The College of General Dentistry is marking its first anniversary by offering all dental professionals and dental students a free print copy of the Primary Dental Journal.

Primary Dental Journal (PDJ) is the College’s quarterly, peer-reviewed member publication.
Featuring clinical articles, editorials and updates from the College, the PDJ is a leading resource for General Dental Practitioners and Dental Care Professionals working in primary care, and has as its Clinical Editor and Editor-in-Chief Igor Blum, Clinical Professor of Primary Dental Care & Advanced General Dental Practice at King’s College London.
Unique in its dedication to general dental practice, its general issues include a range of papers on a variety of topics of interest and relevance to the primary care dental team, and its themed issues explore subjects in depth and are guest edited by a renowned expert in their field.
Recent titles include Leadership and Professionalism, Paediatric Dentistry, Urgent Dental Care and COVID-19 and the Spring 2022 General Issue.
The Summer 2022 General Issue marks the anniversary of the College’s establishment, and to commemorate this milestone, the College is offering dental professionals a free print copy, worth £36.
The offer is available to all dental professionals and dental students, throughout the UK and beyond, including those who have previously received a promotional issue of PDJ through either their membership of one of the College’s partner organisations or their subscription to the College’s free monthly newsletter.
In addition to celebrating progress made in the College’s first full year of operation, articles in the anniversary issue include:
- Medical Device Regulations and custom-made device documentation: ten frequently asked questions and their answers by James IJ Green DipSci (Den Tech), HNCSci (Den Tech), LBIDST, FOTA, MDTA
- Occlusion on a single implant-supported crown: any differences? by Ziad Al-Ani BDS MSc PhD MFDS RCS (Ed) FHEA and Hassan Maghaireh BDS, MSc Dental implants (Manchester)
- Health and wellbeing of clinical dental care professionals: a systematic review by Layan Kaki MSc, BSc; Sukriti KC MPH, BSc(Hons) Psych, RDN; and Jennifer E. Gallagher MBE, PhD, MSc, BDS, DDPH, DTMM, FDS RCSEng, FHEA
- A large lipoma of the tongue: a case report by Adam Shathur BDS(Hons) MFDS PGCertMedEd(Merit); Arif Rashid MBBS BDS(Hons) MJDF MRCS (Eng); Vishal Patel BDS MJDF; Lorrette Ffolkes MRCP FRCPath DipRCPath; and Rahul Jayaram MBBS BDS(Hons) MFDSRCS MDS(OMFS) FRCS(OMFS)
- A modified Newton classification for denture stomatitis by Karin Hermana Neppelenbroek DDS, MSc, PhD; Andréa Lemos Falcão Procópio DDS, MSc, PhD; Anna Clara Gurgel Gomes DDS, MSc; Carolina Yoshi Campos Sugio DDS, MSc; Amanda Aparecida Maia Neves Garcia DDS; Vinicius Carvalho Porto DDS, MSc, PhD; and Vanessa Migliorini Urban DDS, MSc, PhD
- Moving from analogue to digital workflows in dentistry: understanding undermilling and overmilling as detrimental factors in fabricating CAD/CAM crowns by Ilser Turkyilmaz DMD, PhD; Gregory Neil Wilkins MBA; and Sarah Yun
- Dentistry where there is no dentist: a retrospective analysis of urgent dental care reported through the British Antarctic Survey Medical Unit (BASMU), 2015–2020 by Ewen McColl BSc (Hons), BDS, MFDS, FDS RCPS, MCGDent, MRD RCS Ed, MClinDent, FDS RCS (Rest Dent), FHEA, FDTF (Ed); Rob Witton MPH, BDS, DPDS, MFDSRCS (Eng), FDS (DPH), RCS (Eng), MCGDent, CertPerio, FDTF (Ed), FHEA; Tanya Lommerse BDS, MFDS RCS Ed; and Matt Warner BSc (Hons) MB BS FRCEM Dip IMC Dip RTM
- Book review: A practical approach to operative dentistry (Gordon B Gray and Alaa H Daud) by R Graham Chadwick BDS, PhD, FDSRCPS, FDS (Rest Dent) RCPS, FHEA
Those wishing to receive a free print copy will need to sign up by Sunday 29 May 2022.
Following the free Summer 2022 General Issue, forthcoming issues for 2022/23 include Oral Surgery, Digital Dentistry, the Spring 2023 General Issue, Aesthetic Dentistry and Dental Trauma, and those wishing to receive these can either subscribe to the PDJ or join the College.
Membership of the College is available from £94 for dentists and £33 for all other registered dental professionals, and includes a print subscription to the PDJ, online access to the PDJ Archive of over 1,300 articles, and a range of other benefits.
Click here for further information on the benefits of joining the College of General Dentistry.
Click here for information on subscribing to the Primary Dental Journal.
Non-members of the College can also keep up to date with its news, events, guidance and offers by subscribing to its free monthly newsletter.
In the run up to its anniversary, the College has also released a short film setting out its vision and purposes, Your College: Empowering Dental Professionals.
* Subject to availability; a subsequent issue will be sent if stocks run out