be dedicated to implant dentistry since volume 2, issue 2 (June 2013), which is available to members in the PDJ Archive.

This article was updated in August 2024 to include the list of anticipated papers.

CGDent-GC Award 2023/24 winners

The College of General Dentistry, GC and The Tom Bereznicki Charitable Educational Foundation would like to congratulate the successful candidates in the inaugural CGDent and GC Award for Foundation Dentists:

Masuma Chowdhury Tendai ManangaziraJuan Salmerón Ramírez
Nathaniel-Edouard DavidsonAsad MasoodGolasa Sheikh Akbari
Milton JustinsuthakaranCónal McKeeSonia Sin
Nafeesa KhanJoseph MulhallArav Soin
Chloe LeungJay PatelJarmima Uddin

The 15 winners were selected from entries submitted by Foundation Dentists / Vocational Trainees from across the UK, each of whom submitted a restorative case which they treated during their Foundation/Vocational training year, including at least one anterior tooth and composite restoration. Cases included the use of composite to treat midline diastema, the aesthetic and functional treatment of tooth wear, restoration following dental trauma and aesthetic build-up of peg shaped laterals, as well as more simple multiple composite restorations. View the successful cases here.

The panel of judges, which comprised Trustees of The Tom Bereznicki Charitable Educational Foundation, marked each case based on a set of assessment criteria which focused on overall improvement in the patient’s oral health (including periodontal health), the standard of aesthetic dentistry carried out and the quality of the entrant’s reflection on the case.

The prize for the winners is a fully funded place on a composite layering course which is taking place on 11-12 July at GC’s European Education Campus in Leuven, Belgium.

Dr Tom Bereznicki FCGDent, Founder of The Tom Bereznicki Charitable Educational Foundation, commented:

We were delighted with the number of entries, which all demonstrated a high level of dentistry skills and patient care. I would like to thank all entrants for submitting their work, and offer my congratulations to the winners.”

A selection of the winning cases which illustrate a range of different types of cases entered in the competition. Cases submitted by (L-R) Nathaniel-Edouard Davidson, Golasa Sheikh Akbari, and Milton Justinsuthakaran.

Remarking on the winning entries, Professor Sir Nairn Wilson CBE FCGDent, President Emeritus of the College, said:

Congratulations to all the winners; a great, richly-deserved experience awaits them in Leuven, accounts of which will hopefully encourage even more entrants in future years. Congratulations also to the Tom Bereznicki Charitable Educational Foundation for its ongoing work with the College and GC to promote the personal development of clinical skills among recently qualified colleagues. All entrants to the competition have learnt valuable lessons about the art and science of aesthetic dentistry.”

John Maloney, GC’s Director and Country Manager for the UK, Ireland and South Africa, said:

“It has been truly rewarding to see the admirable level of aesthetic dentistry skills demonstrated by newly qualified dentists. We look forward to continuing our work with the College and The Tom Bereznicki Charitable Educational Foundation to provide high quality, clinical training for early career professionals. Congratulations to all the winners, we can’t wait to see them at our Education Campus in Belgium.”

To register your interest in next year’s award and receive notifications as soon as the competition opens in September, visit our award page.  

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President’s Award for John Gibson

The College has awarded the President’s Award to Professor John Gibson, founder and CEO of The Canmore Trust.

The award, announced during Mental Health Awareness Week and the first of its type to made by the College since it opened in 2021, has been bestowed on Professor Gibson to honour his work on suicide prevention and suicide postvention (the provision of support after someone dies by suicide).

Previously known as the Dean’s Award under the former Faculty of General Dental Practice UK (FGDP), it is given at the discretion of the College President to charities, dental professionals and other individuals who have made significant contributions to promoting and improving oral health or public health relevant to dentistry in the UK or internationally.

John Gibson is Emeritus Professor of Oral Medicine at the University of Aberdeen, and Honorary Consultant in Oral Medicine to the British Army. He graduated in both medicine and dentistry from the University of Glasgow, where he also undertook specialist training in oral medicine and completed his PhD in orofacial granulomatosis.

For 35 years, he worked as a clinical academic, with research interests including oral cancer, the oral manifestation of gastrointestinal disorders, and oro-facial pain syndromes. His appointments have included Professor of Medicine in Relation to Dentistry and Honorary Consultant in Oral Medicine at the University of Glasgow, Head of the University of Aberdeen Institute of Dentistry, Associate Postgraduate Dental Dean for Scotland, Chair of the General Dental Council’s Fitness to Practice Committee and Chair of Dental Protection Limited, and he has also worked at the Edinburgh Dental Institute and Dundee Dental Hospital and School.

In the early hours of Sunday 20 October 2019 his life, and that of his wife and family, was suddenly and cruelly changed when his beloved son Cameron, a newly qualified veterinary surgeon, died by suicide aged just 24. He had no known history of psychological distress and left no note to explain his decision – his death remains a mystery to those who knew and loved him.

This devastating event led to a period of mental ill health for John, and both he and his wife Isobel, a GP, resigned from work as they attempted to rebuild their shattered existence. As the family, including his two surviving children, struggled to resume their lives, they began the process of trying to understand suicide, and John and Isobel have since dedicated their time to suicide prevention and postvention, particularly in the medical, dental and veterinary professions.

Discovering that veterinary surgeons in the UK are three to four times more likely than the general population to die by suicide, they drove forward a discussion in the veterinary profession about improving mental health, engaging with the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons to bring about changes in drug-handling as well as research into suicidality within the profession.

In 2022 they established The Canmore Trust with a mission to reduce the number of people who die by suicide, and to help the family and friends of those who have died by suicide. The charity works with communities, practices, workplaces, schools, colleges and universities touched by suicide, and provides 24/7 support to those who may need encouragement to stay in the world despite all the struggles and difficulties they are currently facing.

To raise funds and awareness, John and Isobel embarked on multiple events. Most notably John walked 1,200 miles and climbed over 100,000 feet between Land’s End and John O’Groats in the summer of 2022, and he was joined by members of the veterinary and dental professions along the way. The journey inspired many others to mount their own events, and within ten months over £250,000 had been donated.

During the 76-day walk, he also delivered multiple talks to dental and other groups – including 50 dentists at a memorable CGDent evening in Inverness – where he discussed the issues of suicide and mental ill health and encouraged open discussion of these subjects.

John also trained as a facilitator with Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide, and The Canmore Trust trains those impacted by suicide to become “experienced friends” – people who have developed the skills to walk with others on the journey of suicide grief.

The Trust also aims to influence government policies and societal change, and following a chance encounter with Nicola Sturgeon, in September 2022 John was appointed to the Lived Experience Panel advising the Scottish Government’s National Suicide Prevention Leadership Group.

The President’s Award will be conferred by outgoing President Dr Abhi Pal FCGDent at the College’s Fellows’ Summer Reception in London on 20 June.

Announcing the award, Dr Pal said:

“Dentistry can be isolating, stressful and extremely demanding, and we know that the profession is, like veterinary medicine, at a higher-than-average risk of suicide. But while the importance of mental well-being is increasingly being recognised, we all still have much to learn about how we can better support ourselves and each other, both professionally and in our wider lives.

“John’s dogged determination to help others by addressing these issues is an inspiration. He has long been a highly respected colleague, admired as an excellent educator and an engaging, passionate and informative speaker. His candour and openness in discussing his own experiences and personal struggles is compelling, relevant and highly deserving of recognition. He is an example to us all, and on behalf of the College I wish him, and all those involved in The Canmore Trust, all the very best in their important work.”

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Andrew Chandrapal, Catherine Rutland and Wendy Thompson to lead study day

The College has announced Dr Andrew Chandrapal FCGDent, Dr Catherine Rutland FCGDent and Dr Wendy Thompson FCGDent as the speakers at its annual study day in Glasgow.

l-r: Dr Andrew Chandrapal FCGDent, Dr Catherine Rutland FCGDent and Dr Wendy Thompson FCGDent

Dr Chandrapal will give a lecture over two sessions entitled Problem solving in anterior and posterior composite dentistry, and Dr Rutland will deliver The ethics of aesthetics, an interactive lecture on ethical and legal considerations in the provision of aesthetic and cosmetic dental procedures. Dr Thompson will then deliver the annual Caldwell Memorial Lecture on Using antibiotics sustainably.

The annual study day, organised by CGDent Scotland, takes place at Glasgow Science Centre on the first Friday in December – 6 December this year. With six hours of CPD, the day is attended by up to 400 dental professionals from across the UK, and finishes with a drinks reception which marks the start of the festive season for its many regular attendees.

Andrew Chandrapal has been Principal of Bourne End Dental, a private general dental practice in Buckinghamshire, for almost 20 years, and has special interests in aesthetics, composite resin bonding and complex rehabilitation, including implants and management of tooth wear. He also practises in central London (limited to prosthodontics), is a postgraduate tutor for King’s College London, and is the founder and Director of IndigoDent Education. After qualifying from the University of Birmingham in 2001, he was awarded the Diploma of Membership of the former Faculty of General Dental Practice (UK) in 2003, and in 2006 completed a Diploma in Postgraduate Dental Studies in periodontics, endodontics and tooth wear at the University of Bristol. In 2011 he attained a Distinction in a double Masters in Clinical Dentistry in fixed and removable prosthodontics at King’s College London, and he is also a graduate of the Kois Centre in Seattle. A Past President of the British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, he is a long-standing member of the Association of Dental Implantology, the International Team for Implantology, the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry and the British Society of Occlusal Studies. He is a Council Member of the Dental Defence Union and sits on the editorial board of Dental Update.

Catherine Rutland is Clinical Director of Simplyhealth (including Denplan), leading the team that supports its members, in particular during clinical disputes and times of professional risk, with regulatory and legislative advice, clinical mediation, clinical risk management and quality improvement advice. After qualifying as a dentist from the University of Leeds in 1992, she spent two and a half years in secondary care as a House Officer and Senior House Officer before completing Vocational Training. Moving into general dental practice, she was a joint partner in a private dental practice in West Berkshire from 2000-2019. She joined Denplan as a Dental Advisor in 2010, and was later promoted to Senior Dental Advisor, Head of Professional Support Services and Head Dental Officer before starting her current role full time in 2019. She holds a Master’s degree in Medical Ethics and Law from King’s College London (completed in 2013), became a Certified Member of the Institute of Risk Management in 2015 and was awarded a Level 7 Certificate in Leadership Mentoring and Coaching from the Chartered Management Institute in 2016.

Wendy Thompson is a general dental practitioner in Cumbria and Clinical Senior Lecturer in Primary Dental Care at the University of Manchester, and researches and lectures nationally and internationally on tackling antimicrobial resistance, reducing the overprescribing of antibiotics, and optimising the prevention and control of infections. She graduated BDS from the University of Liverpool, was awarded the Diploma of Membership of the Joint Dental Faculties of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, holds a BSc in Microbiology & Microbial Technology from the University of Warwick, and completed a PhD in antibiotic prescribing at the University of Leeds. She is a CGDent Ambassador, a member of the College’s Research Advisory Group, and College Lead on antimicrobial prescribing, resistance and stewardship, representing it on the UK Health Security Agency’s oversight committee and dental sub-group on antimicrobial use and resistance. She is also Vice Chair of the FDI World Dental Federation Science Committee, Chair of its working group on preventing antimicrobial resistance and infections, an advisor to the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, a member of the BDA Health & Science Committee, a Council member of the British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, a member of the BNF Dental Advisory Group, Trustee of the charity The AMR Narrative and a member of Antibiotics Research UK’s Public Engagement and Patient Support Committee. She was an honorary consultant to the Office of the Chief Dental Officer for England on antimicrobial stewardship and was Guest Editor of the College’s Primary Dental Journal issue dedicated to COVID-19 and urgent dental care. She is a Fellow of both the Higher Education Academy and the International College of Dentists and spent nine years working at the Ministry of Defence.

The Glasgow Science Centre will host around 400 dental professionals at the CGDent Scotland Study Day

The Caldwell Memorial Lecture is held in memory of Robert Craig Caldwell, who graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1950 and became a much-loved Dean of the School of Dentistry at the University of California, Los Angeles, before he died of leukaemia at the age of just 44.

The study day is open to all dental professionals, and can be attended in person or virtually.

Fee discounts are available to College members as follows: College dentist members can buy their tickets for just £149 (£249 once ‘early bird’ places are sold out), compared to the full rate for non-member dentists of £349. The concessionary rate for dental technicians, dental hygienists, dental therapists, dental nurses, practice managers and retired practitioners is £149, but for College members in these categories it is just £129.

Breakfast rolls, a two-course lunch, refreshments throughout the day and evening drinks are all included in the attendance fee, and there is an accompanying trade exhibition to visit.

Other discounts to the full rate are available to members of the Glasgow Odontological Society, Foundation Dentists / Vocational Trainees and their trainers.

For further information, visit our events pages.

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Roshni Karia to be next President of the College

Roshni Karia MCGDent has been appointed as the next President of the College of General Dentistry.

Dr Karia is a general dental practitioner in London, with a special interest in periodontology. She has worked as an Associate Dentist in London and in Surrey, providing general dentistry as well as periodontal treatment.

Since 2015 she has been an undergraduate Clinical Tutor and Examiner in the department of periodontology at the Faculty of Dentistry and Oral and Craniofacial Sciences, King’s College London. Recently, she has also become Postgraduate Tutor, within the subjects of Clinical Practice, Education and Healthcare Leadership, with Medics Academy, in a postgraduate programme accredited by the University of Central Lancashire. 

She graduated from King’s College London in 2010 before completing Vocational Training at a mixed NHS-and-private dental practice in Plumstead, London. This was followed by training in restorative and paediatric dentistry, oral surgery, oral medicine and acute dental care as a Senior House Officer at King’s College Hospital.

She completed the Membership of the Joint Dental Faculties examination of the Royal College of Surgeons of England (RCS) in 2011, won the British Society of Restorative Dentistry’s Gary Pollock Postgraduate Prize in 2012, and completed an enhanced two-year postgraduate study programme in periodontology at King’s College London NHS Foundation Trust in 2013.

She joined the former Faculty of General Dental Practice (FGDP), the forerunner of the College, in 2012, and in 2015 was appointed as one of two Early Careers Representatives, a non-voting role on the organisation’s national board. In 2017 she was elected to the board to represent members in the South East and South West Thames region, later serving as Chair of the Education & Qualifications Committee, Chair of the Membership Affairs Committee and as a member of the COVID-19 Forward Planning Group. In 2019, she was elected as the Faculty’s youngest ever Vice Dean, and she was re-elected to her regional seat in 2020. She represented the Faculty on Public Health England’s Child Oral Health Improvement Board and in roundtable discussions with the Department of Health and Social Care ahead of the Prevention Green Paper.

Transferring to the College Council when the Faculty separated from the RCS in 2021, she is Chair of the Certified Membership Scheme Programme Board and a member of the Career Pathways Programme Board, and was re-elected on to the Council in 2023. She has also served as Chair of the Professional Affairs Committee and Chair of the Careers and Training Committee, was elected Senior Vice-President in 2021, and is a facilitator for the CGDent NextGen leadership programme.

She has represented the College on two working groups convened by the British Society of Periodontology to implement the EFP S3-level guidelines on the management and treatment of Stages I-III periodontitis and the prevention and treatment of peri-implant diseases, and was also the College’s lead reviewer of the recently-published SDCEP guidelines on prevention and treatment of periodontal disease.

A Fellow of the Higher Education Academy since 2020, she successfully completed the Healthcare Leadership Academy Scholarship Programme in 2022, and in 2023 she was awarded the University of Central Lancashire’s Postgraduate Certificate in Clinical Practice, Management and Education, with distinction. She has also written and co-authored articles in the British Dental Journal, Primary Dental Journal and Dental Update, and was a contributor to the CGDent-FGDP guidance, Implications of COVID-19 for the safe management of general dental practice.

Appointed for a three-year term, she will be inaugurated on 21 June 2024 at a meeting of the College Council in London. She will be the first female President or Dean in the history of the College and former Faculty, the first Associate Dentist in the role, and the College’s third President following Abhi Pal FCGDent (2021-24) and Sir Nairn Wilson CBE FCGDent (2017-2021).

Commenting on her appointment, Dr Karia said:

“I feel incredibly humbled, blessed and privileged and thank the College Council for the tremendous faith they have placed upon me in this role. I would like to also extend my gratitude to Abhi Pal, my predecessors and the staff team for their outstanding leadership, hard work and tireless dedication to the organisation. Much has been achieved thus far and the College finds itself at an extremely exciting time to further develop its aspirations for the benefit of the whole profession and our patients; truly celebrating the breadth of the whole oral healthcare team. The tenacity and determination that many of our fantastic colleagues have demonstrated has allowed the College to embrace a unique opportunity and I congratulate all those involved. As we build upon these vital foundations, with a growing membership, I look forward to working across the profession to bring further focus on career progression, empowering colleagues and ultimately advancing dentistry for the benefit of all our patients.”

Abhi Pal, current President of the College, added:

“Many congratulations to Roshni on her appointment to the role of President. Roshni is a richly experienced practitioner, with a proven commitment to postgraduate education and teaching as well as having a detailed understanding of dental careers. She is a highly respected colleague, and members should be delighted that the College will be in such good hands as we move forward.”

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Recruitment of Board Chair (Faculty of Dentists)

The College will soon appoint the inaugural Chair of the Board of its Faculty of Dentists, and all Full Members, Associate Fellows and Fellows of the College who are dentists are eligible to apply.

The Faculty of Dentists is a constituency of the College automatically comprising all dentist members. The interests of these members as a discrete professional group will be advanced within the College by both a voting representative on the elected College Council and by a Faculty Board which will advise and report to Council.

Membership of the Faculty Board will be appointed by Council, starting with the Chair, who will then lead on further recruitment, establish the Board’s business, and work closely with the President and other Faculty Board Chairs in realising College priorities.

The Chair will be appointed for a non-renewable three-year term from June 2024 – June 2027, during which they will be expected to attend the three formal meetings of Council each year, and to coordinate at least three meetings of their Faculty Board with these dates. Council holds full day hybrid meetings, with attendance in person preferred.

The role is voluntary, with essential expenses covered. A role profile is available below.

Applications should be made by email, headed “Board Chair (Faculty of Dentists)”, to [email protected], attaching a CV and covering letter addressing the person specification.

The closing date for applications is Sunday 19 May 2024.

Interviews will be held online in the week beginning 27 May (tbc) with a selection panel convened by Council, and the appointee should be available to attend the College Council meeting on Friday 21 June 2024.

If you have questions or would like a confidential discussion about the role, please contact Simon Thornton-Wood PhD, Chief Executive of the College, at [email protected]

Dr Abhi Pal, President of the College, said:

“The convening of Faculty Boards is the next step in the evolution of the College, giving each of our constituencies an even stronger voice and ensuring that our activities are designed and implemented to best serve each professional role. The post of Chair of the Board of the Faculty of Dentists is a significant opportunity to play a leading role in shaping future careers for dentists in primary care, and our oral healthcare policy and advocacy, in a young organisation which is rapidly establishing an influential role.”

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