Centenary message to the BDIA

The College of General Dentistry has congratulated the British Dental Industry Association (BDIA) on its 100th anniversary.

Nairn Wilson CBE FCGDent, President Emeritus of the College, said:

“Congratulations to the BDIA on 100 years of service and support to the dental profession and the patients it serves. Its work over the last century has unswervingly underpinned the provision of oral healthcare services, meeting the ever-changing needs of the ever-increasing diversity of oral healthcare professionals.

“The BDIA has also helped drive innovation and developments in dentistry with the timely introduction of new materials, instruments and devices, typically from international manufacturers and markets, while protecting the profession from substandard and counterfeit products.

“The College of General Dentistry is grateful for its sterling service and wishes it continued success, and we look forward to working together to further improve standards in oral healthcare during its second hundred years and beyond.”

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Mental health in dental settings survey

Dental professionals are being asked to help inform the development of resources to support the mental health and wellbeing of dental teams by filling in a short, anonymous survey.

The survey, part of the Mental Health in Dental Settings UK project (MINDSET UK) aims to evaluate the current status of mental health and wellbeing of dental teams across the country by investigating levels of burnout, depressed mood, experienced trauma and preparedness to provide quality care.

The project is led by the UK Dental Team Mental Health Research and Implementation Group, a collaboration between NHS Education for Scotland (NES), the Scottish Dental Clinical Effectiveness Programme (SDCEP), the University of Plymouth, King’s College London, Health and Social Care Northern Ireland and Health Education and Improvement Wales, and the survey is hosted by the Scottish Dental Practice-based Research Network.

The results of the survey will be shared with policy, service and education leaders in dentistry across the UK to inform the future provision of mental health and wellbeing support and training for dental teams, and may also be published in peer-reviewed journals and presented at relevant conferences. It will not be possible to identify individuals from their responses nor in any report or publication arising from the research.

The College supports the Mental Health Wellness in Dentistry Framework and Call to Action,  which encourages all members of the dental team to undertake training in stress awareness, and calls for every workplace to have a trained individual to encourage and lead discussion around the mental health wellness, to design a workplace action plan based on early intervention and safe signposting, and to act as a Mental Health First Aider – someone able to respond in a timely, appropriate and safe manner to potential mental health wellness issues.

We encourage all dental professionals to help support improved mental health wellness in dentistry by participating in the survey, which closes on Wednesday 31 May 2023 and is available at https://forms.office.com/e/AAgkcCbTPb

Further information can be found in the Participant Information Sheet and on the MINDSET website

ConfiDental helpline

ConfiDental is available 24/7, 365 days a year on 0333 987 5158 to support dental professionals in distress. Its trained volunteers are all practising or retired dental professionals who aim to help you come to your own solution or signpost you to a relevant organisation for further advice.

Mental Health Wellness Framework webinar

Our recorded webinar on mental health in dentistry, held in partnership with the Dental Professionals Alliance, discusses how to act in a timely, appropriate, and safe manner when identifying mental health wellness issues in the dental workplace. College members and ProDental subscribers have free access and can claim 1.5 hours’ CPD. A fee will apply for non-members/non-subscribers.

Spotting and Tackling Poor Mental Health in Colleagues and Patients

This Primary Dental Journal article is available exclusively to College members in the PDJ Archive (see volume 6 number 3 or search for ‘mental health’).

Health and Wellbeing of Clinical Dental Care Professionals: A Systematic Review

This Primary Dental Journal article from June 2022 is available on an Open Access basis here

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Indemnifiers: seek advice from the right sources

Dental indemnity organisations have issued a consensus statement encouraging dental professionals to make sure they seek advice from appropriate sources when patient safety incidents occur.

The organisations – BDA Indemnity, the Dental Defence Union, Dental Protection, the Medical & Dental Defence Union of Scotland, All Med Pro, Densura and Professional Dental Indemnity – formed a working group as part of ‘Project Sphere’, an NHS England-led patient safety forum, in order to help move away from the ‘blame culture’ in the profession.

The consensus statement, which is hosted by the College here, discourages use of social media and other informal information sources – which have the potential to leave dental professionals misinformed – and reassures dental professionals that “there is no limit to the number of times you can call for advice, and the frequency of calls does not impact individual indemnity fees.”

Project Sphere is chaired by Jason Wong FCGDent, Deputy Chief Dental Officer for England, and the College is represented in the project by Dr Mick Horton FCGDent, former Dean of the Faculty of General Dental Practice UK (FGDP) and now Chair of the College’s Board of Trustees.

The full consensus statement is available at https://cgdent.uk/indemnity-consensus-statement/

Members of the College of General Dentistry receive a discount on their Dental Protection subscription fees. Full Members qualify for a 5% reduction on their fee, and those admitted to Fellowship benefit from an 8% discount. For further information, visit https://cgdent.uk/discounts/

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Huge potential, but dentistry remains isolated – President’s message to healthcare integration committee

The President of the College, Dr Abhi Pal, has given evidence to the House of Lords Committee on the Integration of Primary and Community Care.

Addressing Peers remotely during an evidence session held yesterday afternoon, he said that while there are huge potential benefits for patients if dentistry were to become more integrated within wider NHS care delivery, in practice dental care provision remains isolated.

Dr Pal, a general dental practitioner and Principal of an NHS-contracted dental practice in Edgbaston, said there has been a lack of national policy to promote such integration, and that the current dental contract, along with other systemic constraints, actively gets in the way of achieving it.

In wide-ranging evidence, he also:

  • said dental representation and input into Integrated Care Boards was inadequate and needs to be formalised and properly resourced
  • noted the role of dental hygienists, therapists and nurses, in addition to dentists, in providing preventive messages in areas like diabetes, coronary heart disease, obesity and smoking
  • highlighted the bidirectional links between some oral health conditions and some wider health conditions, and the effects of the management of each on the other
  • referred to the ‘pockets of innovation’ in integrative care and flexible commissioning, such as the limited number of local and regional pilots around urgent care, diabetes and older patients, but made clear that they are exceptions to the norm
  • suggested that access within dental practices to patients’ medical records could enhance patient care

Dr Pal – the first elected President of the College, which became fully operational in 2021 – was speaking alongside representatives of the College of Optometrists and the Royal Pharmaceutical Society, and is the only representative of the dental profession out of over 60 individuals who have either given evidence to the enquiry to date or are currently scheduled to do so.

In March, he addressed the House of Commons Health and Social Care Select Committee as part of an oral evidence session on NHS dentistry in England, telling it that if the government wishes to retain and reinforce the NHS dentistry workforce, it needs to offer greater professional fulfilment and recognition in addition to reforming the NHS contract.

Last year, he also visited No.10 Downing Street for a discussion on access to careers and progression in dentistry, and he has previously discussed these issues with the Shadow Health Secretary.

A transcript of the House of Lords evidence session featuring Dr Pal is now available at https://committees.parliament.uk/oralevidence/13151/pdf/

The portion of the session featuring Dr Pal can be viewed above, and the full session can also be viewed online at https://parliamentlive.tv/event/index/5fc7fcce-a4f8-484a-9d43-25250ac5ece5

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Dental practices sought for pulpitis research

General dental practices are being sought for an NHS-funded research project, and the researchers are encouraging CGDent members to apply to participate.

The study into Pulpotomy or root canal treatment for the management of Irreversible Pulpitis in mature teeth (PIP study) compares the effectiveness of full pulpotomy and root canal treatment for irreversible pulpitis in permanent pre-molar and molar teeth.

Following a successful feasibility study which informed the final design of the PIP study, the researchers are now looking to recruit general dental practices in Scotland and England to each support the recruitment of approximately 11 participants and follow them up at one year. Training, support and remuneration are provided.

The project is being conducted by the Universities of Dundee, Aberdeen, Glasgow, Liverpool, Sheffield, King’s College London, plus NHS Education for Scotland and the Centre for Healthcare Randomised Trials and was commissioned by the NHS National Institute for Health Research Health Technology Assessment programme.

PIP study details

Patient participants will need to be at least 16 years old with symptoms indicative of irreversible pulpitis in a pre-molar or molar tooth with deep caries and/or a deep restoration. They must be seeking treatment at an NHS dental practice and receive a full pulpotomy.

Patients whose teeth have immature roots, clinical or radiographic signs of a necrotic pulp, insufficient tissue for a restoration or a poor prognosis (e.g. internal or external resorption) will not be eligible, likewise those with presence of a sinus, tenderness to percussion, buccal tenderness, pathological mobility or evidence off pathology on a periapical radiograph. All participating patients must be able to give informed consent.

Dentists taking part in the study will receive training, with fees and verifiable CPD provided, as well as remuneration covering set up costs, the cost of administration at the start and end of the study, service support cost and attendance of the end of study conference. You would continue to claim NHS fees and any charges for private treatment in the usual way.

Further information is available here. If you are interested in participating or have any questions, please email PIP‐[email protected] or complete the site initiation questionnaire.

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College Council election – vote now!

Voting is now open for the South East and South West Thames seat on the Council of the College of General Dentistry, and eligible members are encouraged to cast their ballot.

Four candidates are standing, and Full Members, Associate Fellows and Fellows of the College who have registered an address with the College which is within its South East and South West Thames region are entitled to vote.

The Council is the voice of our members, overseeing our role as a professional body and guiding the development of the College to fulfil its mission. Council members serve three-year terms and elections are held annually on a rotational basis. The elected candidate for the South East and South West Thames region is due to serve from June 2023 – June 2026.

The candidates are listed alphabetically by surname below, together with their election statements, and the deadline to vote is 2359 on Friday 26 May 2023.

All eligible members as of 17 March 2023 have been sent an email by the College’s election services provider, Mi-Voice, to the email address which the member has registered with the College. This contains the unique link/details they will need to cast their ballot online.

Please ensure that your membership of CGDent remains up to date before you vote, otherwise your vote might not count. The CGDent Member Register displays a list of all current Full Members, Associate Fellows and Fellows, together with their College region.

Each member’s allocated region is determined by the postal address they have registered with the College. This must be where the member either lives or works, and will be where their copies of the Primary Dental Journal and all other physical correspondence is sent. Your registered address can be updated in My Account following any change of location. A map of the College’s regions is here.

Please contact us at [email protected] if you think you are a Full Member, Associate Fellow or Fellow of the College but cannot find yourself on the Member Register, or if any of your listed details are incorrect.

If you need to renew your membership, you can do this easily online here.

If you are an Associate Member considering upgrading your membership in order to vote, or a non-member considering joining in order to do so, you will need to allow 1-2 weeks for the process to complete and for your unique voting details to be issued to you. Late votes will not be counted.

Following the election, the results will be announced on Wednesday 31 May 2023.

If you are an eligible member but cannot find the email from Mi-Voice inviting you to vote in your inbox, please check your junk or spam folder, and if necessary double-check the email account you have registered with the College by logging in at https://cgdent.uk/my-account.

If you experience any technical difficulties submitting your vote(s), please contact Mi-Voice at [email protected] or on 02380 763987.

Candidates for the South East and South West Thames seat

Anthony Bendkowski

“I enjoy working as a part of a team contributing both experience and humour. I have a proven ability in bringing teams together so that they can achieve more together than they could individually.”

Candidate statements

Tell us a little about yourself, your background and your professional and personal interests.

Qualifying in 1983 from University College Hospital Dental School, based in the South-East for all of my working life. I am a specialist oral surgeon and have worked in all sectors including general practice, community service, hospital, university and a long standing commitment as chair of our local dental committee. I run an 8 surgery general and specialist practice in South-East London and an implant referral practice in Maidstone.

I have a strong interest in developing pathways for lifelong education and training. I believe that primary care is the home of a high quality patient journey and is the environment for each member of the dental team to develop a fulfilling career.

For me, the College of General Dentistry is the new voice for our profession in primary care. I want to help this voice to be heard clearly for the future with all the many challenges that face us.

Why did you decide to stand for election?

I have decided to stand because I believe that the profession is facing many challenges for the future including recruitment, over-regulation, litigation, underfunding and the prevailing economic situation. I want to help and support the College to be heard as the cohesive and authoritative voice of our profession and to overcome these challenges.

What are your ambitions for the organisation?

For the College to expand its membership and to take its rightful place at the table representing our profession at all levels.

For the college to become the home of a comprehensive pathway of training ,education and qualifications for the dental team.

Give some examples from your professional or personal life that show you have the right skill set to make a contribution to the work of the Council.

Commitment to practice based research – participating in two ongoing multicentre clinical studies in implantology.

Various research and professional publications over many years.

Ongoing commitment to lifelong training and education.

Chair of Greenwich and Bexley LDC for over 15 years.

Past President of Association of Dental Implantology. Organised national conferences and study clubs. Contributed to development of implant training standards guidance with GDC and FGDP.

Lecturer for Brighton and Sussex Medical School Implantology  postgraduate program – helped to develop and implement the program.

Board member of PEERS DentsplySirona Implantology Training and Education Group help to organise national meetings.

Lecture extensively both nationally and internationally.

Member of Faculty of Surgical Trainers (RCS Ed).

Fellow of Royal College of Surgeons (London).

I am an active airshow/display pilot and own and fly a pair of vintage aircraft in a display team.

Ivy Glavee

“To make a difference and create a structure, process and outcome as well as offer innovative solutions to the needs of the organisation and encourage skillmix to address the shortage of dental health care professionals in areas that need them. To implement an Oral health programme to address high decay.”

Candidate statements

Tell us a little about yourself, your background and your professional and personal interests.

I am a Mentor, Poet, Teacher, Visionary and Author of the book Positive Work Life Balance – how to transform from tired individual to happy, empowered and fulfilled individual using top tips listed as part of toolkit. I am also an Innovative Dental Surgeon.
My philosophy of life is to make a difference which becomes a ripple effect to inspire the next generation.

Why did you decide to stand for election?

I wish to use my experiences to make a difference and contribute.

What are your ambitions for the organisation?

My ambitions for the organisation is twofold. First things first is to identify the needs and offer innovative solutions.

Secondly to create an educational training pathway to help others, encourage skill mix and parent focus groups using the time of sugar rationing as inspiration for the KAB model. (Knowledge, Attitude and Behaviour).

Finally to create a structure, process and outcome that can be evaluated to find out what worked, what did not work and how best to improve.

Give some examples from your professional or personal life that show you have the right skill set to make a contribution to the work of the Council.

Writing articles on Positive Work Life Balance and published

Creating courses and presenting

Organising a conference with an organisation and being a presenter

Taking part in Artificial Intelligence versus Corona Hackathon with data scientists and our team winning first prize

Taking part in leadership landscape

Taking part in collection of thoughts regards COVID 19 impact and published

Participant in research workshop on tackling differential attainment in the medical profession and report published

Being asked to produce a white paper on staff wellbeing in the workplace

I can teach

Having participated in leadership programmes (BEL leadership program and Advanced Dental Leadership)

Roshni Karia

“‘A dream doesn’t become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work.’ (Colin Powell). I would be humbled to continue the hard work and commitment I have already made and I kindly request your support in accelerating not just a vision but making this an absolute reality.”

Candidate statements

Tell us a little about yourself, your background and your professional and personal interests.

My vision has always been to help develop an environment that promotes clinical excellence and confidence whilst supporting peer learning and collaboration as it is here where I believe we thrive the most.

With this in mind, in 2015 I applied and was subsequently appointed an Early Careers Representative (FGDP UK). In 2017, I was elected to represent the South East and South West Thames Region and re-elected as a member of the College Council (2020-23).

During my time, I have held various chairs and was elected Junior Vice Dean (FGDP(UK) 2019-2020) and Senior Vice President (CGDent 2021-2022). I have remained a member of the President’s (Past Dean’s) Executive since 2017 with a central focus on developing Career Pathways for all members of the Oral Healthcare team. Having qualified from King’s College London (2010) I am a General Dental Practitioner and an undergraduate clinical tutor (Periodontology), King’s College London.

Why did you decide to stand for election?

I set out with a firm vision; for each member to confidently and freely serve our community, with the reassurance that they are supported by a strong clinical backbone; guiding and fostering excellence so that we can all strive to achieve our best. Therefore, over the years I have worked tirelessly; especially in developing the Career Pathways and Chairing the Certified Membership Scheme.  This has enabled phase one of this brand-new scheme to launch early in 2023, aimed at providing all members of the oral healthcare team an opportunity to demonstrate their capabilities and navigate their personal career journey with flexibility, structure and support.

Having started this journey, I am resolute in developing this so we can continue in ‘Setting Standards and ‘Supporting Careers’. I am determined to support the College’s ambition for Royal Charter as it is here, we can nurture these values and strengthen our professional community.

What are your ambitions for the organisation?

I am now looking forward to building on the progress made to embed a Career Pathway for all members of the Oral Healthcare Team. I have always believed in a professional environment driven by high quality and ethics, however, the environment in which this is learnt and thereafter delivered should be conducive in which to do so. Our profession requires support, refreshed confidence and synergy to be able to do this. As a College, we must rebuild bridges and celebrate peer support with fully supported professional development, so we can all make much more strategic decisions about our careers.

I believe it is absolutely necessary for the College to respond to the contemporary needs of all of our members and pursue our Royal Charter so we can now have an independent, yet cohesive voice and that Dentistry becomes central to mainstream Healthcare; working together at the forefront of clinical excellence.

Give some examples from your professional or personal life that show you have the right skill set to make a contribution to the work of the Council.

Participation within roles as:

•       Elected Board and Council Member (FGDP (UK) and CGDent) (2017-2023)

•       Past Vice Dean 2019-20, Past Senior Vice President 2021-22

•       Chair: Certified Membership Scheme Programme Board and Professional Affairs Committee.

•       Past Chair: Membership Affairs and Careers and Training Committees.

•       Member: Career Pathways Programme Board

•       Member: Forward Planning Group for COVID-19

•       Successful completion of Healthcare Leadership Academy Scholarship Programme (2020-21)

•       Completed (awaiting results) PGCert in Clinical Practice Management and Education (2022)

•       Fellow: Higher Education Academy

With these professional commitments, alongside investing in my own personal development I believe I have a broad understanding of the work undertaken and now required to progress as an authoritative organisation for the Dental Profession with an aspiration for Royal Charter.

The experiences and networks I have built have helped to shape me and have equipped me with the skills necessary to make a meaningful contribution to the work of the Council.

Ian Kerr

“I believe I can bring my passion, my focus, my leadership qualities, and my organisational skills all of which can be used to further the cause of the College.”

Candidate statements

Tell us a little about yourself, your background and your professional and personal interests.

I qualified from Newcastle Dental School in 1989 and have worked full-time in dentistry ever since.

I have worked in both the NHS and Private primary care and at King’s Dental Hospital and Kent and Canterbury.

I have completed an MSc, with distinction, in Advanced Specialist Healthcare and an LLM by research I have also completed a diploma in Restorative and Aesthetic dentistry, a Pg Cert in Implantology, a Pg Cert in civil law expert witness work, and a Pg Cert in Risk Mitigation.

I have developed an interest in dento-legal work and am active in this field as an expert witness.

Outside of dentistry, I have enjoyed rugby, martial arts, and boxing along with endurance events such as triathlon and a half iron man. I now limit my activities to sea swimming and training in the boxing gym without the need to ever let anyone hit me again!

Why did you decide to stand for election?

I feel that the college is a step in the right direction for dentistry and believe that a key lesson learned from the COVID crisis was that dentistry is in urgent need of a Royal College if it wishes to have a stronger voice at the highest levels. This is a process that I would like to be part of and want to offer whatever support I can.

What are your ambitions for the organisation?

I would like the college to become a Royal College and to have the full backing and support of the profession who would see it as the primary authoritative voice within dentistry.

Give some examples from your professional or personal life that show you have the right skill set to make a contribution to the work of the Council.

My organisational skills have been used in organising an expert witness group into a significant body within the field of Expert Witnessing in dento-legal matters, now with over 80 participants.

I have successfully run a multi-surgery private practice for 18 years, having started it from a squat.

From my student years as President of the Society to my rugby days as Club Captain in two of the four clubs I played for and as the founding partner of my dental practice, I have always tended to take positions of leadership when I felt it was an area that I could add value to.




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President to MPs: it’ll take more than contract reform to improve access to NHS dentistry

The President of the College, Dr Abhi Pal, has told a committee of MPs that it will take more than contract reform to persuade more dental professionals to deliver NHS dental treatment.

Dr Pal, a general dental practitioner and Principal of an NHS-contracted dental practice in Edgbaston, was addressing the House of Commons Health and Social Care Select Committee during an oral evidence session on NHS dentistry in England. During a discussion focussed on the attractiveness of NHS dentistry to dentists, he said:

“I’ve heard the evidence earlier on, and first of all I have to concur with colleagues about the state of the contract and dental contract reform, which is sorely required. But it’s not just a question of contract reform – whilst that’s very important – it’s also a question of making dental professionals’ careers more fulfilling and providing some degree of recognition for what they’re doing.

“Everyone goes into dentistry to provide the best care they can, and it’s worthwhile pointing out that beyond Dental Core Training, which is some two years post qualification, there is no effective career pathway or structure for dentists to follow, and there is a large void left there.

“There’s also little recognition from the NHS for dentists who have sometimes invested significant quantities of money in order to enhance their skills. If working conditions in that sense, and recognition, could be made better, the NHS would be seen as a more attractive place – particularly for younger dentists, and international dentists – to come and work.”

He later added:

“We speak to a lot of early career dentists – dentists within the first three or four years of qualifying – and invariably they say a number of things. One is that they are a little bit lost as to which direction they should go. And they see less future within the health service – we’ve talked about all the reasons that there are before, and they can’t work to the best way that their training has allowed them to work. I think there are small changes, including contract reform, in terms of supporting professional development, that the NHS could be considering.”

He said that in order to retain dental professionals within the NHS workforce, consideration should be given to supporting their training and development, and to supporting the development of more professional networks, peer review opportunities and mentoring schemes. He summarised that:

“All of these things, put together, in addition to contract reform, would go some way in making the NHS more attractive than it is now.”

The College recently opened a Certified Membership programme built around its freely available Professional Framework for Career Pathways in Dentistry, and speaking during the same evidence session, the Chair of Health Education England’s Dental Education Reform Programme informed committee members that HEE was already working with the College to look at how the NHS might recognise the career progression of dental professionals working in primary care.

Written evidence previously submitted by the Faculty of General Dental Practice – which transferred into the College in 2021 – told the committee that the current NHS dental contract in England is “ill-conceived and not fit for purpose”, “crude and ineffective”, and that many patients struggle to access NHS dental care as “the funding simply does not provide the universal offer they expect”.

Last year, Dr Pal visited No.10 Downing Street for a discussion on access to careers and progression in dentistry, and he has also discussed these issues with the Shadow Health Secretary.

The Health Committee’s evidence session on NHS dentistry can be viewed in full here

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College to host new Professional Development Theatre and Careers Clinic at BDCDS23

The CGDent Professional Development Theatre and CGDent Careers Clinic will be among the new additions at this year’s British Dental Conference and Dentistry Show (BDCDS), which will be held at the Birmingham NEC on 12-13 May 2023.

BDCDS is the UK’s largest dental event, and delegates will have access to around 200 seminars across 13 lecture theatres, as well as over 400 exhibiting suppliers, and the opportunity to network with thousands of dentists, practice managers, hygienists and therapists, dental nurses, technicians and laboratory owners.

CGDent Professional Development Theatre

The College’s new theatre will host sixteen lectures over the two day conference, welcoming members and non-members alike to its sessions, with speakers sharing their knowledge and experience on a range of subjects encompassing career development, professionalism and clinical dentistry.

Sessions will include:

  • Advertising and social media: dento-legal considerations            
  • How to move into orthodontics
  • How to make the most of your career in dentistry          
  • The many routes to Fellowship: what will yours be?
  • How to waste your time and money on the wrong training
  • Mouth cancer: what does the dental team need to know?
  • How to get into practice in the UK after qualifying abroad
  • Creating prevention-led growth for your practice
  • The changing nature of dental careers
  • How to move into facial aesthetics
  • How to get into practice ownership
  • Beyond clinical practice: how to expand into teaching and research

Full and up-to-date details of the CGDent Professional Development Theatre programme can be found on the BDCDS website – click Conference then 2023 Conference Programme.

CGDent Careers Clinic

The new ‘Careers Clinic’, which will be within the exhibition hall, will enable conversations between delegates and senior members of the College about career aspirations, with sixteen themed times slots, during each of which the most relevant representatives will be present to answer your questions one to one. In many cases this will include College lecturers being available directly after their lectures. Themed sessions (subject to confirmation) will include:

  • College membership
  • Identifying the right training
  • Developing your career
  • Gaining Associate Fellowship & Fellowship
  • Moving into orthodontics
  • Moving into facial aesthetics
  • Becoming a practice owner
  • Expanding into teaching and research
  • Expanding into dento-legal work
  • Getting into practice after qualifying abroad

Full and up-to-date details of the CGDent Careers Clinic programme can be found on the BDCDS website – click Conference then On-stand Education.

CGDent Stand

College representatives will also be available throughout the conference at Stand Q01 to talk to delegates about the College and membership. We would be delighted to say hello to any College members attending the conference, and to answer any questions you may have. We look forward to seeing you there!

Conference registration is FREE for all dental professionals – just click the button below.

College Council elections – call for candidates

Elections are due to be held for a number of seats on the Council of the College, and all eligible members are invited to consider standing.

As the College embarks on its third full year of operation – summaries of our achievements in our first two years are available here and here – these are exciting times in its development, and this is a fantastic opportunity to get involved and contribute at a national level.

The Council is the voice of our members.  It oversees our role as a professional body and guides the Trustee Board on the development of the College to fulfil its mission.

As a Council member, you would provide leadership, strategic input and direction in all the professional affairs of the College.  You would be helping to shape key moments in the College’s growth and could also get involved in specific initiatives on areas such as careers, policy and standards. A full role description is linked below.

Elections are taking place this year for the following seats: 

  • South and North Wales
  • North East and North West Thames
  • South East and South West Thames
  • Northern Ireland

Time commitment

If successfully elected, you would serve a three-year term, from June 2023 – June 2026, during which you would be expected to attend three Council meetings each year (currently one face-to-face and two online, all typically on a Friday morning), as well as other potential occasional online meetings and committees (normally outside of business hours).

Your first Council meeting would be on Friday 16 June 2023 in London. 

You would also be expected to vote, and eligible to stand, in the annual election of two Vice Presidents, and in the triennial election of a College President, and would be encouraged to attend our bi-annual Fellows Receptions and other face-to-face College events.

You would be able to stand for re-election in 2026, and individuals may serve up to three elected terms (i.e. nine years) on the Council.


All Full Members, Associate Fellows and Fellows of the College, regardless of their team role, are eligible to nominate themselves for election providing they meet the criteria for the relevant seat(s):

  • Candidates for regional seats must live or work within that region, and be registered with that region with CGDent

If you are an Associate Member considering upgrading your membership in order to stand for election, or to vote, or a non-member considering joining, you will need to allow at least two weeks ahead of the relevant date(s) below for this process to complete.


All eligible members as of 17 March 2023 have been emailed a link to the nominations website by the College’s election services provider, Mi-Voice.

If you are interested in standing for election, please complete the nomination process via that link, where you will be asked for further information, and to submit an election statement.

You will also be required to provide the names of two supporters of your application, each of whom must themselves be a Full Member, Associate Fellow or Fellow of the College. If you are unsure of the membership status of potential supporters, please consult our Member Register


Key Dates 

  • Nominations close at 23:59 on Sunday 16 April 2023 
  • The deadline for receipt of referee support is 12:00 on Wednesday 19 April 2023
  • Voting will open during week commencing Monday 24 April 2023
  • Voting will close on Friday 26 May 2023          
  • Results will be announced on Wednesday 31 May 2023             

Useful Documents 

Council Member Role Description 

Further Information 

If you think you might like to put yourself forward as a candidate and wanted further information, we would be pleased to have a confidential discussion and answer any questions about the role and the process. Please get in touch via [email protected] (please note you would not receive a call back before Monday 3 April 2023).

A map showing the regions covered by the regional seats of the College can be downloaded here. If you are unsure which CGDent region you are in, contact us via [email protected] 

The role is voluntary, but we do cover essential expenses. 

Technical problems 

If you experience technical difficulties submitting your nomination, please contact Mi-Voice by emailing [email protected] or calling 02380 763987. 

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New PDJ online: General dentistry

The latest edition of the Primary Dental Journal, The general issue (vol.12, no.1), is now live online.

The general issue brings together a wide range of topics, hand-picked by Editor-in-Chief, Professor Igor Blum, including a spectrum of contemporary approaches, clinical techniques and philosophies relating to aspects of general dental practice and the primary dental care team. A list of the papers can be found below.

The issue also features the third of five domains from the College’s Career Pathways in Dentistry: Professional Framework, which describes the knowledge, skills and other attributes expected of primary care dental professionals at different career stages – from safe practitioner through to accomplished practitioner. The ‘Reflection’ domain published in this issue will be followed by ‘Development’ and ‘Agency’ domains in future issues of the Primary Dental Journal. The first two domains, ‘Clinical & Technical’ and ‘Professionalism’, were published in the Autumn and Winter 2022 issues, and every domain for all career stages can be viewed online, using the above link.

Full access to the majority of articles is reserved for College of General Dentistry members and Primary Dental Journal subscribers. For non-members / non-subscribers, individual print issues are available to purchase from £41. An annual print subscription, normally costing £125, is included with membership of the College. Membership is available from £100 for dentists and from £33 for all other registered dental professionals, and also includes online access to the PDJ Archive of over 1,300 articles, and a range of other benefits.

CGDent members and PDJ subscribers should expect their printed copies to arrive in the next 2–3 weeks.

On behalf of the College, the PDJ editorial team would like to express its gratitude to all the authors and peer reviewers who have contributed to the publication of this issue.

CGDent members can view full articles by logging in via the yellow button below, then clicking ‘Access the PDJ Archive’:

At least one paper in each issue is made available online free of charge on an Open Access basis. Non-members can view all other full articles using the purchase options presented when clicking the individual article links below, or can use the links above to purchase a complete issue or an annual subscription, or become a member.

PDJ Spring 2023 general dentistry issue contents

The next issue of the journal will be on the topic of Aesthetic dentistry, and is due out in summer 2023.