The list of fellowships which qualify applicants for Fellowship of the College by means of equivalence has been formally expanded to include Fellowship of the former Faculty of General Dental Practice.

While previously denoted by the suffix ‘FFGDP(UK)’, this post-nominal can no longer be used as it would misleadingly imply that an individual remained a member, in good standing and held to a professional standard, of a professional body which no longer exists.
However, existing Faculty Fellows could move seamlessly to the College when the Faculty transferred into it in 2021, and former FGDP Fellows have in practice been accepted into College Fellowship ever since.
For the avoidance of doubt in relation to future applications by former Faculty Fellows, the FFGDP(UK) is therefore now explicitly articulated as one of the qualifications which demonstrate eligibility for admittance to Fellowship of the College “by equivalence”.
In addition, Honorary Fellows of the College (FCGDent(Hon.)) or former Faculty (FFGDP(UK)(Hon.)) who also meet the College’s standard membership requirements may be admitted to full Fellowship by equivalence.
Fellowships of the Royal Colleges of the UK and Ireland, their Faculties of Dental Surgery (FDS) or Dentistry (FFD), the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons (FRACDS), and the American Academy of Implant Dentistry, are also deemed by the College to be of equivalent standing, and other equivalent bodies may be determined over time.
Fellowship of the Faculty of Dental Trainers of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (FDTFEd) is however accepted solely towards Fellowship applications by means of experience, providing significant evidence towards satisfaction of the Teaching, Learning & Assessment domain.
Full details of the requirements for Fellowship are available via the link below.