CGDent-GC Award 2023/24 winners

The College of General Dentistry, GC and The Tom Bereznicki Charitable Educational Foundation would like to congratulate the winners of the inaugural CGDent and GC Award for Foundation Dentists:

Masuma Chowdhury Tendai ManangaziraJuan Salmerón Ramírez
Nathaniel-Edouard DavidsonAsad MasoodGolasa Sheikh Akbari
Milton JustinsuthakaranCónal McKeeSonia Sin
Nafeesa KhanJoseph MulhallArav Soin
Chloe LeungJay PatelJarmima Uddin

The 15 winners were selected from entries submitted by Foundation Dentists / Vocational Trainees from across the UK, each of whom submitted an aesthetic case which they treated during their Foundation/Vocational training year which included at least one anterior tooth and composite restoration. Cases included the use of composite to treat midline diastema, the aesthetic and functional treatment of tooth wear, restoration following dental trauma and aesthetic build-up of peg shaped laterals, as well as more simple multiple composite restorations. View the winning cases here.

The panel of judges, which comprised Trustees of The Tom Bereznicki Charitable Educational Foundation, marked each case based on a set of assessment criteria which focused on overall improvement in the patient’s oral health (including periodontal health), the standard of aesthetic dentistry carried out and the quality of the entrant’s reflection on the case.

The prize for the winners is a fully funded place on a composite layering course which is taking place on 11-12 July at GC’s European Education Campus in Leuven, Belgium.

Dr Tom Bereznicki FCGDent, Founder of The Tom Bereznicki Charitable Educational Foundation, commented:

We were delighted with the number of entries, which all demonstrated a high level of dentistry skills and patient care. I would like to thank all entrants for submitting their work, and offer my congratulations to the winners.”

A selection of the winning cases which illustrate a range of different types of cases entered in the competition. Cases submitted by (L-R) Nathaniel-Edouard Davidson, Golasa Sheikh Akbari, and Milton Justinsuthakaran.

Remarking on the winning entries, Professor Sir Nairn Wilson CBE FCGDent, President Emeritus of the College, said:

Congratulations to all the winners; a great, richly-deserved experience awaits them in Leuven, accounts of which will hopefully encourage even more entrants in future years. Congratulations also to the Tom Bereznicki Charitable Educational Foundation for its ongoing work with the College and GC to promote the personal development of clinical skills among recently qualified colleagues. All entrants to the competition have learnt valuable lessons about the art and science of aesthetic dentistry.”

John Maloney, GC’s Director and Country Manager for the UK, Ireland and South Africa, said:

“It has been truly rewarding to see the admirable level of aesthetic dentistry skills demonstrated by newly qualified dentists. We look forward to continuing our work with the College and The Tom Bereznicki Charitable Educational Foundation to provide high quality, clinical training for early career professionals. Congratulations to all the winners, we can’t wait to see them at our Education Campus in Belgium.”

To register your interest in the 2024/25 award and receive notifications as soon as the competition opens in September, visit our award page.  

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My journey to College Fellowship

In March 2022, the College launched its landmark new route to fellowship based on experience, and invited dental professionals to apply. We asked four members who recently gained Fellowship through the new “by experience” route, to tell us about their professional journey and how their experience led them to Fellowship.

Anoup Nandra FCGDent

Q. Can you tell us about yourself and your career?

A. I graduated from Birmingham Dental School in 2002 and completed my vocation training in London. I returned to Birmingham to become an associate in a mixed practice, Edgbaston Dental Centre, becoming a partner in 2006. Later in 2014, I set up Rock Dental, a private practice.

I’ve been fortunate to have amazing colleagues around me, and together we have pursued various forms of post graduate education. Over the years I’ve completed restorative training at the FDGP/RCS, along with implant training at the Eastman. I became involved in vocational training early in my career, and through this was encouraged to complete a certificate in medical education. Most recently, I have started an LLM in medical law. I guess I could be described as a bit of a dental geek!

I still have a huge passion for clinical wet fingered dentistry with my main interests being surgical dentistry and restorative dentistry. Over the years, I have learned about the management side of the business and how to adapt to the changing climate in dentistry.

Outside of dentistry, I can usually be found playing cricket somewhere, or watching my children play cricket!

Q. Why did you decide to apply for Fellowship of the College?

A. Very early on in my career, I embarked upon the FGDP career progression pathway with the ultimate aim of Fellowship being a personal ambition of mine.

Throughout university and my early career, I was mentored by amazing clinicians, many of which were Fellows, or had encouraged me to aim to achieve Fellowship in the future.

On multiple occasions I enrolled onto the FGDP fellowship programme, but for various reasons I simply did not have the time to begin. Life got in the way, and I had almost given up on having the time to complete my Fellowship.

When the College of General Dentistry was formed, naturally, being a huge supporter of the College, I transferred over my membership and joined the College. At this point, I was approached by one of my mentors who suggested that I look at the “by experience” route. I looked at the criteria, and realised that, over the years, I had gained quite a bit of the required experience, and now, I would meet almost all the criteria. Naturally, I jumped at the chance and the rest is history!

Q. Which three of the five fellowship domains does your professional experience meet?

A. Although meeting the requirement of only three domains out of the available five was required, I attempted to meet the criteria of all five.

For the Clinical Domain, I was able to use my MSc in Implant Dentistry along with evidence of having worked as a referral practitioner to meet the requirements.

I satisfied the criterial for the Teaching, Learning & Assessment Domain as I had completed a PG Certificate in Medical Education and could provide evidence of my role as an educational supervisor / trainer in the West Midlands Deanery for at least four years.

To meet the requirements of the Leadership & Management Domain, I used a reference from my practice accountant showing that I had been a principal for at least ten years, along with evidence of my practice meeting the BDA Good Practice Scheme over the last three years.

As evidence in the Publications & Research Domain, I used my Master’s research dissertation.

For the Law & Ethics Domain, I was able to demonstrate that I had completed the first two years of an LLM in legal aspects of medical practice (to certificate level) and was able to provide evidence of having completed at least 60 expert witness reports.

Q. What would you say to others who are considering applying for Fellowship through the experience route?

A. For all of you that meet the qualification criteria, the Fellowship is a great way of supporting your College and a way of recognising all the effort you have put into your career over the years!

To anyone considering applying for Fellowship through the experience route, I would say go for it! Give it a go, you will be amazed, as I was, how much relevant experience you will have gained over the years. The process of collating all the evidence itself is valuable – you will find that you have probably achieved so much more than you realise! The application route is fair and allows you to use a wide range of evidence to support your case. The College is also incredibly helpful in guiding you through the process and making sure that you are directing your efforts correctly.

I remain grateful for the guidance that I have been given over the years by my mentors, and by my peers. Although achieving the level of a Fellow was a personal goal, I think it also reflects the support I have received when following this structured career pathway over the last 20 years. I would wholeheartedly recommend to anyone considering this route.

Wendy Thompson FCGDent

Q. Can you tell us about yourself and your career?

A. I have been a general dental practitioner based in Cumbria for ten years, but dentistry is actually my second career.

I started my working life as a Fast Stream Scientist at the Ministry of Defence, after graduating from the University of Warwick with a degree in microbiology. At MOD, I delivered policy and big projects, such as being project planner for the new aircraft carriers and establishing the missile defence centre (a government-industry partnership).

After my family and I decided to move back to Lancashire, I spent some time working for Lancashire County Council on partnerships and community engagement. During this period, I decided to do some serious soul searching about what I valued and wanted out of life.

That was when I decided to embark on a new career and go back to university. Luck was on my side because UCLAN is not far down the M6 from home and they had just set up a new BDS course with University of Liverpool. It’s now ten years since I graduated and I still love treating patients. But just treating patients five days a week was never going to completely fulfil me. As a foundation dentist, I undertook an audit about antimicrobial prescribing, which due to my background became something of a route map for dental antimicrobial stewardship. It wasn’t long before I became a member of the NICE antimicrobial stewardship guideline development. And then someone said ‘You should do a PhD!’. Ha! Me? A PhD??

Anyway, next stop was a PhD at University of Leeds with Prof Gail Douglas, supported by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) through a doctoral research fellowship (the first GDP to receive one). In hindsight, my PhD had the most ironic title – “Antibiotic prescribing towards a reduction during urgent dental care in England”. The pandemic hit just a few months after I graduated and antibiotic prescribing rose dramatically.

Throughout my PhD I continued to deliver clinical dentistry, as a GDP in Bradford, and feel that my academic work really benefitted from my clinical work (and vice versa). Following my PhD, I moved to University of Manchester as an NIHR clinical lecturer in primary dental care . The post is essentially 50% academic and 50% clinical dentistry (as a GDP in Kirkby Lonsdale). My first week coincided with the national COVID-19 lockdown in March 2020. What an interesting time to start a new job – especially when your research interest is antibiotic prescribing and urgent dental care!

Over the years, I’ve taken on various national and international roles, including the College’s lead on Antimicrobial Resistance, a member of the College’s research panel and a College Ambassador.

Q. Why did you decide to apply for Fellowship of the College?

A. Fellowship of the College has a kudos; it’s a mark that you have achieved a certain level of expertise and breadth in your career. College Fellowship is valued in academia and demonstrates I have a broad influence within the profession. I went for the Fellowship by experience route because I could see that I would meet the criteria needed to qualify and it would be a straightforward process.

Q. Which three of the five Fellowship domains does your professional experience meet?

A. I chose the Publications & Research Domain, the Teaching, Learning & Assessment Domain and the Leadership & Management Domain. I managed to achieve the gateway criteria in all three domains which meant I didn’t need to provide a full portfolio of evidence.

On taking up an academic post at the University of Manchester, the New Academics Programme (NAP) is provided which leads to Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA). Having submitted my NAP portfolio in January, I was pleased when my FHEA was confirmed as I could use it as part-qualifying for the Teaching, Learning & Assessment domain. The other part was providing evidence that I have been a visiting lecturer on a range of undergraduate and postgraduate courses at UCLan since 2015.

For the Leadership & Management Domain, I was able to reference my international work, including as a Fellow of the International College of Dentists (ICD). In addition, I referenced my work with the FDI World Dental Federation; I am a member of its science committee and chair of its antibiotics working group and early career research network, as well as lead author of its white paper on the essential role of dental teams at tackling antibiotic resistance which I’ve  repurposed as an online course (free via the FutureLearn website).

The Publications & Research Domain was achieved through evidencing my PhD.

Q. What would you say to others who are considering applying for Fellowship through the experience route?

A. Do it! The journey to fellowship has been hard work and enormous fun. Working towards gaining Fellowship through the experience route is a great way to plan out your career progression as you work towards broadening your skills, becoming a more rounded dentist, and enabling you to have a lasting impact on the profession.

Peter Martin FCGDent

Q. Can you tell us about yourself and your career?

A. After growing up in Portsmouth I moved to Liverpool to study dentistry, graduating in 1986. I became a father as an undergraduate and went into practice as an associate in a high-needs part of north Liverpool where I stayed for five years working almost entirely in the highly pressured NHS.

After this grounding and helping a colleague setting up a practice, I became a practice owner, buying a single-handed practice in St Helens in 1992. I was invited to be a Clinical Assistant in Orthodontics and expanded the practice by becoming a Vocational Trainer in 1998. After much toil and sacrifice, including a partial Denplan conversion in 2000, the practice grew. A part-time salaried position in a Dental Access Centre for three years helped to pay the tax bill.

I continued in Vocational Training and then Foundation Training and became a postnominal collector. I achieved membership of the Faculty of General Dental Practice (UK) in 2002 and MFDSRCS(Eng) the following year. In 2004-6, I was in Cohort 1 of the DipRestDent at MANDEC. Lots of CPD and tutoring later, I still work in St Helens with a five-surgery practice, have a grown-up daughter, and live with my partner, while spending my little free time walking, quizzing and living a simple life.

Q. Why did you decide to apply for Fellowship of the College?

A. As mentioned above, I like to collect letters after my name. I received an email from the newly formed CGDent with details of the fellowship by experience path (having already been awarded AssocFCGDent because of my Postgrad Diploma), realised that I could tick the relevant boxes and applied. It is a nice feeling to be told that I am officially a senior member of the profession, despite still having a degree of imposter syndrome after more than 35 years in practice.

Many of my closest friends at Dental School had sat FDSRCS (the main means to have a career path prior to the FGDP) and developed specialist hospital careers before “specialties” existed. A feeling of inferiority was natural – it was implied that GDPs were lesser beings by our hospital-based undergraduate teachers – but it was also motivational.

 I have experienced many changes in dental practice – the expectations in 1986 were a job as an NHS dentist, possibly practice ownership, until retirement. Now we have huge opportunities to acquire skills and training and to enjoy fulfilling careers – the letters after our names massage egos, but the real joy is in knowing we have progressed in ways earlier generations couldn’t.

Q. Which three of the five fellowship domains does your professional experience meet?

A. The Domains I chose were Clinical; Teaching, Learning & Assessment; and Leadership & Management.

Having a large appetite for CPD meant I could demonstrate externally-verified clinical skills via the DipRestDentRCS(Eng).

To demonstrate my commitment to education I showed that I was awarded a PGCert in Teaching & Learning in Clinical Practice in 2017 and was Postgraduate Tutor in the Mersey Deanery/HEENW for 11 years. I was a Vocational Trainer/ FD Educational Supervisor for 20 graduates and a letter from Anne, one of my former Training Programme Directors was needed to verify this. I am also a member of the Faculty of Dental Trainers RCS(Ed).

Having been a practice owner since 1992, served on an LDC and experienced new contracts imposed by the NHS, the invention of the CQC, changes to employment law, the rise of the corporates and imposition of clinical governance, I had some experience of leadership and management in dental practice. This was accepted as satisfying the Leadership & Management Domain requirements. I also had membership of the BDA Good Practice Scheme and obtained a Postgraduate Certificate in Dental Health Service Leadership & Management from the FGDP(UK) in 2010.

Q. What would you say to others who are considering applying for fellowship through the experience route?

A. The application process was straightforward and open, not like my experience of the assessment for Fellowship of the FGDP(UK). The criteria are clear and I believe, highly suitable for the purpose of demonstrating the range of skills and experience expected of “senior” practitioners. I would advise anyone with a suitable career history to apply and for those at an earlier stage to use the domains as a guide to career development.

Kaushik Paul FCGDent

Q. Can you tell us about yourself and your career?

A. I am a General Dental Practitioner in the Midland and London areas and the Clinical Director for MyDentist for the North West and Central regions, covering 150 practices.

Previously to this, I was an associate dentist at High Street Dental Practice for the past 11 years and have been a Foundation Dentist Trainer in general practice. I was also a Tier 2 Oral surgery Provider involving sedation in various practices within the Midlands region. I work part time at the Birmingham Dental Hospital as Speciality Dentist in Oral Surgery and as Clinical Lecturer in Oral Surgery at the School of Dental Sciences, University of Birmingham.

In these clinical roles, I am actively involved in the delivery of General Dental Services along with Minor Oral Surgery services.

I completed my BDS in India and then undertook the IQE examination in 2005 to register to work in the UK. Following this, I completed a Diploma in Conscious Sedation from Newcastle University and my MFDS and MJDF from the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh and Royal College of Surgeons of England respectively. I gained the Certificate in Dental Practice Appraisal and Certificate in Minor Oral Surgery from the FGDP, along with a MSc in Oral Surgery from UCLAN.

I also hold a Post Graduate certificate in Dental Practice Appraisal and Leadership and Management. I am a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy having undertaken a PG Certificate in Education.

I have a great passion for teaching and am actively involved in teaching, assessments, career planning and supporting undergraduate teaching and recruitment within Dental school and in Dental Foundation training and have taught on the MSc programmes at Warwick University. I’ve also tutored for the MJDF and am now on the Advisory Board for the MFDS examination with the RCSEd. I am currently involved in shaping the delivery of local dental services in the Staffordshire and Shropshire area as a member of the local LPN.

 I have been closely involved in mentoring and have worked as a Clinical Practice Advisor for 18 practices and as the CPD tutor within the Rodericks Group. Further, I have worked closely with the deanery to support colleagues through design and delivery of individualised mentoring pathways for clinicians with varied needs.

Outside of work, I relish food, traveling and shopping. I support a number of charities and am passionate about equality of opportunity for all.

Q. Why did you decide to apply for Fellowship of the College?

A. The fellowship of a college usually signifies a recognition of years of work and dedication to one’s professional career and also to the wider profession. Having been associated with the College from its inception and indeed from the times when it was FGDP, it was but natural that I seek to be a member and when the opportunity arose, aspire to be a fellow of the College. The “by experience” route allowed me to showcase years of work and use it to gain the fellowship.

Q. Which three of the five fellowship domains does your professional experience meet?

A. I applied for the fellowship under the Clinical; Teaching, Learning & Assessment; and Leadership & Management Domains. In the Clinical Domain, I was able to meet the gateway criteria based on achieving a Masters in Oral Surgery, along with other qualifications. Similarly, my teaching experience allowed me to meet the gateway criteria for the Teaching, Learning & Assessment Domain. My work as a clinical director and as a clinical advisor within corporate dentistry meant that I met the gateway criteria for the Leadership & Management Domain.

Q. What would you say to others who are considering applying for Fellowship through the experience route?

A. I think it is a fantastic opportunity for practitioners who have diverse and enhanced careers in general dental practice, to be recognised for it through the fellowship by experience pathway. Additionally, gaining fellowship associates them to a College that is progressive, inclusive and recognises all members of the dental profession. As a young College that is seeking to enhance and widen its membership and scope, this is the time for members of the GDP community to contribute through their experience and skills and make a difference in the dental landscape.

Congratulations to new Fellows Anoup Nandra, Wendy Thompson, Peter Martin and Kaushik Paul, and to all those who have been awarded Fellowship of the College of General Dentistry.

Dental professionals can apply for admission to Fellowship of the College – the mark of accomplishment in dentistry – by two routes: Fellowship by Experience and Fellowship by Equivalence.

To apply for Fellowship by the Fellowship by Experience route, you will need to submit a CV and detailed evidence showing how you meet the eligibility criteria for three of the five fellowship domains. The domains are: Clinical; Teaching, learning & assessment; Leadership & management; Publications & research; Law & ethics. We have “Gateway” criteria which require less evidence and will be processed more quickly, if you meet all these requirements.

Full details about routes to Fellowship and how to apply are available here.

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Dr Debbie Reed receives inaugural Janet Goodwin Award

Dr Debbie Reed AssocFCGDent has received the inaugural Janet Goodwin Award, which was conferred last night by Abhi Pal, President of the College of General Dentistry (CGDent), at a reception marking the 80th anniversary of the British Association of Dental Nurses (BADN).

The new award was instituted to recognise achievement by dental care professionals (DCPs) in areas such as leadership, standards of professionalism and patient care, commitment to life-long learning, service to the profession and advocacy for the whole-team approach to general dental care.

A dental nurse, Associate Fellow of CGDent, and accomplished and passionate tutor, Dr Reed is Head of the Department for Digital and Lifelong Learning and the Centre for Professional Practice at the University of Kent, where she developed and runs the Masters in Advanced and Specialist Healthcare (Applied Dental Professional Practice pathway). She received the award in recognition of her extraordinary commitment to her own education, as well as that of others throughout the whole dental team. She completed an educational doctorate in 2019, and has written and contributed to articles on topics such as mentoring, evidence-based practice in dental nursing, and the professional image of dental nurses. The award also recognises her ‘can do’ attitude, her inspiration of others to want to achieve their very best, and her advocacy for DCPs to have the same career opportunities and experiences as dentists. Last year she was awarded the BADN Outstanding Contribution to Dental Nursing Professional Practice Award in recognition for her work with dental nurses.

The award to Dr Reed was announced in April 2021 by the Faculty of General Dental Practice UK (FGDP), which elected not to host a conferral ceremony at the time due to concern over potential coronavirus transmission.

The award honours the legacy of the late Janet Goodwin FFGDP(UK)(Hon.), who throughout her almost 50 years as a dental nurse was a staunch advocate for the advancement and recognition of DCPs.

In a wide-ranging career, Janet worked in general dental practice, community practice, secondary care and healthcare management. She was the first dental nurse to be a member of the General Dental Council, and held a number of other notable posts including Chair of the GDC Standards Review Group and President of the Oral Health Foundation, and was both an Examiner and Chair of the National Examining Board for Dental Nurses. She served the FGDP for many years as a representative for the interests of the wider dental team, and became an Affiliate Member of the Faculty when it opened its membership to DCPs in 2005. An elected member and Chair of the Faculty’s DCP Committee, she sat on the Board for over ten years as an Observer, contributed to many standing committees, provided input during the development of standards and guidance, and was awarded Honorary Fellowship in 2019. She passed away in September 2020 after a long battle with breast cancer.

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Winner of our Wales student prize announced

Emyr Meek, a recent graduate from Cardiff University School of Dentistry, is the winner of the inaugural Art & Science of Dentistry Prize from the College and the Dental Society of Wales – Y Gymdeithas Ddeintyddol. The prize is for dental students in Wales, and Emyr’s submission is a poster about contract reform in Wales.

Emyr Meek
Continue reading “Winner of our Wales student prize announced”

The Art & Science of Dentistry (Wales) Prize


The College is pleased to sponsor this competition as an opportunity for students at the School of Dentistry at Cardiff University to showcase a dental topic or subject which may have an influence, or have had an influence on the improvement of oral health care for all. The work may be presented in the form of an investigation, a literature review or primary research.

You are invited to submit a VLOG or poster on an area or subject relevant to general dental practice, as 90% of dental care takes place in the primary care setting. Your entry may be relevant to Wales, the UK or more widely. 

Entry criteria

Individual or joint entries (from 2 students) will be accepted.

Entrants must be a current dental student at Cardiff University. This includes students who graduate in 2020.

Entries may be in English or Welsh.

The vlog may be no more than 5 minutes long. The poster must have no more than 500 words.

All entries must include a bibliography. (See ‘how to apply’ for details)

Copyright of the entries remain with the authors. However in entering the competition, the entrant agrees that the submission may be published digitally by the College, FGDP(UK), Y Gymdeithas Ddeintyddol Dental Society of Wales or Coleg Cymraeg to promote the prize and winners, and to promote the dental topic itself.

Prize: The winner will receive an award and £150, or if there are multiple stand out entries, a winner and runner up will receive £100 and £50 respectively.

Important dates: The closing date is 30 August, 2020. The prize will be presented at the Welsh Dental Society Annual Meeting at The Vale Resort in Cardiff on 17 October, 2020.

How to apply

Posters should be sent as an attachment to [email protected] with subject “Cardiff Prize” (PDF documents are preferred) Please remember to include your full name, contact details and your year of study.

Vlogs should be uploaded to a video sharing platform, eg Youtube or Vimeo, and the URL sent to [email protected], with your full name, contact details and year of study. If your vlog has privacy or access permissions, please remember to include the relevant password in your email. 

All entries must include a bibliography – which does not count towards the word count or vlog length. The awards committee expect there to be no less than 10 references to support your entry. This may be a combination of 5 references from refereed journals plus another 5 references from government statistics or publications from international bodies. References should follow the Harvard referencing system, and/or include hyperlinks where relevant.

Tips on what makes a good entry

Be clear on what your dental topic is. The ‘viewer’ needs to quickly know what you feel is important. 

Make your key messages clear – this includes in the language you use and the layout or structure of your entry

Provide evidence and interpretation relevant to the subject. Remember to support your conclusions with evidence.

Entries will be marked based on the criteria below, so take this into account when developing your entry. Marking will be based on quality, not only in appearance, but also in the content and the way your entry conveys the essential message quickly and accurately.

  • Comprehensibility and clarity of expression (the clarity of written/spoken English or Welsh)
  • Argument and critical thinking (the originality of thought in the topic/case presented)
  • Engagement with practice
  • Knowledge and understanding (the bibliography/documenting of source materials relevant to the presentation).

Gwobr Celf a Gwyddoniaeth mewn Deintyddiaeth

Mae’r gystadleuaeth hon yn rhoi cyfle i fyfyrwyr yn yr Ysgol Ddeintyddiaeth ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd I dynnu sylw at bwnc neu destun deintyddol a allai ddylanwadu, neu sydd wedi dylanwadu, ar wella gofal y geg i bawb. Gellir cyflwyno’r gwaith ar ffurf ymchwiliad, adolygiad o lenyddiaeth a astudiwyd neu ymchwil wreiddiol.

Rydym yn eich gwahodd i gyflwyno FLOG neu boster sy’n amlygu’r ymchwil a wnaethoch fel myfyriwr deintyddol. Mae’r gystadleuaeth yn canolbwyntio ar ymchwil sy’n berthnasol i bractis deintyddol cyffredinol, gan fod 90% o ofal deintyddol yn digwydd lle ceir gofal sylfaenol. Gall eich ymgais gynnwys ymchwil sy’n berthnasol i Gymru, i’r Deyrnas Gyfunol neu’r tu hwnt i hynny.

Meini prawf ceisiadau

Derbynnir ceisiadau unigol neu ar y cyd.

Mae’n rhaid i ymgeiswyr fod yn fyfyrwyr cyfredol ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd. Mae hynny’n cynnwys myfyrwyr sy’n graddio yn 2020.

Gall ceisiadau fod yn Gymraeg neu Saesneg.

Ni ddylai’r FLOG fod yn hwy na 5 munud o hyd. Ni ddylai’r poster gynnwys mwy na 500 o eiriau.

Mae’n rhaid i bob cais gynnwys llyfryddiaeth. (Gweler ‘Sut i ymgeisio’ am y manylion).

Mae hawlfraint y ceisiadau’n perthyn i’r awduron. Fodd bynnag, wrth gyflwyno cais i’r gystadleuaeth, mae’r ymgeisydd yn cytuno i’r cais gael ei gyhoeddi’n ddigidol gan CGDent, FGDP(UK), Y Gymdeithas Ddeintyddol yng Nghymru neu’r Coleg Cymr’aeg Cenedlaethol er mwyn hyrwyddo’r wobr a’r enillwyr ac i hyrwyddo’r ymchwil ei hun.

Dyddiadau pwysig: Y dyddiad cau ydi Awst 30, 2020. Bydd y wobr yn cael ei chyflwyno yn ystod Cyfarfod Blynyddol y Gymdeithas Ddeintyddol (yng Nghymru) yn y Vale Resort yng Nghaerdydd ar Hydref 17, 2020.

Sut i wneud cais

Dylid anfon posteri ar ffurf ffeil gyswllt (attachment) i’r egyfeiriad hwn: [email protected]. (Gwell gennym gael dogfennau.pdf). Cofiwch gynnwys eich enw llawn, manylion cyswllt a’ch blwyddyn astudio,

Dylid uwchlwytho Flogiau i gyfrwng rhannu fideo, e.e. Youtube neu Vimeo, gan anfon yr URL I’r egyfeiriad hwn: [email protected], gyda’ch enw llawn, manylion cyswllt a’ch blwyddyn astudio. Os oes gofynion cyfrinachedd neu fynediad ar eich flog, cofiwch gynnwys y cyfrinair perthnasol yn eich ebost.

Mae’n rhaid i bob cais fod â llyfryddiaeth – nad oes rhaid ei chynnwys wrth gyfrif geiriau na hyd y Flog. Mae pwyllgor y gwobrau yn disgwyl cael o leiaf 10 o gyfeiriadau i gefnogi pob cais. Gall hynny fod yn gyfuniad o 5 cyfeiriad wedi’u codi o gyfnodolion cydnabyddedig ynghyd â 5 cyfeiriad o ystadegau’r llywodraeth neu o gyhoeddiadau gan gyrff rhyngwladol. Dylai’r cyfeiriadau ddilyn y drefn a bennir gan system gyfeirio Harvard, a/neu gynnwys hypergyswllt lle bo hynny’n briodol.

Awgrymiadau ynghylch yr hyn sy’n gwneud cais da

Byddwch yn glir ynglŷn â beth ydi diben eich ymchwil. Mae angen i lygaid y gwyliwr ganfod yn syth beth yr ydych chi’n ei ystyried yn bwysig.

Gwnewch eich prif neges yn glir – mae hynny’n cynnwys yr iaith a ddefnyddiwch ynghyd â chynllun a strwythur eich cais.

Rhoddwch dystiolaeth a dehongliad o’r ymchwil.

Cofiwch gefnogi eich canfyddiadau gyda thystiolaeth.

Caiff ceisiadau eu marcio ar sail y meini prawf a nodir isod. Felly, cofiwch ystyried hynny wrth i chi ddatblygu eich cais. Seilir y marcio ar ansawdd nid yn unig o ran sut y mae’r gwaith yn edrych ond hefyd ar sail y cynnwys a’r ffordd y mae eich cais yn cyfleu’r neges hanfodol yn gyflym a chywir.

  • Dealladwyedd ac eglurder y mynegiant (eglurder y Gymraeg/Saesneg yn ysgrifenedig neu ar lafar).  
  • Cyflwyno dadl neu feddwl yn gritigol (gwreiddioldeb syniadol o ran y testun neu’r achos a gyflwynir).
  • Bod â chysylltiad â phractis.
  • Gwybodaeth a dealltwriaeth (llyfryddiaeth/dogfennaeth yn cofnodi ffynonellau’r deunydd sy’n berthnasol i’r cais).