The Intercollegiate Advisory Committee for Sedation in Dentistry (IASCD) has issued a statement on the clinical use of Remimazolam for intravenous conscious sedation for dental procedures.

The IACSD, on which the College is represented, publishes Standards for Conscious Sedation in the Provision of Dental Care – the accepted national standard for
conscious sedation in dentistry in the UK – however the current version pre-dates the authorisation of Remimazolam.
The committee has set out the expected standard of clinical use and training to enable safe use of Remimazolam until an established evidence base becomes available. Relating only to patients over eighteen years of age, the committee’s advice is that Remimazolam should not be used in younger patients until further evidence becomes available.
The statement says:
- Remimazolam, titrated intravenously as a single drug in adults, shall be used adhering to the same clinical standards and training required for midazolam.
- The technique is classified as an operator-sedationist technique.
- An appropriate adult escort is required for post-sedation care, in the same way as for the use of intravenous midazolam.
- Remimazolam and midazolam should not be used in combination or sequentially on a routine basis and without adequate justification for the same episode of sedation in primary care.
- Remimazolam should be reconstituted, drawn up and clearly labelled by the clinician administering the drug.
- Providers of intravenous conscious sedation for dentistry, trained and experienced in the use of midazolam to IACSD standards, do not require further supervised clinical experience. However, clinicians must consult the manufacturer’s product literature and have knowledge of pharmacology, dosing and indications together with an
understanding of how these fit with the IACSD standards. Evidence of this can be gained through CPD courses with appropriately set aims and objectives.
Further information is available here

The College is hosting a live webinar on 18 May 2023, free to all dental professionals, which will provide an introduction to Remimazolam.
College members are eligible for a 20% discount for a one-day CPD training course in the use of the Remimazolam taking place in Manchester on 5 July 2023.