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Education partnership with Dentistry Show London
The College will be the headline education partner for the Clinical Excellence Theatre at Dentistry Show London 2022, hosting nine seminars in three CPD theatres over the two-day conference. CGDent speakers: top row: Jalpesh Patel, Kevin Lewis, Jason Wong, Wendy Thompson; bottom row: Tim Newton, Jacqui Elsden, Pynadath George, Abhi Pal The College will be … Continue reading Education partnership with Dentistry Show London
Eugene Chan appointed first overseas College Ambassador
The College of General Dentistry has announced the appointment of Dr Eugene Chan SBS BBS JP as an ambassador. Drawn from a variety of backgrounds, College Ambassadors have a remit to advocate for the College’s mission and vision, and Dr Chan’s appointment further expands the range of expertise and scope of influence within its ambassadorial … Continue reading Eugene Chan appointed first overseas College Ambassador
Non-voting Council members 2022-23
Maria Clark and Igor Blum have been re-appointed as non-voting members of the College Council for 2022-23.
In memory of Bob Morgan 1952-2022
We regret to report that Robert Leslie Morgan FFGDP(UK)(Hon.), former national board member and West Midlands regional director for the Faculty of General Dental Practice, has passed away aged 69. Born and raised in South Wales, he was awarded the Licentiate in Dental Surgery from the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh in 1975, and … Continue reading In memory of Bob Morgan 1952-2022
College welcomes NHS England contract changes
The College has responded to changes to the NHS England dental contract announced by the Chief Dental Officer for England, Sara Hurley FCGDent. Dental therapists will soon be able to accept patients for NHS treatments, providing fillings, sealants and preventative care for adults and children. Providers will also be able to claim for five Units … Continue reading College welcomes NHS England contract changes
Vice Presidents and dental team representatives 2022-23
Tashfeen Kholasi and Patricia Thomson have been elected as the College of General Dentistry’s Vice Presidents for 2022-23, and Louise Belfield, John Stanfield, Bill Sharpling and Sarah Hill have been re-appointed to their roles providing representation of the wider dental team on the College Council. Patricia Thomson FCGDent, Council representative for the West and North … Continue reading Vice Presidents and dental team representatives 2022-23
College launches Professional Framework for dental careers
The College has launched its much-anticipated Professional Framework, which describes the expected level of a dental practitioner’s capabilities at each stage of their careers. Aimed at providing recognition of professional development and promoting job satisfaction and workforce retention, Career Pathways in Dentistry: Professional Framework sets out the knowledge, skills and other attributes which define each … Continue reading College launches Professional Framework for dental careers
College endorses menopause policy for dental employers
The College has endorsed the menopause policy and advice recently published by the British Association of Dental Nurses (BADN).
Anniversary PDJ issue now online
The special anniversary edition of the Primary Dental Journal, The General Issue – part 2, is now online. Due to the number of high-quality papers submitted this year, the annual General Issue, which covers a wide range of subjects relevant to the primary dental care team, has been published in two parts, with Part 1, … Continue reading Anniversary PDJ issue now online
New members elected to College Council
The College of General Dentistry (CGDent) has announced the results of recent elections to its Council, with two new members elected, and five re-elected. (l-r, top row first) New CGDent Council Members-Elect Subir Banerji and Sagi Shavit, and re-elected Council Members Helen Kaney, Eldo Koshy, Patricia Thomson, Yann Maidment and Sami Stagnell Subir Banerji FCGDent … Continue reading New members elected to College Council
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