Standards & guidance
We set the authoritative standards and guidance for general dental practice, promoting high-quality practice and patient care:
By the profession, for the profession.
Supporting excellence throughout the profession, our evidence-based Standards and Guidance are a respected resource for the whole dental team.
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In our Talking Standards webinar series, free to view live, the experts discuss key areas from our guidance and answer your questions. Scroll down to see what’s coming soon or visit our events page.
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An introduction to research for primary dental care clinicians
An Introduction to Research for Primary Dental Care Clinicians introduces the principles of research methodology, discusses the relevance of research to primary dental care, and provides an overview of the different stages in a research project.
Antimicrobial prescribing in dentistry
Antimicrobial Prescribing in Dentistry gives clear, simple and practical guidance to dentists on when to prescribe antimicrobials, what to prescribe, for how long and at what dosage.
Our printable one-page summary of the guidance, Chairside synopsis for common conditions, which summarises recommendations applicable for adult patients, is available for all dental professionals and practices to download.
The Antimicrobial Prescribing Self-Audit Tool, co-published with the British Dental Association and endorsed by Public Health England, helps dental prescribers to complete a clinical audit of their antimicrobial prescribing and management of dental infections, and to compare audited practice against the guidance.
Further resources are available in the Dental Antimicrobial Stewardship Toolkit, which was developed by the FGDP(UK), the British Dental Association and the Dental Sub-Group of Public Health England’s English surveillance programme for antimicrobial utilisation and resistance (ESPAUR).
Clinical examination and record-keeping
Clinical Examination and Record-Keeping is a complete reference guide to record-keeping and examination, including history-taking, consent, confidentiality, data protection and more.
Dementia-friendly dentistry
Dementia-Friendly Dentistry enables dental professionals to understand dementia and its implications for dental practice, and adapt their patient management and clinical decisions accordingly.
Guidance notes for dental practitioners on the safe use of X-ray equipment
Sets standards for the safe use of x-ray equipment within dental practice in line with the Ionising Radiation Regulations 2017 (IRR17) and Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposure) Regulations 2017 (IRMER17).
Implications of COVID-19 for the safe management of general dental practice
Our COVID-19 guidance supports dental professionals to take a risk-based, evidence-based approach to providing safe general dental care, and looking after team wellbeing, in the current circumstances.
Mentoring in implant dentistry

Mentoring in Implant Dentistry: Good Practice Guidelines describes the nature of mentoring which should be undertaken in order to safely carry out implant dentistry following completion of an appropriate training course, and complements Training Standards in Implant Dentistry.
Selection criteria for dental radiography
Selection Criteria for Dental Radiography is the leading guideline on indications for radiographic investigation, covering treatment planning and monitoring, ionising radiation regulations and best practice.
Standards in dentistry
Standards in Dentistry is a comprehensive collection of standards and guidelines for primary dental care.
Training standards in implant dentistry
Training Standards in Implant Dentistry summarises the training that should be undertaken to carry out implant dentistry safely, and the standards which should be met by training courses. It should be read in conjunction with Mentoring in Implant Dentistry: Good Practice Guidelines.
New PDJ online: General dentistry
The latest edition of the Primary Dental Journal, The general issue, is now live online featuring a wide range of topics relating to aspects of general dental practice and the primary care team.
Remimazolam CPD training day
Wednesday 5 July 2023, Manchester. Dr Roy Bennett FCGDent and Dr Rob Endicott delivered a one day hands-on CPD training course in the use of the new benzodiazepine Remimazolam
Introduction to Remimazolam in Procedural Sedation in Dentistry
CGDent recorded webinar, Thursday 18 May 2023. An introduction to the pharmacology of Remimazolam, with a discussion of experiences of using the drug.
Remimazolam statement
The Intercollegiate Advisory Committee for Sedation in Dentistry has issued a statement on the clinical use of Remimazolam for intravenous conscious sedation for dental procedures.
New PDJ online: Digital dentistry
The latest edition of the Primary Dental Journal, Digital Dentistry, is now live online and explores various techniques offering the latest update on the evolution of technology and materials.
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