My life as a dental student

CGDent NextGen Ambassador and 2024 BDS graduate from the University of Manchester, Dr Naeema Munshi, reflects on her experiences and offers advice to current students.

Embarking on the journey to become a qualified dentist is nothing short of memorable. Graduating this summer has given me time to reflect on my journey as a whole and come up with some of my own advice on how to navigate dental school. I’m hoping this blog will give an insight on what it’s like to be a dental student.

The academics

Dental school is known for its rigorous academic standards. From day one, we were plunged into an intensive curriculum that combines theoretical knowledge with practical skills. Lectures, EBL (enquiry based learning), clinical skills and laboratory sessions fill the weekdays, covering everything from anatomy and physiology to advanced dental techniques. In my first year I particularly enjoyed spending time in the dissection room learning anatomy.

As my degree was EBL based the workload was substantial, so managing time effectively and becoming an independent learner became an essential skill. Late-night study sessions in the library and revision sessions with friends became part of my weekly routine. Since it’s a lengthy degree, it’s easy to forget how much you’ve learned over the years and focus instead on the concepts you’re struggling with. My advice is to keep giving it your best and not be too hard on yourself because everyone will get there in the end. When exam season comes around the pressure can be intense, but the sense of accomplishment that comes from passing exams is incomparable.

Building lifelong friendships

Despite the demanding nature of the course, I found there is a strong sense of camaraderie among the students. The shared experiences, from the stress of exams to the pressure of clinical practice, creates a strong bond between us all.

The University I attended boasts a diverse student body allowing you to meet people from all over the world. I felt I was able to broaden my perspectives and gain an understanding of different cultures and backgrounds.

My university has partnerships with a number of dental schools around the world. These relationships gave me the opportunity to take part in the Stovit dental summer school at the university of Airlangga in Indonesia. The experience was a massive highlight of my university experience. I was able to fully immerse myself in a new culture and make friends with students from all over the globe, as well as discover how dentistry varies in different countries.

Overall one of the things I hold in the highest regard in relation to my university experience is the lifelong friendships I have made and the countless memories I’m left with.

Experiencing new things

For me life at university isn’t just about academics. It’s a time for personal growth and trying new things. My university, like many others, offered a countless number of extracurricular activities and societies. Whether you’re interested in sports, music, drama, or volunteering, there’s something for everyone.

Joining dental societies, for instance, provides opportunities for networking, attending professional events, and participating in outreach programs. I particularly enjoyed volunteering with Manchester Outreach Dentists and the Children’s outreach society.

Exploring Manchester

Wherever your university is you can have fun getting to know your new home! Manchester where I studied is a city brimming with life and culture. On weekends or after a long day of classes, there’s no shortage of places to explore. Personally I really enjoyed eating my way through the city, and discovering new cuisines.

Being a dental student is a journey filled with challenges, growth, and excitement. The studies will push you to your limits, but the friendships you forge, the new experiences you encounter, and the vibrant city you explore make it an unforgettable chapter of your life. It’s a place where you not only develop into a competent dental professional but also grow as an individual, ready to follow your dreams.

Author bio

“I studied the BDS at the University of Manchester, graduating in 2024, and during my final year I have been a CGDent NextGen Ambassador.

I have just started Dental Foundation Training in the North West of England, which is going well so far!

I enjoy meeting different people from all over the world, exploring new places and international cuisine.”

Naeema Munshi

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How to get the most out of Foundation Training and make the right investments

CGDent NextGen Ambassador and Associate Member of the College, Dr Choudhury Rahman, graduated from the University of Manchester in 2023 before moving into Dental Foundation Training. Here he offers tips to this year’s Foundation Dentists on how to get the most out of their training.

As I sat down waiting for my first patient as a qualified dentist, I debated how to introduce myself. Dr Rahman, or just Choudhury? I felt the same nerves I did when I saw my first patient as an undergrad, a sense of imposter syndrome. Am I really a dentist now?

When I think back to last year, having just graduated, I never thought I would have learnt as much as I have now, after just one year of FD training. Nothing quite prepares you for general practice.

The pace at which you learn and develop is unbelievable. From seeing three patients a day in the undergrad clinic to 20-30 in general practices, along with vast quantities of treatment. When people tell you that you’ll do more treatment in a month of FD vs the whole of undergrad, they aren’t joking.

Of course, the experience you get will depend on where you work. If you’re fortunate enough to work in an area of high needs like mine in Rochdale, you will get bags of treatment – lots of caries, restorations, extractions, and root canals. However, you may also work in an area where you can do more aesthetic work, or somewhere with great oral surgery experience.

Here are my tips on how to make the transition smoother and get the most out of your FD year:

  1. Spend time making good treatment plans

    Sit down with your Educational Supervisor (ES), discuss cases with them, and get help with deciding what treatment to do. This will be your biggest learning curve, deciding independently what treatment to do and when. The more experience you get doing this, the better you will be at planning by yourself over time. Remember, you don’t have to make it at your initial appointment, you can always bring the patient back for this.

  2. Don’t worry about how long you need for treatments

    Want to spend three hours doing a molar endo? Or two hours on some posterior composites? Do it. FD year is when you get the chance to spend as long as you want on the treatments you want to do. You aren’t paid by Units of Dental Activity (UDAs), you’re paid a fixed salary. Use the time you have to provide good, high-quality treatment, and then you can focus on building speed towards the later stages.

  3. Push yourself with complex treatments

    You will have the support of an Educational Supervisor by your side throughout the year. They are there to help you and guide you. Take on that difficult molar endo, and plan for that surgical extraction. It’s your one year where you have help at every step of the way if you need it.

  4. Build a good relationship with everyone at your practice

    From the receptionist, the practice principal, and of course, your nurses. If you build a good bond with your team, and look after them, they will look after you!

To make the best of your Foundation Training, I think it’s also important to plan some specific investments during the year. After five years of grafting in dental school, you can’t beat the feeling you get when you receive your first pay cheque as a dentist – you are finally being remunerated for your hard work. Not only that, if you haven’t earned any money during the current tax year, you won’t have tax deducted from your pay cheque for the first month or two! I’m sure many of you reading will be thinking of the holidays you want to plan or the new car you want to buy for yourself, but there are some key things that I recommend you invest in early which will set you up for the rest of your career in dentistry!

  1. Loupes

    If you haven’t already got a pair of loupes, I cannot stress enough the importance of buying some. The initial investment may seem steep, costing upwards of £2,000 for a good quality pair, but the return on investments is enormous. I got my loupes during 5th year of undergrad, and they have transformed the way I practice dentistry. I used to dread doing certain treatments because I just couldn’t see the fine details in certain procedures such as root canal treatments or crown preparations, however after getting loupes, these are now treatments I actually enjoy, and am able to do at a higher quality. Not only that, I have found my posture has greatly improved, especially since my loupes are refractive. To summarise, getting loupes will make your general dentistry more enjoyable, better quality, and potentially elongate your career by looking after your neck, shoulders, and back! I personally use the Bryant dental 3.8x Refractive loupes.

  2. Camera

    One of the first things I put money aside for was my own camera. Many of the training practices will have a camera lying about somewhere, but having your own is much better. You can set it up and leave it so you can easily and quickly take pictures whenever you need to. Photography is mega important in dentistry for several reasons. Firstly, it supports patient consent. By showing the patient what their teeth look like, and exactly the issues you are seeing, they are better informed in their decision-making, thus ensuring the consent you have obtained is valid. In addition to this, having before and after pictures for treatments is very useful medico-legally if you find yourself in some hot water (make sure your camera’s date and time settings are correct). Lastly, and most importantly, by taking pictures of your work, you can reflect on the good and bad things, finding ways to improve your work and develop as you go along. A bonus of having pictures of your work is that it enables you to compile a portfolio that you can use to show patients and future employers what you are capable of.

    It may seem daunting at first when trying to figure out exactly which photography equipment to buy, as I found out for myself. To break it down, most camera set-ups will require a body, lens, and flash. My own build consists of the Canon 2000D body, 105mm Sigma lens with a Sigma ring flash (Pictured below). This is by no means the best set-up, however it’s a good place to start if you want to get into dental photography!
  1. Income protection

    I’m sure many of you guys reading will remember the Wesleyan finance lectures from undergrad – I think most of us will have attended just for the free food and goodies. At the start of your career, you will think and feel like you are invincible, but you never know what life will throw at you which could cause you to put your tools down. I recently sprained my wrist and didn’t anticipate how much impact this would have on my work. Thankfully I recovered quickly and fully, but imagine if you had a serious injury, accident, or decline in health. If dentistry was your only source of income, and you had dependents/bills to pay, you would be under immense stress trying to stop the ship from sinking. By having income protection, if life throws a curve ball at you, you will be in a better position to manage financially, allowing you to focus on yourself and getting back to work. As a Foundation Trainee, the NHS will provide some form of sick pay for a limited period, but by having an additional income protection, if for whatever reason you had an extended period off work, you could be paid a certain % of your earnings until retirement age. It is one of those things to have, which you hope don’t need to use it, but is there if you do!

  2. Membership of the College of General Dentistry

    As I spent my time going through Foundation Training, I felt more and more unsure of what I wanted to do with my career. I applied for Dental Core Training (DCT) but felt as though I enjoyed working in general practice. However, I knew that I wanted to continue expanding my skills through postgraduate training. That’s where the College of General Dentistry is really helpful. They provide an excellent framework to help you navigate the world of being an associate in general practice, helping you develop the knowledge and skills you require to progress your career in dentistry and foster a commitment to lifelong learning.

These are only some of the things which I recommend you invest in for yourself. There are many more investments you will make over your career such as your own equipment, materials and postgraduate training. You don’t have to do them all at once, or at the beginning. Don’t make yourself feel like you are behind if you see your colleagues or friends having invested in more of these things than you. Dentistry is not a race; you should learn, improve, invest and develop at your own pace. At the centre of this all is providing the best care possible for your patients, whilst also looking after yourself.

Overall, Foundation Training for me has been a tremendous experience. I was very fortunate to have an amazing practice and a supportive ES. FD training is a unique and enjoyable experience. You can practice all the things in dentistry you love, not worry about UDA targets or lab bills, and push yourself with challenging cases knowing someone has your back. But one thing is for sure, you will get out what you put in, and if you put in 100%, you will get so much out of your FD year.

I’ve been told by many colleagues that at this stage of your career, the world is your oyster. Yet it can be difficult to navigate and work out exactly what you want to do. Personally, having completed my year, I’m now working on becoming a well-rounded GDP, and with clinical interests including oral surgery and prosthodontics, I aspire to be able to provide full-mouth rehabilitation including placement and restoration of implants. Membership of the College reflects my commitment to becoming the best dentist I can be for my patients.

Our Student Advice and Careers blogs are written by members of the College and offer advice and tips, and share experiences with dental students and early career professionals.

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An insider’s guide to making key investments during your Foundation Training

CGDent NextGen Ambassador, Dr Choudhury Rahman, made some important investments during Foundation Training and shares his advice about investing wisely.

Ahhhh… the feeling of getting your first pay cheque as a dentist. Nothing quite beats that feeling! After five years of grafting in dental school, you are finally being remunerated for your hard work. Not only that, if you haven’t earned any money during the current tax year, you won’t have tax deducted from your pay cheque for the first month or two! I’m sure many of you reading will be thinking of the holidays you want to plan or the new car you want to buy for yourself, but there are some key things that I recommend you invest in early to help you get the most out of your Dental Foundation Training (DFT), and set you up for the rest of your career in dentistry!

  1. Loupes

    If you haven’t already got a pair of loupes, I cannot stress enough the importance of buying some. The initial investment may seem steep, costing upwards of £2,000 for a good quality pair, but the return on investments is enormous. I got my loupes during 5th year of undergrad, and they have transformed the way I practice dentistry. I used to dread doing certain treatments because I just couldn’t see the fine details in certain procedures such as root canal treatments or crown preparations, however after getting loupes, these are now treatments I actually enjoy, and am able to do at a higher quality. Not only that, I have found my posture has greatly improved, especially since my loupes are refractive. To summarise, getting loupes will make your general dentistry more enjoyable, better quality, and potentially elongate your career by looking after your neck, shoulders, and back! I personally use the Bryant dental 3.8x Refractive loupes.
  1. Camera

    One of the first things I put money aside for was my own camera. Many of the training practices will have a camera lying about somewhere, but having your own is much better. You can set it up, and leave it so you can easily and quickly take pictures whenever you need to. Photography is mega important in dentistry for several reasons. Firstly, it supports patient consent. By showing the patient what their teeth look like, and exactly the issues you are seeing, they are better informed in their decision-making, thus ensuring the consent you have obtained is valid. In addition to this, having before and after pictures for treatments is very useful medico-legally if you find yourself in some hot water (make sure your camera’s date and time settings are correct). Lastly, and most importantly, by taking pictures of your work, you can reflect on the good and bad things, finding ways to improve your work and develop as you go along. A bonus of having pictures of your work is that it enables you to compile a portfolio that you can use to show patients and future employers what you are capable of.

    It may seem daunting at first when trying to figure out exactly which photography equipment to buy, as I found out for myself. To break it down, most camera set-ups will require a body, lens, and flash. My own build consists of the Canon 2000D body, 105mm Sigma lens with a Sigma ring flash (Pictured below). This is by no means the best set-up, however it’s a good place to start if you want to get into dental photography!
  1. Income protection

    I’m sure many of you guys reading will remember the Wesleyan finance lectures from undergrad – I think most of us will have attended just for the free food and goodies. At the start of your career, you will think and feel like you are invincible, but you never know what life will throw at you which could cause you to put your tools down. I recently sprained my wrist and didn’t anticipate how much impact this would have on my work. Thankfully I recovered quickly and fully, but imagine if you had a serious injury, accident, or decline in health. If dentistry was your only source of income, and you had dependents/bills to pay, you would be under immense stress trying to stop the ship from sinking. By having income protection, if life throws a curve ball at you, you will be in a better position to manage financially, allowing you to focus on yourself and getting back to work. As a Foundation Trainee, the NHS will provide some form of sick pay for a limited period, but by having an additional income protection, if for whatever reason you had an extended period off work, you could be paid a certain % of your earnings until retirement age. It is one of those things to have, which you hope don’t need to use it, but is there if you do!

  2. Membership of the College of General Dentistry

    As I spent my time going through Foundation Training, I felt more and more unsure of what I want to do with my career. I applied for Dental Core Training (DCT), but felt as though I enjoyed working in general practice. However, I knew that I wanted to continue expanding my skills through postgraduate training. That’s where the College of General Dentistry is really helpful. They provide an excellent framework to help you navigate the world of being an associate in general practice, helping you develop the knowledge and skills you require to progress your career in dentistry and foster a commitment to lifelong learning.

These are only some of the things which I recommend you invest in for yourself. There are many more investments you will make over your career such as your own equipment, materials and postgraduate training. You don’t have to do them all at once, or at the beginning. Don’t make yourself feel like you are behind if you see your colleagues or friends having invested in more of these things than you. Dentistry is not a race; you should learn, improve, invest and develop at your own pace. At the centre of this all is providing the best care possible for your patients, whilst also looking after yourself.

Author bio

“I Graduated from University of Manchester in 2023 and am just completing my FD Training in the Greater Manchester North Scheme. I’m also a NextGen Ambassador for the College of General Dentistry. My clinical interests include Oral Surgery and Prosthodontics. I aspire to become a well rounded GDP, able to provide full mouth rehabilitation including placement and restoration of implants. Outside of work, I enjoy running and 5-a-side football.”

Dr Choudhury Rahman

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Communication with patients – what can it do for you as a dental student?

2024 BDS graduate from the University of Liverpool, Zaira Cantara explains why it’s important to develop good communication skills at university and provides her tips on effective patient communication.

“The dentists who get the most complaints are the ones who lack communication skills”, is a quote I remember hearing from a tutor during second year. It’s something that stuck with me because one of the reasons I decided to embark on a journey into dentistry in my late 20s was my own negative experience with a dentist.

It’s true, quite often when I’m reminded why a patient “hates going to the dentist”, the key word being “hates”, it’s usually one of two reasons: that time they felt they were being butchered; or the dentist simply lacked one of the fundamental skills in this profession – good communication. We hear now and then the importance of communication for clinicians, but I think as students we need to focus on this skill more to realise its benefits before we head out into the real world.

Reading feedback patients had left me recently, I assumed comments would be made on the procedures themselves, but I was surprised by how many focused on my communication skills. Thankfully this was seen as a positive and congenial experience during the appointment as they highlighted what I said, rather than what I did. I didn’t realise how much a patient would appreciate and value me doing something I saw as routine.

Dentists are often seen as specialists of the mouth, but a holistic approach is something students benefit from greatly. Good communication leads to appointment slots being filled, the patient leaving with more motivation to engage in the advice you gave and a better undergraduate portfolio. Taking this into practice will lead to fewer complaints, better staff morale and of course a broader depth of success.

Furthermore, great communication skills are essential when it comes to patient consent, which links in with ethics and law. We are taught to obtain ‘valid consent’ at each appointment, every single time we see a patient using effective communication skills.  This involves ensuring the patient has capacity to make a decision, that they are well informed by clearly explaining planned treatment and finally that they are not coerced into any treatment. 

From my experience, here are five suggestions to help you improve patient communication:

1. Don’t just treat the mouth

Ask about your patient’s general health, how are they getting on with ‘x’ they disclosed to you in their medical, is it all under control, how was the holiday they were looking forward to after your last session? It’s important to ask about other medical conditions as it might affect the patient’s oral health or the treatment that you are planning.

2. Empower the patient

Any time your patient wants you to stop for a break or feel uncomfortable, ask them to raise a hand, so you can follow their lead and resume once it’s okay for them.

3. Explain what the treatment is and why you are doing it

Explain how the treatment will benefit them, why it is important to follow advice at home and what to expect at the next appointment.

4. Show organisation

Be attentive and have all the clinic set up with what you need; this demonstrates efficiency and reduces the patient’s anxiety.

5. Finally, thank them for showing up

I often thank my patients as soon as we have greeted each other in the waiting room. Their time is playing a significant part in our journey to becoming clinicians, without them things would be very different.

Author bio

“I studied the BDS at the University of Liverpool and graduated in July 2024. What I most enjoyed about my course was the early exposure to patients as well as the variation of different clinics this included one being urgent care for those patients without access to a dentist. During this clinic I enjoyed the history taking, coming up with a diagnosis and then treating to relieve the patient out of pain within the same appointment whilst having an holistic approach.

I will be doing my DFT within North Yorkshire and am currently focusing on improving my skills as a general dentist. My hobbies include reading, travelling and getting together with friends.”

Zaira Cantara

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Brush off the stress: 5 tips for success at dental school

Fifth year BDS students at the University of Plymouth, James Oakley and Dilan Patel, share their advice on getting the most out of dental school.

Studying dentistry poses all sorts of challenges daily. These must be approached with thought and consideration to ensure a fruitful and enjoyable experience at university. Each person will have their own methods or strategies to get the most out of their time at university, but these are some of the tips we have found useful as we come to the end of our time as undergraduates.

  1. Effective note-taking

Find a method of taking notes that works for you and try to commit to it. Taking notes should be a valuable exercise that adds value and structure to your learning. In the past, we have been guilty of writing long, laborious notes, often copied word for word from textbooks or lectures, only to never look at them again. For lectures, instead of frantically noting every word that the lecturer has said, try noting key points and summaries. Mind maps allow your learning process to be visualised, and the inclusion of areas for further reading or research in the form of questions may also be included. By not focusing on writing an essay that you may not use again, you can limit your notes, better listen to the lecture, take in and process the information. This, we believe, allows for better learning, understanding, and can guide extra reading.

  1. Make use of technology

When not being used to scroll through TikTok or Instagram, technology has the potential to make a dental student’s life much easier if implemented correctly. With most lectures either being recorded or the slides being available to download online, students can take their time with the content instead of feeling rushed in the lecture hall. We have also found downloading the slides and inserting them into a PDF app can be useful during lectures. This allows you to annotate or highlight useful material on the slides. By doing this during or ideally prior to the lecture, you can pay more attention to what is being said while also having a written copy to refer to afterward. The use of flashcard apps has also provided great value throughout our time at university. Many apps use studied and recognised techniques like spaced repetition to retain information. These can be stored on the cloud and studied anywhere across multiple devices.

  1. Preparation

Preparation is key to making the most out of any session. Where possible, we have found that observing and planning the coming week ahead of time has helped us stay prepared and on schedule with our course. Dental school requires us to keep up with deadlines, learn new procedures, revise, yet still have time to socialise and partake in extra-curricular activities. To achieve this, a degree of planning and preparation is key to ensure all these aspects of university life get the time they deserve. We have found the use of planners and calendars useful; by doing this, we can better ensure that content is covered, deadlines are met, and social lives are upheld. We also found it useful to be realistic with our planning by not planning too much in one day, which can lead to a sense of demotivation.

  1. Motivation

Motivation is the driving force behind success in dental school. Staying motivated can be challenging amidst the demanding coursework and clinical obligations, but it is essential for achieving your goals and maintaining a positive outlook. One way to stay motivated is to set clear, achievable goals for yourself. Break down your long-term objectives into smaller, manageable tasks that can be completed within a shorter timeframe. Celebrating these small victories can provide a sense of accomplishment and keep you moving forward. Additionally, surrounding yourself with a supportive network of peers can provide encouragement and a sense of camaraderie. Regularly remind yourself of the reasons you chose dentistry and visualise the achievements you aspire to. Balancing your studies with enjoyable activities and ensuring you take time for self-care can prevent burnout and keep your passion for the field alive. Remember, staying motivated is about finding what inspires you and continuously striving towards your aspirations.

  1. Repetition

Repetition is crucial for mastering the extensive material covered in dental school. Employing techniques such as spaced repetition and active recall can significantly enhance your retention and understanding of complex topics. Spaced repetition involves reviewing information at increasing intervals over time, which helps reinforce memory. Using flashcard apps, such as Anki, that incorporate this technique can be particularly effective. Active recall, on the other hand, requires actively stimulating your memory during the learning process by testing yourself on the material rather than passively rereading notes. This method forces you to retrieve information from memory, reinforcing your understanding and making it easier to recall the information in the future. Combining these techniques can create a powerful study routine that solidifies your knowledge and prepares you for exams and practical applications.

In conclusion, navigating dental school successfully requires a combination of effective note-taking, strategic use of technology, thorough preparation, sustained motivation, and robust repetition techniques. By adopting and personalising these strategies, you can enhance your learning experience, retain critical information, and manage the demands of both academic and social life. Remember that consistency and adaptability are key; what works for one person might need adjustment for another. Stay engaged, keep refining your methods, and maintain a balance that keeps you motivated and passionate about your future career in dentistry. We hope these tips will have you well on your way to making the most out of your lectures, practicals, and clinics.

Authors’ bio

“I am currently going into my 5th year at the Peninsula Dental school, which has offered us lots of clinical exposure. I have found getting to know my patients, building rapport and fulfilling their needs, to be an extremely rewarding opportunity. Looking to the future after graduation I am hoping to gain more experience where I can, and further develop my personal interests in Oral Surgery and Restorative Dentistry. I have been really enjoying my time in the Southwest region, making the most of the Golf and Surf at our doorstep.”

James Oakley

“I am also going in to my 5th year at Peninsula Dental School. Since we began seeing patients in our first year I have had the opportunity to see a variety of cases and learnt a great deal throughout this time. I thoroughly enjoy seeing the patient satisfaction that can be achieved through treatment and have developed a great interest in Oral Surgery which I would like to pursue in the future.

Outside of dental school I spend my time travelling, playing golf and playing the saxophone which helps me find a balance between university and my own time.”

Dilan Patel

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Managing holidays from dental school

Third year BDS student at the University of Birmingham and CGDent NextGen Ambassador, Christy Ng, offers advice on getting the most out of your holidays whilst at university.

Although dental school is fun and exciting, it is no secret that there are many challenges too – compared to other university courses, we often have longer terms and shorter holidays. When we finally approach the end of term, whilst tempting not to do anything during the break, it is best to plan in advance and make the most of the few weeks off. I have put together some tips to help you make full use of the holidays, ensure you relax and have fun whilst also using the time to support your university studies.

  1. Plan ahead with fun activities

    Thinking ahead and organising things to look forward to, can act as great motivation to work hard through the last weeks of term. With busy timetables, it can be easy to fall out of touch with your friends and family. Whether planning simple activities such as going for a walk or coffee, or even exploring another country together, these can be good ways to catch up and reconnect. Without a rough plan, the days can easily merge into each other, and the holiday passes more quickly than you think!
  1. Keep up good habits

    Whilst relaxing during the holiday, it is beneficial to maintain any healthy habits you develop at university – whether it be weekly runs, yoga classes or even daily meditation. As Dentistry can be a stressful degree, having methods to destress and unwind can be invaluable, and keeping these up, can provide structure to your day and will not seem like a chore once term begins again.
  1. Try something new

    With extra free time, the holidays can be a great time to try something different. Being in a different environment outside the ‘dentistry bubble’ can be refreshing, and enables you to strengthen essential skills such as communication and teamwork. You could join a local sports club, pick up a new hobby or find a holiday volunteer/job role.
  1. Review and reflect

    Reviewing does not mean having to revise every lecture and clinical term, as it is important to take a break! With high-paced learning and constant absorption of information, taking some time during the holiday to reflect on what you have learned and how much you have progressed can be a fulfilling experience. It is also a useful opportunity for you to make a ‘to-do list’ identifying any new targets (academic or social) and things you want to look over. This helps to streamline focus and separate into manageable targets, which you can gradually make a start on in the holiday if you would like to.
  1. And if you have upcoming exams

    Aside from on clinic, effective time management is a valuable quality especially if exams are nearby. Creating a revision timetable which splits the modules into chunks can be an effective way to ensure you maintain a healthy work-life balance. Split the day into rough segments, write daily manageable goals, and plan time to wind down and rest in between – for example, simply going out for lunch with your friends or learning to cook a nutritious meal. Remember, you will work more productively if you take breaks throughout the day.

There are so many possible things to do during the holidays – use this time to boost your energy and motivation during term. That’s why it is important to try planning ahead to utilise your free time, but remember no matter what you do during the break, make sure to prioritise your well-being and have a well-deserved rest!

Author bio

“I am currently in my third year studying Dentistry at the University of Birmingham. Now having started the clinical years, I have particularly enjoyed seeing my own patients and look forward to exploring new specialties – so far, I find restorative dentistry and oral surgery most interesting. In my spare time, I enjoy sewing and playing badminton.”

Christy Ng

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How to get the most out of your Foundation Training

Foundation Dentist and CGDent NextGen Ambassador, Dr Choudhury Rahman, describes his experience transitioning from undergraduate studies to Foundation Dental Training, along with tips on how to make this change smoother and get the most out of the year!

As I sat down waiting for my first patient as a qualified dentist, I debated how to introduce myself. Dr Rahman, or just Choudhury? I felt the same nerves I did when I saw my first patient as an undergrad, a sense of imposter syndrome. Am I really a dentist now?

When I think back to this time last year, running up to finals, wishing it would be over with, I never thought I would have learnt as much as I have now, in just a few months of FD training. Nothing quite prepares you for general practice.

The pace at which you learn and develop is unbelievable. From seeing three patients a day in the undergrad clinic to 20-30 in general practices, along with vast quantities of treatment. When people tell you that you’ll do more treatment in a month of FD vs the whole of undergrad, they aren’t joking.

Of course, the experience you get will depend on where you work. If you’re fortunate enough to work in an area of high needs like mine in Rochdale, you will get bags of treatment – lots of caries, restorations, extractions, and root canals. However, you may also work in an area where you can do more aesthetic work, or somewhere with great oral surgery experience.

Here are my tips on how to make the transition smoother and get the most out of your FD year:

  1. Spend time making good treatment plans

    Sit down with your Educational Supervisor (ES), discuss cases with them, and get help with deciding what treatment to do. This will be your biggest learning curve, deciding independently what treatment to do and when. The more experience you get doing this, the better you will be at planning by yourself over time. Remember, you don’t have to make it at your initial appointment, you can always bring the patient back for this.
  1. Don’t worry about how long you need for treatments

    Want to spend three hours doing a molar endo? Or two hours on some posterior composites? Do it. FD year is when you get the chance to spend as long as you want on the treatments you want to do. You aren’t paid by Units of Dental Activity (UDAs), you’re paid a fixed salary. Use the time you have to provide good, high-quality treatment, and then you can focus on building speed towards the later stages.
  1. Push yourself with complex treatments

    You will have the support of an Educational Supervisor by your side throughout the year. They are there to help you and guide you. Take on that difficult molar endo, and plan for that surgical extraction. It’s your one year where you have help at every step of the way if you need it.
  1. Build a good relationship with everyone at your practice

    From the receptionist, the practice principal, and of course, your nurses. If you build a good bond with your team, and look after them, they will look after you!

Overall it’s been a tremendous experience. I have been very fortunate to have an amazing practice and a supportive ES. FD training is a unique and enjoyable experience. You can practice all the things in dentistry you love, not worry about UDA targets or lab bills, and push yourself with challenging cases knowing someone has your back. But one thing is for sure, you will get out what you put into this year. If you put in 100%, you will get so much out of your FD year.

One last thing I recommend is to become a member of the College of General Dentistry. I’ve been told by many colleagues, at this stage of your career, the world is your oyster. It can be difficult to navigate and work out exactly what you want to do. Should I do Dental Core Training (DCT)? Is MFDS really worth it? What postgrad training course should I enrol for? These are all questions a mentor will help you answer when you enrol on their Certified Membership Scheme, which is crucial at this stage of your career.

Author bio

“I Graduated from University of Manchester in 2023 and am currently doing my FD Training in the Greater Manchester North Scheme. I’m also a NextGen Ambassador for the College of General Dentistry. My clinical interests include Oral Surgery and Prosthodontics. I aspire to become a well rounded GDP, able to provide full mouth rehabilitation including placement and restoration of implants. Outside of work, I enjoy running and 5-a-side football.”

Dr Choudhury Rahman

Using self-directed learning at dental school

Second year Dental Therapy and Hygiene student at the University of Portsmouth, Modupe Ilesanmi, advocates using self-directed learning to improve your performance at dental school.

What is self-directed learning?

Self-directed learning (SDL) is an approach to taking responsibility for acquiring knowledge on a particular subject matter in order to become proficient in that area.  In a didactic teaching method, the learner often takes on a passive role of receiving information. However, in a clinical environment such as dentistry, a student is presented with a variety of unique cases that raise questions on content learnt, so a didactic teaching method alone is not sufficient.  For instance, you could have a patient present with an unfamiliar case and you are expected to find appropriate resources that support your clinical judgement. Another example is where you venture on an in-depth learning journey on a topic of interest.

SDL initiates and shifts the student’s learning experience from a passive state to a state of autonomy, thereby providing room for learners to take the lead on their own learning experience. The academic then takes on the role of a facilitator and motivator rather than instructor.  Consequently, your learning ability and confidence as a student is enhanced.

What I’ve gained by using self-directed learning

Through self-directed learning, I’ve gained control over my academic trajectory. SDL allows me to dictate my educational needs and customise my learning schedule according to my preferences. With the flexibility to decide what, when, and how I learn, I’m able to progress at my own pace. In addition, I can hone my critical thinking and problem-solving skills. It enables me to analyse evidence and draw independent conclusions, skills essential for academic excellence and lifelong learning. Furthermore, SDL empowers me to set goals, manage my time effectively, and assess my progress. These self-regulation abilities not only enhance my academic performance but also serve as a valuable asset in advancing my career.

How to navigate self-directed learning in dental school

  1. Identify your learning needs

    The ability to apply the knowledge you have obtained is crucial in dentistry. In order to achieve this, thoroughly understanding the subject is vital. To understand a topic you must identify your knowledge gaps. To do this you have to be true to yourself. Write down everything you know about the topic then proceed to using resources such as lecture slides or textbooks to supplement what you know. This will eventually advance your proficiency in the subject matter. Knowledge gaps can also be identified through reflection on your performance and feedback from lecturers or peers.
  1. Determine the learning outcomes

    It is important to understand the objective of any particular learning. How is this going to help me as a student? The learning objective answers the question “why am I learning this?” Learning objectives also keep you on track. Set a number of questions around the subject matter that you should be able to understand by the end of the study.
  1. Gather a variety of sources for identified topics

    Depending on what you study, there are various resources you can use to gather the relevant information. For instance: protocols, guidelines, textbooks, evidence-based research. Knowing what type of resource you need is relevant to identifying the right information and will help you achieve your learning objective efficiently. An understanding of what each resource is and how to apply them is key.
  1. Narrow everything down to key points

    Narrow everything you found on the subject at hand to key points based on the learning objectives. Going back to your learning needs will help to keep you on track and not go off on a tangent.
  1. Retain the information

    An evidence-based method for retention is active recall and space repetition. Information that is not revisited will be eventually forgotten, whereas information that is consistently actively revisited, will be retained for a longer period of time. Try asking yourself questions about what you have learnt at different intervals. 

Top tips: in order to stay motivated, always remember the reason you are embarking on this study. Remember how this will help you be a better clinician in the long run. Be accountable to someone who will keep you in check. For dental students, developing a self-directed learning approach at university will be valuable throughout your career, especially for your continuing professional development.

Author bio

“I am a second year Dental Therapy and Hygiene student at the University of Portsmouth. I am keen on restorative dentistry. My hobbies outside of dental school are swimming and playing the piano.”

Modupe Ilesanmi

College engages the next generation of dental professionals

As part of a new initiative to raise awareness of its mission to dental students and early career professionals, the College held its first ‘NextGen’ event on Saturday 25 November 2023.

The CGDent NextGen Leadership Workshop, which took place in Manchester, was open to students on the Bachelor of Dental Surgery, BSc or DipHE Dental Hygiene and Dental Therapy, BSc Clinical Dental Technology and BSc Dental Studies courses at the University of Manchester, the University of Liverpool, the University of Birmingham and the University of Central Lancashire, as well as Foundation Dentists and Foundation Dental Therapists in the North West region.

Successful applicants were awarded a fully funded place at the one-day workshop, which explored the skills required for effective leadership in dentistry, through a series of talks, workshops and discussion. The day focused on the five competencies in the Agency Domain of the College’s Professional Framework for Career Pathways in Dentistry: autonomy, decision-making, influence, leadership and management.

Supported by five College facilitators, the delegates were encouraged to examine the key leadership skills and consider how they could develop them through short-term, medium-term and long-term goals.

Christy, a BDS student at the University of Birmingham who took part in the day, said: “…it was great to meet the facilitators and other students there. Everyone was so welcoming, and the talks and activities were easily accessible – no matter what stage or area of dentistry we were in. I’ve learnt multiple ways to develop my skill set, information about the College of General Dentistry and thoroughly look forward to future events!”

Many of those who attended the workshop have become NextGen Ambassadors for the College, with the aim of raising awareness within their communities of CGDent’s mission and of the career support it offers to dental professionals.

The College wishes to thank the students and Foundation Trainees who enthusiastically took part in the day; the workshop facilitators who generously gave their time and expertise (Phillip Brown, Poppy Dunton, Roshni Karia, Abhi Pal and Sir Nairn Wilson); and the University of Manchester, University of Liverpool, University of Birmingham, University of Central Lancashire and Health Education North West for their support.

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10 Top tips for starting your clinical placement

Sona Dave, fifth year BDS student at the University of Plymouth, and student member of the College , passes on her advice for a successful clinical placement.

The transition from non-clinical to clinical in dentistry is a huge step-up, regardless of where you attend university. I have written this brief-but-jam-packed guide as I wish someone had given me tips before I started clinic/placement.

Starting to treat patients is a massive step-up from practising on phantom heads and learning theory. Getting ready to start your placement may seem overwhelming initially, but remember to take the days as they come and to see each clinical session as a new opportunity to learn and grow.

I hope these tips can help you dive into your clinical career at university. Good luck!

  1. Look after yourself
    This is the best tip I have for any dental student.  Clinical days are very rewarding, however they are also taxing mentally. In order to look after patients, you need to look after yourself.

    So, make sure that you are eating three healthy meals a day if possible, getting regular movement through physical exercise and practising good sleep hygiene to ensure you are able to show up to your placement as your most rested self. Some people find habit trackers helpful and others don’t, find out what works best for you and keep trying your best!
  1. Get on top of your time management
    Time management within dentistry is key to ensuring a healthy work-life balance. Focusing on your degree is important for your future, but you also need to prioritise your wellbeing and hobbies to ensure you don’t burn out. Finding a balance will undeniably be an ongoing process with ebbs and flows, so try to pace yourself through it. One way you could achieve this is by having a weekly diary with your top clinical / academic priorities listed as well as a couple of fun activities to look forward to.
  1. Learn how to treatment plan correctly
    Treatment planning lies at the heart of everything we do. Ensure you follow a clear structure to your treatment planning and consent your patients properly by explaining the risks, benefits and alternatives to procedures.

    Evidence-based national guidance should inform and support your treatment plans.
  1. Get familiar with national guidelines
    This goes hand-in-hand with the above tip. Your life on placement and in dentistry in general, centres around evidence, and guidance that helps us make informed clinical decisions.

    Popular national guidance includes but is not limited to:

    – College of General Dentistry (CGDent) – standards and guidance
    – – Delivering Better Oral Health
    – National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) – Clinical Knowledge Summaries
    – NHS England – HTM-01-05 – Decontamination in primary care dental practices
    – Scottish Dental Clinical Effectiveness Programme (SDCEP) – Guidance

    Tip – if you become a member of CGDent, you can download their standards and guidance to your device so they’re always on hand when you need them. You can join as a Student Member for £11.
  1. Make a reference guide for your placement
    Doing this will make your life so much easier on your clinical days. A resource could be something like a Word document, OneNote, notebook with handwritten notes or a file with printouts. It may be worthwhile to include guides for procedures you have learnt so far at university. They will act as a useful reference if you find yourself attempting a new procedure in clinic.
  1. Make clinical templates
    Making templates that you can transfer over to your dental notes system for things such as new patient exams, recalls, extractions and fillings will save you a lot of time during your day. It increases your efficiency during appointments making sure you don’t feel rushed.
  1. Keep track of the procedures you do and reflect on them
    Despite sometimes feeling like an arduous task, reflection is perhaps one of the most useful tools we have in dentistry. It gives us the benefit of hindsight to improve our clinical practice. I would recommend attempting to record the procedures you are able to complete on placement and give a brief description of how the procedure went and a short reflection. This could be at the end of the day where you have a spare few minutes. In the long run, it will help you become the best clinician you can be.
  1. Make good use of your free time on placement
    If you happen to have a patient cancellation, do not just leave to go home. I know it may seem tempting and very easy to do but in the long run it is better if you try to use this time wisely. You could fill this time in by practising on one of your phantom heads if possible, or alternatively you could pick the brains of your supervisors and ask them about one of your interesting cases or if they have any tips.
  1. Start learning the importance of clinical photographs
    Clinical photographs are immensely useful in our careers. Whether it’s to show patients’ before-and-after pictures, to keep a record of your own portfolio or to send off intra-oral pictures for referrals, they are paramount to our everyday practice.

    Taking good pictures is a skill that is built up over time. However, the earlier you start the better you will be by the time you graduate. It’s always worthwhile asking your supervisors for any tips and tricks they may have to capture the best shots of your clinical work. Read the blog ‘Why taking photos is an essential skill in dentistry’ for some useful advice.
  1. Dental school is a journey
    Understand that your time at university is a journey and not a competition. Your job as a student is to do better than you did yesterday. It is easy to get swept up in emotions and start comparing yourself to others, but this is not productive nor helpful to you or others. So, remember to do your best, be kind and try to help your fellow students where you can.

Author bio

“I am in Year 5 of the BDS at the University of Plymouth. My particular areas of interest in dentistry are oral surgery, dental public health and special care dentistry. When I’m not studying, I practice yoga and like reading and running.”

Sona Dave