Notice of elections

Elections will soon be held for twelve regional and role-based seats on the College Council, and all eligible members are invited to consider standing.

The Council is the voice of our members.  It oversees our role as a professional body and guides the Trustee Board on the development of the College to fulfil its mission.

Elections are being held this year for eight of the thirteen regional seats on the Council, and for the first time also to four seats representing specific roles within the dental team.

Nominations will be open from Friday 15 March to Monday 15 April. Following validation of nominations, voting will open during the week commencing 22 April and will close 30 days later, with the results announced shortly thereafter.

The role

As a Council member, you would provide leadership, strategic input and direction in all the professional affairs of the College. You would be helping to shape key moments in the College’s growth and could also get involved in specific initiatives on areas such as careers, policy and standards.

If elected, you would serve a three-year term, from June 2024 – June 2027, during which you would be expected to attend face-to-face Council meetings on three Fridays each year, as well as regular online meetings and occasional committees outside of business hours. Your first Council meeting would be on Friday 21 June 2024 in London. 

You would also be expected to vote, and eligible to stand, in the annual election of two Vice Presidents; to participate in the triennial appointment of a College President; and to attend College events around the UK.

You would be able to stand for re-election in 2027, and individuals may serve up to three elected terms (i.e. nine years) on the Council. The role is voluntary, but we do cover essential expenses. A role profile is available below.


To stand for election to a regional seat, you must be a Full Member, Associate Fellow or Fellow of the College (in any team role) and must live or work within that region, and be registered to that region with the College.

To stand for election to a role-based seat, you must be an Associate Member, Full Member, Associate Fellow or Fellow of the College, and must be registered with the GDC (or overseas equivalent) in a relevant role for the seat. All members are automatically assigned to one of the College’s four faculties for electoral purposes, based on the team role in which they have registered their College membership.

If you are a member considering upgrading your membership in order to stand or vote in an election, or a non-member considering joining, you will need to allow at least two weeks ahead of the relevant date(s) below for this process to complete.

Council seats for election in 2024

Nomination are sought for the following seats:

  • Central London
  • Mersey and North West
  • North East and North West Thames
  • South West
  • Trent and East Anglia
  • Wales
  • West Midlands
  • Yorkshire and Northern
  • Faculty of Dental Hygiene & Dental Therapy
  • Faculty of Dental Nursing & Orthodontic Therapy
  • Faculty of Dental Technology & Clinical Dental Technology
  • Faculty of Dentists

College electoral regions

If you are unsure which College region you are in, check your entry on the Member Register 

Nominations process

On 15 March 2024 (tbc), all eligible members will be emailed a link to the nominations website by the College’s election services provider, Mi-Voice.

If you are interested in standing for election, you will need to complete the nomination process via that link (once received), where you will be asked for further information, and to submit an election statement.

You will also be required to provide the names of two supporters of your nomination. For regional seats, your supporters must each be a Full Member, Associate Fellow or Fellow of the College. For role-based seats, your supporters must each be an Associate Member, Full Member, Associate Fellow or Fellow of the College. If you are unsure of the membership status or region of potential supporters, please consult our Member Register

If you think you might like to put yourself forward as a candidate and would like further information before deciding, we would be pleased to have a confidential discussion and answer any questions about the role and the process. Please get in touch via [email protected]

Please note that this item was amended on 28 February 2024 to reflect the addition of Central London to the list of regional seats being elected this year

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Recruitment for new President

The College is in the process of appointing its next President, and all full members are eligible to apply.

The President chairs and represents the elected College Council, is accountable to the Board of Trustees, and is the College’s most senior and visible office holder. (S)he will work closely with the Chief Executive to deliver the College’s ambitions as a professional body and charity in the public interest, and will provide leadership across the profession at a critical time on the journey to secure dentistry’s own Royal Charter.

The current President, Dr Abhi Pal, was elected the eleventh and final Dean of the Faculty of General Dental Practice UK (FGDP) in 2021, and has served the majority of his three-year term of office as the first President of the College. The second President will be the first to be appointed by the College since its independence.

While Deans of the FGDP were elected by and strictly from within the Faculty Board, all Full Members, Associate Fellows and Fellows of the College are now eligible to apply for the post of College President, and the appointment will be made by a selection panel with a majority drawn from the elected College Council.

The Presidency is a paid position for 1.5 days per week, but demands flexibility in time commitment, with frequent travel to London and other parts of the UK. A role profile is available below.

Applications should be made by email, headed “President”, to [email protected], attaching a CV and covering letter, and citing two supporters who are also current Full Members, Associate Fellows or Fellows of the College. College membership status can be checked on our Member Register.

The closing date for applications is Monday 18 March 2024.

Interviews are expected to be held in the week beginning 8 April, and the appointee will take office at the College Council meeting in London on Friday 21 June 2024.

If you have questions or would like a confidential discussion about the role, please contact Simon Thornton-Wood PhD, Chief Executive of the College, at [email protected]

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College seeks two new Trustees

The College of General Dentistry is seeking two Trustees – one dental and one independent – to help us in our historic mission to build a future Royal College for dentistry.

Our dental Trustees are registered dental professionals, and our independent Trustees come from outside of dentistry. Both are central to the effective delivery of our mission, contributing to custodianship of the organisation, and require a thorough appreciation of the role of a Trustee in a modern charity and professional membership body.

The Trustee Board, chaired by Dr Mick Horton FCGDent, works alongside the elected Council of the College, which oversees the professional affairs of the organisation and is chaired by the President of the College, Dr Abhi Pal FCGDent. Trustees must demonstrate high standards of behaviour and attitude, reflecting the inclusive professionalism that we seek to embody and contributing to the development of the organisation’s values. They will appreciate the business imperatives underpinning a growing organisation, reconciling financial viability with delivery of our overall mission in the patient and public interest. Trustees are appointed for a term of three years.

The role profile for both Trustee positions is available below:

Profile for the role of Trustee

Dental Trustee

For the position of Dental Trustee, you must be a registered dental professional. We are particularly interested in attracting people who can help us to engage widely across the dental team, as we seek to reflect their wide range of backgrounds and aspirations. The proportion of women and dental professionals from different backgrounds on the Register is growing, and we want our Trustee Board to be truly inclusive and reflective of our community.

Independent Trustee

Our independent Trustees, who come from outside dentistry, play a central role in the effective delivery of our mission.

The Board of Trustees has identified a need to supplement their skills in a key area and would be particularly keen for applications from those with experience of entrepreneurial development in a not-for-profit context and / or those with membership and professional body development.

For both positions, applicants should email their CV and a covering letter, citing two referees, to [email protected]

Deadline for applications:

Independent Trustee – Tuesday 5th September 2023. Dental Trustee – Sunday 16 July 2023.

It is intended that appointees will be in place by October 2023.

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College Council elections – call for candidates

Elections are due to be held for a number of seats on the Council of the College, and all eligible members are invited to consider standing.

As the College embarks on its third full year of operation – summaries of our achievements in our first two years are available here and here – these are exciting times in its development, and this is a fantastic opportunity to get involved and contribute at a national level.

The Council is the voice of our members.  It oversees our role as a professional body and guides the Trustee Board on the development of the College to fulfil its mission.

As a Council member, you would provide leadership, strategic input and direction in all the professional affairs of the College.  You would be helping to shape key moments in the College’s growth and could also get involved in specific initiatives on areas such as careers, policy and standards. A full role description is linked below.

Elections are taking place this year for the following seats: 

  • South and North Wales
  • North East and North West Thames
  • South East and South West Thames
  • Northern Ireland

Time commitment

If successfully elected, you would serve a three-year term, from June 2023 – June 2026, during which you would be expected to attend three Council meetings each year (currently one face-to-face and two online, all typically on a Friday morning), as well as other potential occasional online meetings and committees (normally outside of business hours).

Your first Council meeting would be on Friday 16 June 2023 in London. 

You would also be expected to vote, and eligible to stand, in the annual election of two Vice Presidents, and in the triennial election of a College President, and would be encouraged to attend our bi-annual Fellows Receptions and other face-to-face College events.

You would be able to stand for re-election in 2026, and individuals may serve up to three elected terms (i.e. nine years) on the Council.


All Full Members, Associate Fellows and Fellows of the College, regardless of their team role, are eligible to nominate themselves for election providing they meet the criteria for the relevant seat(s):

  • Candidates for regional seats must live or work within that region, and be registered with that region with CGDent

If you are an Associate Member considering upgrading your membership in order to stand for election, or to vote, or a non-member considering joining, you will need to allow at least two weeks ahead of the relevant date(s) below for this process to complete.


All eligible members as of 17 March 2023 have been emailed a link to the nominations website by the College’s election services provider, Mi-Voice.

If you are interested in standing for election, please complete the nomination process via that link, where you will be asked for further information, and to submit an election statement.

You will also be required to provide the names of two supporters of your application, each of whom must themselves be a Full Member, Associate Fellow or Fellow of the College. If you are unsure of the membership status of potential supporters, please consult our Member Register


Key Dates 

  • Nominations close at 23:59 on Sunday 16 April 2023 
  • The deadline for receipt of referee support is 12:00 on Wednesday 19 April 2023
  • Voting will open during week commencing Monday 24 April 2023
  • Voting will close on Friday 26 May 2023          
  • Results will be announced on Wednesday 31 May 2023             

Useful Documents 

Council Member Role Description 

Further Information 

If you think you might like to put yourself forward as a candidate and wanted further information, we would be pleased to have a confidential discussion and answer any questions about the role and the process. Please get in touch via [email protected] (please note you would not receive a call back before Monday 3 April 2023).

A map showing the regions covered by the regional seats of the College can be downloaded here. If you are unsure which CGDent region you are in, contact us via [email protected] 

The role is voluntary, but we do cover essential expenses. 

Technical problems 

If you experience technical difficulties submitting your nomination, please contact Mi-Voice by emailing [email protected] or calling 02380 763987. 

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Vacancy for independent Trustee

Help us in our historic mission to build a future Royal College for dentistry

Closing date extended to Friday 7 October 2022 in response to feedback from members.

An independent Trustee is being sought for the College of General Dentistry, as we bring the dental team together, to advance oral healthcare in the UK and beyond. Our independent Trustees, who come from outside dentistry, are central role to the effective delivery of our mission.

The Board of Trustees has identified a particular need to supplement their skills in the following areas:

  • legal matters as they pertain to a Charity
  • matters relating to the College’s objectives as a professional body and member organisation.

Our mission has never appeared so critical. At a time when dentistry faces immense challenges, we are developing a vital role. We are building a strong and trusted professional community of practice, serving patients and public. Our ground-breaking career pathways and Certified Membership provide new support needed by all dental professionals, and our Guidance and Standards underpin high quality in the practice of dentistry in every part of the country.

We aim to pursue a Royal Charter, elevating the standing of general dentistry alongside its medical professional peers. Dentistry deserves that recognition.

So this is an exciting time to join the Trustee Board of the College. You will help us to establish and shape its development – after one year of operation.

You will be expected to contribute to effective custodianship of the organisation, with a thorough appreciation of the role of a Trustee in a modern Charity and professional membership body.

The Trustee Board, chaired by Dr Janet Clarke FCGDent, works alongside the elected Council of the College, which oversees the professional affairs of the organisation and is chaired by the President of the College, Dr Abhi Pal FCGDent.

You will have an appreciation of business imperatives that underpin a growing organisation, reconciling financial viability with delivery of our overall mission in the patient and public interest.

Profile for the role of independent Trustee.

Applications (by CV and covering letter, which should address the requirements described in the role profile, citing two references) must be received by 7 October 2022, addressed to [email protected]. Prospective candidates are advised that interviews are planned to be held in mid October in London.

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College seeks new Dental Trustee

Help us in our historic mission to build a future Royal College for dentistry

Closing date extended to Friday 7 October 2022 in response to feedback from members.

A Trustee is being sought for the College of General Dentistry, as we bring the dental team together, to advance oral healthcare in the UK and beyond.

Our mission has never appeared so critical. At a time when dentistry faces immense challenges, we are developing a vital role. We are building a strong and trusted professional community of practice, serving patients and public. Our ground-breaking career pathways and Certified Membership provide new support needed by all dental professionals, and our Guidance and Standards underpin high quality in the practice of dentistry in every part of the country.

We aim to pursue a Royal Charter, elevating the standing of general dentistry alongside its medical professional peers. Dentistry deserves that recognition.

So this is an exciting time to join the Trustee Board of the College. You will help us to establish and shape the development of the College – after one year of operation – reflecting the interests of a diverse and dynamic profession. This is a significant role at a critical moment in our own development, and for the wider profession.

We have a vacancy for a dental professional to contribute as a Trustee to the development of the values of the organisation, demonstrating high standards of behaviour and attitude, reflecting the inclusive professionalism that we seek to embody and our status as a Registered Charity. You will be expected to contribute to effective custodianship of the organisation, with a thorough appreciation of the role of a Trustee.

The Trustee Board, chaired by Dr Janet Clarke FCGDent, works alongside the elected Council of the College, which oversees the professional affairs of the organisation and is chaired by the President of the College, Dr Abhi Pal FCGDent.

You will have an appreciation of business imperatives that underpin a growing organisation, reconciling financial viability with delivery of our overall mission in the patient and public interest. A particular interest in, and understanding of issues related to the professional indemnity of dental practitioners would be an advantage, as they affect the work of the College.

We are particularly interested in attracting people who can help us to engage widely across the dental team, as we seek to reflect their wide range of backgrounds and aspirations. The proportion of women and dental professionals from different backgrounds on the Register is growing, and we want our Trustee Board to be truly inclusive and reflective of our community.

Profile for the role of Dental Trustee.

Applications (by CV and covering letter, which should address the requirements described in the role profile, citing two references) must be received by 7 October 2022, addressed to [email protected]. Prospective candidates are advised that interviews are planned to be held in mid October in London. To be eligible, you must be a Full Member, Associate Fellow or Fellow of CGDent at the time of appointment.

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College Council elections – call for candidates

Elections are due to be held for a number of seats on the Council of the College of General Dentistry, and all eligible members are invited to consider standing.

These are exciting times in the development of the College, and this is a fantastic opportunity to get involved and contribute at a national level. 

The Council is the voice of our members.  It oversees our role as a professional body and guides the Trustee Board on the development of the College to fulfil its mission.

As a Council member, you would provide leadership, strategic input and direction in all the professional affairs of the College.  You would be helping to shape key moments in the College’s growth and could get also involved in specific initiatives on areas such as careers, policy and standards.

Elections are taking place this year for the following seats: 

  • Yorkshire & Northern
  • Central London
  • Wessex & Oxford
  • East of Scotland
  • West & North of Scotland
  • Overseas representative
  • National representative 

Time commitment

If successfully elected, you would serve a three-year term, from June 2022 – June 2025, during which you would attend three face-to-face Council meetings each year (typically on a Friday morning) as well as other regular online meetings and committees (normally outside of business hours).

Your first Council meeting would be on Friday 24 June in Cardiff. 

You would also be able to vote, and eligible to stand, in the annual election of two Vice Presidents, and the triennial election of a College President.

You would be able to stand for re-election in 2025, and individuals may serve up to three elected terms (i.e. nine years) on the Council.


All Full Members, Associate Fellows and Fellows of the College, regardless of their team role, are eligible to nominate themselves for election providing they meet the criteria for the relevant seat(s):

  • Candidates for regional seats must live or work within that region, and be registered with that region with CGDent
  • Candidates for the national seat must live or work in the UK, and have a registered UK address with CGDent
  • Candidates for the overseas seat must practice dentistry wholly outside the UK, and have a registered overseas address with CGDent 

If you are a UK member, you may apply for both the national seat and a regional seat. If you were the only candidate for one of the seats, you would be deemed to be elected or re-elected to that seat, and your name withdrawn from the election to the other seat. If there was a ballot for both seats, and you received the most votes in each, you would be deemed to be elected to the regional seat first, and your name withdrawn from the national seat.  (Exceptions to this may apply, for example if one or more candidates for the national seat withdrew from the process).  

If you are an Associate Member considering upgrading your membership in order to stand for election or to vote, or a non-member considering joining, you will need to allow at least two weeks ahead of the relevant date(s) below for this process to complete.


All eligible members as of 14 March 2022 have been emailed a link to the nominations website by the College’s election services provider, Mi-Voice.

If you are interested in standing for election, please complete the nomination process via that link, where you will be asked for further information, and to submit an election statement.

You will also be required to provide the names of two supporters of your application who themselves must be Full Members, Associate Fellows or Fellows of the College. If you are unsure of the membership status of potential supporters, please consult our Member Register


Key Dates 

Tuesday 19 April 2022 23:59       Nominations close

Thursday 21 April 2022 12:00     Deadline for receipt of referee support

w/c 25 April 2022                        Voting opens

Friday 27 May 2022 23:59           Voting closes

Wednesday 1 June 2022             Results announced

Useful Documents 

Council Member Role Description 

Further Information 

If you think you might like to put yourself forward as a candidate and wanted further information, we would be pleased to have a confidential discussion and answer any questions about the role and the process. Please get in touch via [email protected]

A map showing the regions covered by the regional seats of the College can be downloaded here. If you are unsure which CGDent region you are in, contact us via [email protected] 

The role is voluntary, but we do cover essential expenses. 

Technical problems 

If you experience technical difficulties submitting your nomination, please contact Mi-Voice by emailing [email protected] or calling 02380 763987. 

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The College recruits for an Advisory Strategy Group to guide its development

The College of General Dentistry is recruiting an Advisory Strategy Group, seeking contributions from across the dental team. This is an important opportunity for people across the Registrant community to make an active contribution, guiding the future direction of the College. 

The Group will play a crucial role in advising the Board of Trustees as they make plans to launch the College. The Group’s 15 members, who will have first-hand experience working across the dental team, will provide much-needed insight into the ideas, perspectives and priorities of people working in dentistry. 

Chair of Trustees, Prof Nairn Wilson, said:  “This is an exciting moment for the College, a step closer to its formal launch, and a mark of our commitment to embrace the interests and contributions of the whole dental team. We believe that a lack of diversity in leadership and influence in dentistry is a barrier to effectiveness – and we want our Advisory Strategy Group to draw upon strengths across the many communities that have such an important role to play for the future.”

Applications close on August 21st, with interviews planned in early September. Details can be found at

Trustees sought

Help us create a new Royal College for dentistry

Closing date 30 June 2019

Trustees are being sought for the new College of General Dentistry, which is currently being established with a vision to cultivate excellence in oral healthcare.

We will achieve this by fostering a strong and trusted professional community of practice, serving patients and public.  We will establish evidence-based guidance and standards for dentistry, and foster higher quality practice through education and training, career development and lifelong learning for dental professionals. Our work will build on the achievements of FGDP(UK), which is planned to transfer to the new College.

We aim to pursue a Royal Charter, elevating the standing of general dentistry alongside its medical professional peers.

This is consequently an exciting time for talented dentists to join us. You will help us to establish and shape the development of the new College – reflecting the interests of a diverse and dynamic profession. These are significant roles at a critical moment in developing the new College, and a momentous time for the Faculty and the wider profession.

We need dentist trustees to contribute to the development of the values of the organisation, demonstrating high standards of behaviour and attitude, reflecting the inclusive professionalism that we seek to embody. You will also be expected to contribute to effective custodianship of the organisation and have the ability to contribute effectively to the delivery of our ambitions, both as critical friend and, in the early stages of development, and as an active contributor to the task ahead. That might involve being an advocate for the new College in a variety of dental fora, advising on the development of the clinical quality to which we aspire, and shaping our thinking on the opportunities ahead.

We also need people who are commercially-minded, recognising the business imperatives that stand behind the delivery of our overall mission in the patient and public interest. We seek effective influencers, people able to coach, guide and support; people who will enable the College to build a strong position in an established professional and political environment.

We are particularly interested in attracting people who can help us to engage widely within the profession, amongst dentists at all stages of their career, and with a wide range of backgrounds and aspirations. The proportion of women and BAME dentists on the Register is growing and we want our trustee body to be truly inclusive and reflective of our community. We therefore welcome applications from people with diverse backgrounds and a wide range of perspectives.

A profile for the role of Dental Trustee is available here.

Applications (by CV and covering letter, which should address the requirements described in the role profile, citing two references) must be received by 30 June 2019, addressed to [email protected]. Prospective candidates are advised that interviews are planned to be held in early July in London. To be eligible, you must be a Full Member or Fellow of FGDP(UK) at the time of appointment. If you would like to know more, please contact Simon Thornton-Wood, Director of FGDP via [email protected] for a confidential discussion and guidance on the application process. Please note that this is a re-advertisement and earlier applicants need not reapply.