New register of implant dentistry mentors

The College has launched an online register of qualified mentors in implant dentistry.

Developed in conjunction with the Association of Dental Implantology (ADI) and the International Team for Implantology (ITI), the new Register of Mentors in Implant Dentistry will support high standards of training and practice in implant dentistry by providing recognition to those who have met specific standards in their clinical and mentoring practice. Freely accessible and searchable by the profession at large, it will also enable those undertaking training in implant dentistry to identify and contact appropriately experienced and qualified mentors.

Mentoring is recognised as a critical element of a practitioner’s training in implant dentistry, and is among the requirements of the College’s Training Standards in Implant Dentistry document, which sets the minimum standards for training which those practising implant dentistry in the UK must have undertaken.

The specific experience, skills and qualities required of a mentor are articulated in the College’s Mentoring in Implant Dentistry: Good Practice Guidelines and are the basis for the eligibility criteria for inclusion the new register, all of which must be met:

  1. Postgraduate degree or qualification in implant dentistry, or documentary evidence of completion of a structured implant training course with at least 70 hours of verifiable contact learning and meeting, or (for those who commenced implant dentistry before 2005) demonstrably equivalent training and experience.
  1. Placed and/or restored at least 250 implants in a variety of clinical situations, depending on which aspects of care are being mentored. (Suitability can also be demonstrated from a lower number of cases with appropriate insight and reflection).
  1. Five years’ experience in the specific prosthetic or surgical technique that the mentee is being trained in. This should be in the form of a description of the mentor’s overall post-qualification experience and specifically their implant training, courses attended and clinical experience.
  1. Successful completion of an accredited medical education or mentoring course, or two years in a substantive implant-related teaching post which includes clinical supervision.

Applications to join the register are reviewed by a panel comprising representatives of CGDent, the ADI and the ITI. Once admitted, mentors will be subject to a Code of Conduct to ensure that any mentoring provided is in accordance with the guidelines, and they will also need to provide an annual declaration that they are still undertaking implant dentistry and that they are maintaining their expertise in both clinical and mentoring skills.

There is currently no application fee, however those admitted to the register will pay an annual fee for inclusion. The introductory annual fee is £500, but Full Members, Associate Fellows or Fellows of the College pay only £250. Members of the ADI and ITI also benefit from a reduced rate of £400, and those who are members of both the College and either the ADI or ITI pay just £160 per annum. The effective cost of the fee can be significantly reduced through tax relief.

For further information, visit the Register of Mentors in Implant Dentistry

British Dental Conference & Dentistry Show

Friday 16 May (9am-5.30pm) & Saturday 17 May 2025 (9am-5pm)Birmingham

Hall 5, National Exhibition Centre, North Ave, Marston Green, Birmingham B40 1NT

The College will once again be a key education partner for the British Dental Conference & Dentistry Show (BDCDS), hosting four lectures in the Enhanced CPD Theatre during the two-day conference.

Members and non-members alike will be welcome to the College’s sessions, in which experts in their fields will share their knowledge and give advice on a range of subjects encompassing clinical dentistry and professionalism.

Details of this year’s lecture programme will be confirmed in due course.

Representatives will also available throughout the conference at the College’s exhibition stand to talk to delegates about our vision for the profession, the benefits of membership and fellowship, and to answer your questions.

BDCDS is the UK’s largest dental event, bringing together the whole dental team with 10,000 dental professionals gathering under one roof.

FREE to attend for all registered dental professionals, attendees can expect 200 CPD lectures across up to 11 theatres. Co-located with Dental Technology Showcase, it is also a great opportunity to meet new and existing suppliers, with 400 exhibitors on site, including all the industry leaders.

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The mentor-mentee relationship

CGDent webinar, Wednesday 12 February 20257pm

This CGDent webinar will explore the requirements and expectations of a mentor during the early stages of a dental professional’s career. The discussion will include a reflection on alternative training pathways in implant dentistry, with a particular focus on a primary care setting. The speakers will also provide an introduction to accessing and joining the College’s Register of Mentors in Implant Dentistry.


  • Dr Amit Mistry FCGDent, Dental Implantologist and member of the Register of Mentors in Implant Dentistry
  • Dr Choudhury Rahman, Associate Member of the College and general dental practitioner

CPD approx 40 minutes

GDC development outcomes: B, C

This webinar is hosted by the College of General Dentistry and powered by our CPD delivery partner, ProDental CPD – watch below.

It is free to view live for all dental professionals, and College members also have free access to the recorded webinar and can claim CPD hours for free. A £20 fee will apply for non-members who wish to claim CPD.

Membership of the College of General Dentistry is open to all registered dental professionals. Membership is available from £130 for dentists, £44 for dental nurses and £87 for other registered dental professionals. The full list of CGDent membership rates is here 

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The edentulous patient: the impact of implants on quality of life

CGDent webinar, Wednesday 29 January 20257pm

The World Health Organisation classifies edentulism as a disability. This CGDent webinar unpacks the details of this disability, looking at both qualitative and quantitative research in this field. The quality of life of these individuals, both before and after all the teeth are lost, is discussed, along with treatment modalities, from the most commonly provided conventional complete dentures, to management with dental implants for both removable and fixed prosthodontic solutions.

The webinar is hosted by Dr Amin Aminian FCGDent, a Specialist in Prosthodontics and guest editor of the ‘Implant dentistry (part one)’ issue of the Primary Dental Journal, published in Autumn 2024.


  • Dr Sarra Jawad, Consultant in Restorative Dentistry at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust.

Dr Sarra Jawad is the author of ‘The edentulous patient: the impact of implants on quality of life’, which was published in the ‘Implant dentistry (part one)’ issue of the Primary Dental Journal, in Autumn 2024.

Members of the College can access the article in the PDJ online library by first signing in to their online account and then visiting the PDJ Library webpage.

CPD approx 45 minutes

GDC development outcomes: C, D

This webinar is hosted by the College of General Dentistry and powered by our CPD delivery partner, ProDental CPD – watch below.

It was free to view live for all dental professionals, and College members also have free access to the recorded webinar and can claim CPD hours for free. A £20 fee will apply for non-members who wish to claim CPD.

Membership of the College of General Dentistry is open to all registered dental professionals. Membership is available from £130 for dentists, £44 for dental nurses and £87 for other registered dental professionals. The full list of CGDent membership rates is here 

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Education partnership with Dentistry Show London

The College will once again be an education partner at the upcoming Dentistry Show London 2024.

CGDent speakers at Dentistry Show London 2024: Helen Kaney (bottom left), Kaushik Paul (top left), Andrew Gulson (top right) and Sukhvinder Singh Atthi (bottom right). Top centre: representatives at the College exhibition stand

The College will be a partner for the Enhanced CPD Theatre, which will feature 11 lectures over the two-day conference, with experts in their fields sharing their extensive knowledge, and offering practical advice, on an array of important CPD areas. All lectures will be free of charge for both members and non-members of the College. Four of these lectures will be delivered by College representatives:

Medical emergencies

Friday 4 October, 9.15am – 10.00am

Dr Kaushik Paul BDS, MFDS, MJDF, Cert (MOS), Cert (Dental Practice Appraisal), PgCert (Leadership and Management), PgCert (Education), Dip (Con. Sed.), MSc (Oral Surgery), FCGDent, FHEA; accredited Tier 2 Oral Surgery provider and sedation trainer, Clinical Director for MyDentist in the North West.

The Dental Guidance Notes, 2nd edition – what you need to know 

Friday 4 October, 1.15pm – 2.00pm

Andrew Gulson, Principal Radiation Protection Specialist and Dental X-ray Protection Services Technical Manager at the UK Health Security Agency; Specialist Radiation Protection Scientist; certified Radiation Protection Adviser; editor of Guidance Notes for Dental Practitioners on the Safe Use of X-Ray Equipment

Obtaining patient consent: how to protect yourself 

Friday 4 October, 2.15pm – 3.00pm

Dr Helen Kaney BDS, LLB, MBA, FCGDent, FFFLM; dually qualified dentist and solicitor; Dento-Legal Advisor with the Medical and Dental Defence Union of Scotland

Intravenous sedation governance: update for the dental team

Saturday 5 October, 2.15pm – 3.00pm

Dr Sukhvinder Singh Atthi BDS, MFDS, Cert (MOS), Cert (Dental Practice Appraisal), PgCert (Conscious Sedation), PgCert (Leadership and Management), PgCert (Learning & Teaching in Higher Education), Dip. FFGDP(UK), MSc Oral Surgery, MSc Orthodontics, FCGDent, FHEA, ILM; Lecturer in oral surgery, University of Birmingham; Tier II-accredited oral surgeon 

Full details of all the College lectures are available via the above links, and details of the full programme for the Enhanced CPD Theatre and other theatres are available here.

College representatives will also be available throughout the conference at Stand F61 to talk to attendees about all aspects of membership, fellowship and the College’s vision for the profession.

It is not possible to register for any specific lecture in advance, however those wishing to attend will need to register for Dentistry Show London 2024, which is free for all dental professionals. Conference attendees will have access to up to 100 CPD lectures, as well as 180 exhibiting suppliers, and the opportunity to network with 4,000 dentists, practice managers, hygienists and therapists, dental nurses, technicians and laboratory owners.

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MSc fast-track for Associate Fellows and Fellows

Fellows and Associate Fellows of the College are now eligible to enrol on a ‘top-up’ Master’s degree, which can be completed during a single year of part-time distance learning.

Holders of ‘FCGDent’ and ‘AssocFCGDent’ status can enter via advanced standing into Stage 3 of the MSc in General Dental Practice offered by Aston University, with their attainment recognised as equivalent to 90 credits of relevant prior learning at level 7.

The arrangement applies regardless of dental team role or location, so long as the applicant meets the university’s standard postgraduate admissions criteria.

The course consists of a 30-credit taught module in advanced research methods followed by a 60-credit individual research project pertaining to clinical dental practice.

The programme develops competence in research skills including development of hypotheses, research design, execution, data analysis and interpretation, critical evaluation of literature, understanding of ethical issues and reporting of an empirically-based project.

On completion of the taught component, students will be able to select and implement appropriate quantitative and qualitative techniques for different research questions and designs, and will know how to manage their time and resources when undertaking research independently. They will then develop a suitable research question for their topic of choice within the field of general dental practice and plan a programme of research.

Delivered by the Cambridge Academy of Postgraduate Dentistry, learning methods include online lectures, seminars, tutorials, small group activity, independent study, assignments and reflections on assignment feedback. Assessment will be through a combination of continuous assessment, logbook, research proposal, presentations and a dissertation.

Fellowship of the College requires a breadth and depth of knowledge, skills and experience fulfilling the requirements of at least three of five fellowship domains (clinical; teaching, learning & assessment; leadership & management; publications & research; and law & ethics). 

Associate Fellowship of the College acts as a stepping stone to Fellowship, and is open to any dental professional holding the MGDS, DPDS, a relevant and accredited Level 7 Postgraduate Diploma providing 120 UK credits, a Specialty Membership of a UK Faculty or certain CGDent/FGDP(UK)/RCS Edinburgh-issued diplomas. The majority of Associate Fellows will find that their qualifying award already fulfils the requirements of the clinical domain of Fellowship, and successful completion of the MSc in General Dental Practice would also satisfy the requirements of the research domain.

Aston University is the only provider in the UK offering students the opportunity to top up their existing dentistry qualification and convert it into a fully approved Master’s qualification. The next cohort of the MSc in General Dental Practice starts in September 2024.

For further information, or to register your interest, email [email protected], call 0121 204 3200, or click the button below.

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Leadership in dentistry – a personal perspective

Abhi Pal FCGDent, Immediate Past President of the College, says the dental profession needs to create opportunities for all team members to develop leadership skills

Oral health care in the UK is a complex, fast-changing sector, embracing dynamic and skilled teams, and our profession faces a number of key challenges, some of which are not new. These include workforce recruitment and retention, inequalities in oral health, NHS contract reform, the lack of recognition for oral health care teams, and the regulatory environment. This is of course in addition to the wider problems of the cost-of-living crisis, Brexit, and global issues. Overcoming these challenges will need leadership at all levels, from individual practices through to national bodies. It will not be a surprise to readers when I say that that leadership requires creating a vision. That vision has to be informed by listening to individuals, acknowledging their views, and understanding the working environment in order to create a vision that can inspire.

I often hear that leaders are not born but that leadership is a collection of skills that can be learnt. The profession needs to create opportunities for all team members to be encouraged to develop these skills. This starts from the individual surgery and practice level through to professional bodies and national platforms. It is essential that early-career colleagues are encouraged to participate in conversations and decisions which will shape the future of the profession. It is more important than ever that we have role models who reflect the diversity that exists within the profession.

As well as creating a vision, leaders need to be able to communicate the vision to others
and inspire teams to get behind the goals. It is important to create a common language
that can encapsulate the knowledge and capabilities that we value in our teams. All individuals have strengths and weaknesses. The successful leader will harness the
strengths of individuals to delegate successfully and support individuals to help overcome weaknesses.

Many styles of leadership exist but it is often the case that successful leaders understand that styles need to be adapted to suit the requirements of the environment and teams they work in. I have found over the years that demonstration of credibility and authenticity can often be more important than just style.

Leaders also need to readily recognise the hard work undertaken by team members. Monetary reward is only one part of this. There is a general lack of recognition for the skills of primary oral health care teams due largely to the lack of a proper career structure. Without such recognition, we cannot hope to recruit and retain the talent we need in this great profession of ours. We need to have a new look at how this recognition can be provided.

I see an increasing amount of negativity in the profession, much of it spurred on by
the ease of posting views on social media. Negativity can stem from the feeling of powerlessness. However, some groups and organisations are stepping up, in spite of those challenges, showing the there is a great deal the profession can itself do to improve matters. The answers to the challenges the profession faces cannot be solved by one body alone. It is time for cooperation and leadership across the whole sector to provide workable solutions.

This article was first published in the British Dental Journal (volume 234, page 921, 2023) by Springer Nature

CGDent Scotland Annual Study Day

Friday 6 December 2024, 9am-5.30pm (registration from 8am, drinks reception until 7pm)

Glasgow Science Centre, 50 Pacific Quay, Glasgow G51 1EA

Problem solving in anterior and posterior composite dentistry


The ethics of aesthetics

Lecture programme

The CGDent Scotland Study Day 2024 featured Dr Andrew Chandrapal FCGDent presenting two sessions on anterior and posterior composite dentistry, and Dr Catherine Rutland FCGDent giving an interactive presentation on ethical and legal considerations in the provision of aesthetic and cosmetic dental procedures.

Dr Wendy Thompson FCGDent delivered this year’s Caldwell Memorial Lecture on Using antibiotics sustainably.


Andrew Chandrapal has been Principal of Bourne End Dental, a private general dental practice in Buckinghamshire, for almost 20 years, and has special interests in aesthetics, composite resin bonding and complex rehabilitation, including implants and management of tooth wear. He also practises in central London (limited to prosthodontics), is a postgraduate tutor for King’s College London, and is the founder and Director of IndigoDent Education. After qualifying from the University of Birmingham in 2001, he was awarded the Diploma of Membership of the former Faculty of General Dental Practice (UK) in 2003, and in 2006 completed a Diploma in Postgraduate Dental Studies in periodontics, endodontics and tooth wear at the University of Bristol. In 2011 he attained a Distinction in a double Masters in Clinical Dentistry in fixed and removable prosthodontics at King’s College London, and he is also a graduate of the Kois Centre in Seattle. A Past President of the British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, he is a long-standing member of the Association of Dental Implantology, the International Team for Implantology, the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry and the British Society of Occlusal Studies. He is a Council Member of the Dental Defence Union and sits on the editorial board of Dental Update.

Catherine Rutland is Clinical Director of Simplyhealth (including Denplan), leading the team that supports its members, in particular during clinical disputes and times of professional risk, with regulatory and legislative advice, clinical mediation, clinical risk management and quality improvement advice. After qualifying as a dentist from the University of Leeds in 1992, she spent two and a half years in secondary care as a House Officer and Senior House Officer before completing Vocational Training. Moving into general dental practice, she was a joint partner in a private dental practice in West Berkshire from 2000-2019. She joined Denplan as a Dental Advisor in 2010, and was later promoted to Senior Dental Advisor, Head of Professional Support Services and Head Dental Officer before starting her current role full time in 2019. She holds a Master’s degree in Medical Ethics and Law from King’s College London (completed in 2013), became a Certified Member of the Institute of Risk Management in 2015 and was awarded a Level 7 Certificate in Leadership Mentoring and Coaching from the Chartered Management Institute in 2016.

Wendy Thompson is a general dental practitioner in Cumbria and Clinical Senior Lecturer in Primary Dental Care at the University of Manchester, and researches and lectures nationally and internationally on tackling antimicrobial resistance, reducing the overprescribing of antibiotics, and optimising the prevention and control of infections. She graduated BDS from the University of Liverpool, was awarded the Diploma of Membership of the Joint Dental Faculties of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, holds a BSc in Microbiology & Microbial Technology from the University of Warwick, and completed a PhD in antibiotic prescribing at the University of Leeds. She is a CGDent Ambassador, a member of the College’s Research Advisory Group, and College Lead on antimicrobial prescribing, resistance and stewardship, representing it on the UK Health Security Agency’s oversight committee and dental sub-group on antimicrobial use and resistance. She is also Vice Chair of the FDI World Dental Federation Science Committee, Chair of its working group on preventing antimicrobial resistance and infections, an advisor to the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, a member of the BDA Health & Science Committee, a Council member of the British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, a member of the BNF Dental Advisory Group, Trustee of the charity The AMR Narrative and a member of Antibiotics Research UK’s Public Engagement and Patient Support Committee. She was an honorary consultant to the Office of the Chief Dental Officer for England on antimicrobial stewardship and was Guest Editor of the College’s Primary Dental Journal issue dedicated to COVID-19 and urgent dental care. She is a Fellow of both the Higher Education Academy and the International College of Dentists and spent nine years working at the Ministry of Defence.


The CGDent Scotland Study Day can be attended in person or virtually.

For in-person attendees, there was free parking and registration opened at 8am with tea, coffee and breakfast rolls available. Six hours of CPD lectures took place, with two coffee breaks, a two-course lunch, and a drinks reception afterwards. Delegates were also able to visit the accompanying trade exhibition.


Non-member dentist: £349 (current early bird rate: £249)

Glasgow Odontological Society member dentist: £319 (current early bird rate: £219)

CGDent member dentist: £249 (current early bird rate: £149)

Non-member retired, technician, hygienist, therapist, nurse or practice manager: £149

CGDent member retired, technician, hygienist, therapist, nurse or practice manager: £129

Foundation Dentist / Vocational Trainee: £75

Foundation/Vocational Trainer & Trainee duo ticket: £199

Membership of the College of General Dentistry is open to all registered dental professionals. Membership is available from £130 for dentists, £44 for dental nurses and £87 for other registered dental professionals. The full list of CGDent membership rates is here  

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Intravenous sedation governance: an update for the dental team

Saturday 5 October 2024, 2.15pm-3.00pm, London

Enhanced CPD Theatre, Hall N9, ExCeL London, Royal Victoria Dock, 1 Western Gateway, London E16 1XL

This lecture was delivered by Dr Sukhvinder Singh Atthi FCGDent, a lecturer in oral surgery at the University of Birmingham, and Tier II-accredited Oral Surgeon who treats nervous minor oral surgery patients with intravenous sedation. With 25 years’ experience working as an associate then principal dentist in general dental practice, he has also worked part-time in the Community Dental Service and spent part of his vocational training working in oral maxillofacial surgery units. He holds Master’s degrees in both Orthodontics and Oral Surgery, Postgraduate Certificates in Conscious Sedation, Leadership & Management and Learning & Teaching in Higher Education, the Diploma of Fellowship and Certificates in both Minor Oral Surgery and Dental Practice Appraisal from the FGDP(UK), and is qualified to ILM Level 5 in Coaching and Mentoring in Management. He is a Fellow of the College of General Dentistry and Higher Education Academy, an experienced dental trainer, and has been a board member of CGDent West Midlands (previously the FGDP West Midlands Division) since 2013.

This lecture was free to attend for both members and non-members of the College, and is one of four College sessions at Dentistry Show London 2024, a two-day conference hosting over 100 CPD lectures, 180 exhibitors and 4,000 dental professionals.

It was not possible to register specifically for this lecture in advance, but those wishing to attend had to register for Dentistry Show London 2024 either in advance or on the day.

Dentistry Show London 2024 was FREE to attend for all registered dental professionals

Conference visitors are also encouraged to drop by Stand F61 to meet College representatives.

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Obtaining patient consent: how to protect yourself

Friday 4 October 2024, 2.15pm-3.00pm, London

Enhanced CPD Theatre, Hall N9, ExCeL London, Royal Victoria Dock, 1 Western Gateway, London E16 1XL

This lecture was delivered by Helen Kaney FCGDent, a dually qualified dentist and solicitor, and Dento-Legal Advisor with the Medical and Dental Defence Union of Scotland. Helen qualified BDS from Glasgow University in 1987 and spent many years in general dental practice as well as working as a clinical assistant in conservative dentistry and prosthodontics at Glasgow Dental Hospital and at Guy’s Hospital in London. She developed an interest in law and ethics early in her career and studied law, obtaining an LLB, and then trained and worked as a solicitor for several years, acting for doctors and dentists in clinical negligence claims, regulatory matters and Fatal Accident Inquiries (Coroner’s Inquests) on the instructions of UK indemnity providers. She has significant experience in advising and assisting dentists in the UK and Ireland and in several international jurisdictions, and spent 14 years at Dental Protection as a Dentolegal and Senior Dentolegal Adviser and latterly as Medico and Dentolegal Services Team Lead and Head of Dental Services, Scotland. An elected member of the College Council, she completed an MBA at Strathclyde Business School in 2013 and is a Fellow of the Faculty of Forensic and Legal Medicine of the Royal College of Physicians.

This lecture was free to attend for both members and non-members of the College, and is one of four College sessions at Dentistry Show London 2024, a two-day conference hosting over 100 CPD lectures, 180 exhibitors and 4,000 dental professionals.

It was not possible to register specifically for this lecture in advance, but those wishing to attend had to register for Dentistry Show London 2024 either in advance or on the day.

Dentistry Show London 2024 is FREE to attend for all registered dental professionals.

Conference visitors are also encouraged to drop by Stand F61 to meet College representatives.

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