CGDent Scotland Study Day 2024: a review

Patricia Thomson FCGDent, Council representative for North and West Scotland, reviews the College’s recent annual study day in Glasgow.

The 6 December 2024 witnessed the most recent gathering of our dental community for the College’s annual Study Day in Scotland, at the Science Centre, Glasgow. This was the fourteenth year that we have held the event at this venue due to its convenient location and the superb facilities, including an Imax Theatre and an outstanding AV team. After registration, breakfast rolls and coffee, and an initial inspection of the sponsors’ stands, delegates entered the Imax Theatre at 9am for the start of the programme.

Once again the event was fully subscribed, with both sponsorship and delegate spaces sold out well in advance, and we had an in-person attendance of around 360 plus additional delegates who joined virtually. We were delighted to welcome back a core of GDPs and trade sponsors who are loyal supporters of the day, but we also welcomed many new faces, including those who had travelled from outside of Scotland.

It was a pleasure to host Dr Roshni Karia MCGDent, the recently appointed President of the College, as well as Professor Aileen Bell (Dean of Glasgow Dental School), Dr Andrew Paterson (Education Lead for Restorative Dentistry at Glasgow Dental School), and representatives of organisations including the BDA, GDC, National Services Scotland, Practitioner Services (Dental), NHS Education Scotland (NES), MDDUS, DDU/MDU, and LDCs from Greater Glasgow and Clyde Health Board and Lanarkshire Health Board.

This year we were also joined by several charities: Bridge to Aid; Maldent; GOHISS (Glasgow Oral Health Improvement Student Society); Smileawi (2019 winner of the Dean’s Award given by the former Faculty of General Dental Practice); and the Canmore Trust (whose CEO, Professor John Gibson, was awarded the College Medal earlier in the year). All had a very successful day, networking with the dental trade and our community of practice.

Glasgow Dental School also enabled its final year BDS students to attend, and they were joined by a number of undergraduates from Dundee Dental School.

Unfortunately, Government fiscal restrictions prevented NES funding the attendance of Vocational Dental Practitioners this year, but despite that, a group of trainers facilitated the attendance of their own VDPs,  recognising the value to early career colleagues of joining the wider professional community and attending face-to-face CPD events.

Our speakers for the day, all Fellows of the College, were: Dr Catherine Rutland, Clinical Director at Simply Health and Denplan, who leads a team providing clinical governance advice to all areas of the clinical group; Dr Andrew Chandrapal, practice owner and educator with a special interest in aesthetic dentistry, composite bonding and complex rehabilitation; and Dr Wendy Thompson, a microbiologist and GDP in Cumbria who is Chair of the FDI World Dental Federation Task Team on Preventing AMR and Infection.

The lecture programme commenced with tributes to the late Dr Louis MacKenzie FCGDent, delivered in the first instance by Professor Gibson, whose own personal tragedy brought about the establishment of the Canmore Trust, which raises awareness of suicide prevention and postvention and works with individuals touched by suicide.

We had engaged Louis as our main speaker eighteen months previously, and he was to present on the topic of anterior and posterior composites. On initially planning the day, Louis had suggested that Dr Catherine Rutland would be an ideal complementary speaker. The devastating loss of Louis before Christmas 2023 resulted in the painful dilemma of how to move forward with the Scotland Study Day 2024. After a period of reflection, Catherine agreed that she was willing to present at the event. It was felt that we should approach Andrew Chandrapal as an appropriate replacement speaker on the topic of composite restorations. We are immensely grateful to both of them, as they had been close colleagues and friends of Louis, and both delivered the most touching tributes to him that morning, despite the emotional difficulty that this involved.

All of these tributes ensured that Louis was not forgotten, and was an enduring presence throughout the day.

After our introductions, Catherine delivered a very thought provoking lecture on the “Ethics of Aesthetics”. This foray into the world of consumer-driven dentistry, and the perils of dentists engaging in social media without regard for professional ethics, was a timely reminder of the pitfalls that can be encountered, and made those of us of mature years relieved that we have the excuse of age not to engage in such activity.

After our mid-morning break, which involved networking, refreshments and a visit to the trade stands, Andrew Chandrapal spoke on the topic of anterior composites. His lecture was delivered in the format of “top tips”, and covered such subjects as the use of enamel and dentine composites, replication of tooth anatomy, shade selection, appropriate matrices and wedges, and tips on finishing.

Following this, the delegates retired for a sit-down lunch with an opportunity for further networking and professional fellowship. Old acquaintances were renewed, and new ones established.

After lunch, the final year students reconvened in another lecture theatre for the delivery of their own programme, initially addressed by Dr Karia, followed by representatives of three of our sponsors, Scottish Dental Care Group, Martin Aitken Accountants and MDDUS. On their way to the theatre, the students took full advantage of privileged access to the Science Centre’s fun exhibits of wonky mirrors and optical illusion floors, proving that they are still students!

Meanwhile, in the main lecture theatre, Andrew continued with his afternoon lecture, providing top tips on posterior composites and advice on establishing fissure depth and reproducing accurate occlusal morphology and anatomy. He also imparted excellent tips on rubber dam placement, sectional matrices and wedges.

The afternoon break allowed the students to re-join the main delegate body, and all to enjoy further refreshments and chat, and a final opportunity to interact with the dental trade.

Dr Wendy Thompson, our third speaker of the day, delivered the Caldwell Memorial Lecture on the subject of “Antibiotic Sustainability”. We were all extremely relieved when Wendy did not force the delegates to take part in an aerobics session that she was threatening, and allowed us to sit down and be thoroughly convinced that antibiotics do not cure toothache, along with a very sobering message on the effects of antimicrobial resistance delivered through video by a devastatingly affected patient.

After the rigours of the day we all retired to the much-deserved drinks reception, observing the rivulets of rain on the outside of the triple-height windows which signalled the arrival of Storm Darragh, proving once again that we have a lot of weather in Glasgow. There was also opportunity for the more mature delegates to sample the wonky mirrors and sloping floors of the exhibits, sensibly, before they had even touched a glass of wine.

The day is structured to provide six hours of high quality CPD, the opportunity for our community of practice to gather with ample time for professional networking, and interaction with the trade and other stakeholders.

We specifically thank the local members of our profession who give so much time and effort on an altruistic basis for the benefit of our professional community, and ultimately for the benefit of patients. We could not deliver this day without them.

We would like to acknowledge our gratitude to the various members of the trade whose sponsorship and loyalty enables us to deliver an event on this scale and subsidises the cost of attendance for delegates.

Specifically, our Platinum Sponsor was Scottish Dental Care Group, and our Gold Sponsors were Nexus Lab, MDDUS, Martin Aitken Accountants, the BDA, Clyde Munro, the Scottish Centre for Excellence in Dentistry and Strictly Confidental.

Our Silver Sponsors were Acteon, Align Technology, the DDU, Denplan, GC UK, the GDC, Haleon, Greater Glasgow and Clyde LDC, Kettenbach Dental, NHS National Services Scotland, Optident, Patient Plan Direct, Real Good Dental, the Royal Bank of Scotland, Septodont, Thorntons and Wrights.

This year’s event will take place on Friday 5 December 2025 and the programme for the day is already well advanced. All College members receive a hefty fee discount, and we strongly encourage you to come wherever you’re based in the UK (or elsewhere). There’s no better way to kick off the Christmas season and you’re guaranteed a warm welcome – hope to see you there!

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CGDent and Dentsply Sirona launch the Tom Bereznicki Award for Advanced Aesthetic Dentistry

The College has partnered with the Tom Bereznicki Charitable Educational Foundation and Dentsply Sirona to develop a new aesthetic dentistry award for early career dentists.

The Tom Bereznicki Award for Advanced Aesthetic Dentistry recognises aesthetic dentistry skills and patient care and is open to dentists who qualified in the UK or Ireland between 2019 to 2023, or who qualified overseas between 2019 to 2023 and have been practising in the UK for at least the past two years.

36 successful candidates will each receive a fully funded place on a bespoke, hands-on two-day digital dentistry course at the Dentsply Sirona Academy in Weybridge, Surrey. The course is repeated on three separate dates. Travel costs, hotel accommodation and subsistence are included in the prize.

The digital dentistry course has been designed by Dr Tom Bereznicki BDS (Edin), FDS RCS (Ed), MFDTEd, FCGDent, MFDSEng and Dr Chris Leech BDS, MAGDS RCS (Ed), MFDS RCPS (Glasg), Dip Imp Dent RCS (Ed), FDS RCS (Ed), FCGDent. Created solely for the Award, the course is aimed at dentists with limited of working with a digital workflow. The exclusive course is only open to winners of the new Award and is not available commercially.

Delivered predominantly through short demonstrations and comprehensive hands-on sessions, participants on the course will be guided step-by-step through the complete process of creating a digitally produced crown, from scanning to cementation. Theory modules, such as material science, will be provided through pre-course and post-course videos.

To enter, candidates must submit pre-op photographs of an aesthetic case they are about to start treating and upload a final case report when treatment is complete.  The case must involve more than one tooth, including at least one anterior tooth, and the use of composite to restore teeth. It must mainly follow an analogue workflow. Full case eligibility guidance is outlined on the Award web page.

The inaugural Award is now open and the deadline to enter the competition with pre-op photographs is Friday 2 May 2025*. Entrants have until Friday 5 September 2025 to complete the treatment and submit their final case. The successful candidates will be announced in October and the digital dentistry courses will take place on Friday-Saturday 14-15 November 2025, Friday-Saturday 28-29 November 2025, and a Friday-Saturday in early 2026 (date to be confirmed). The number of Award entries has been capped at 150, and will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

Click the button below for further information about the award, links to guidance for entrants and the entry form.

Further opportunities for early career dentists

The College is collaborating with the Tom Bereznicki Charitable Educational Foundation, and other partners, to deliver a range of educational opportunities for early career dental professionals.

Occlusion and perio symposia
Featuring a line-up of expert speakers, a series of symposia for early career dentists on the topics of occlusion and perio will take place in London in 2025. Find out more.

CGDent and GC Award for Foundation Trainees
Dentists and dental therapists enrolled on DFT are eligible to enter the CGDent-GC Award 2024/25, to win fully funded composite layering training in Belgium. Full details and entry form.

*The entry and submission deadlines have been extended and the course due to take place on 4-5 July 2025 has been rescheduled to early 2026 (date to be confirmed).

The edentulous patient: the impact of implants on quality of life

CGDent webinar, Wednesday 29 January 20257pm

The World Health Organisation classifies edentulism as a disability. This CGDent webinar unpacks the details of this disability, looking at both qualitative and quantitative research in this field. The quality of life of these individuals, both before and after all the teeth are lost, is discussed, along with treatment modalities, from the most commonly provided conventional complete dentures, to management with dental implants for both removable and fixed prosthodontic solutions.

The webinar is hosted by Dr Amin Aminian FCGDent, a Specialist in Prosthodontics and guest editor of the ‘Implant dentistry (part one)’ issue of the Primary Dental Journal, published in Autumn 2024.


  • Dr Sarra Jawad, Consultant in Restorative Dentistry at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust.

Dr Sarra Jawad is the author of ‘The edentulous patient: the impact of implants on quality of life’, which was published in the ‘Implant dentistry (part one)’ issue of the Primary Dental Journal, in Autumn 2024.

Members of the College can access the article in the PDJ online library by first signing in to their online account and then visiting the PDJ Library webpage.

CPD approx 45 minutes

GDC development outcomes: C, D

This webinar is hosted by the College of General Dentistry and powered by our CPD delivery partner, ProDental CPD – watch below.

It was free to view live for all dental professionals, and College members also have free access to the recorded webinar and can claim CPD hours for free. A £20 fee will apply for non-members who wish to claim CPD.

Membership of the College of General Dentistry is open to all registered dental professionals. Membership is available from £130 for dentists, £44 for dental nurses and £87 for other registered dental professionals. The full list of CGDent membership rates is here 

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CGDent-GC Award 2023/24 winners

The College of General Dentistry, GC and The Tom Bereznicki Charitable Educational Foundation would like to congratulate the winners of the inaugural CGDent and GC Award for Foundation Dentists:

Masuma Chowdhury Tendai ManangaziraJuan Salmerón Ramírez
Nathaniel-Edouard DavidsonAsad MasoodGolasa Sheikh Akbari
Milton JustinsuthakaranCónal McKeeSonia Sin
Nafeesa KhanJoseph MulhallArav Soin
Chloe LeungJay PatelJarmima Uddin

The 15 winners were selected from entries submitted by Foundation Dentists / Vocational Trainees from across the UK, each of whom submitted an aesthetic case which they treated during their Foundation/Vocational training year which included at least one anterior tooth and composite restoration. Cases included the use of composite to treat midline diastema, the aesthetic and functional treatment of tooth wear, restoration following dental trauma and aesthetic build-up of peg shaped laterals, as well as more simple multiple composite restorations. View the winning cases here.

The panel of judges, which comprised Trustees of The Tom Bereznicki Charitable Educational Foundation, marked each case based on a set of assessment criteria which focused on overall improvement in the patient’s oral health (including periodontal health), the standard of aesthetic dentistry carried out and the quality of the entrant’s reflection on the case.

The prize for the winners is a fully funded place on a composite layering course which is taking place on 11-12 July at GC’s European Education Campus in Leuven, Belgium.

Dr Tom Bereznicki FCGDent, Founder of The Tom Bereznicki Charitable Educational Foundation, commented:

We were delighted with the number of entries, which all demonstrated a high level of dentistry skills and patient care. I would like to thank all entrants for submitting their work, and offer my congratulations to the winners.”

A selection of the winning cases which illustrate a range of different types of cases entered in the competition. Cases submitted by (L-R) Nathaniel-Edouard Davidson, Golasa Sheikh Akbari, and Milton Justinsuthakaran.

Remarking on the winning entries, Professor Sir Nairn Wilson CBE FCGDent, President Emeritus of the College, said:

Congratulations to all the winners; a great, richly-deserved experience awaits them in Leuven, accounts of which will hopefully encourage even more entrants in future years. Congratulations also to the Tom Bereznicki Charitable Educational Foundation for its ongoing work with the College and GC to promote the personal development of clinical skills among recently qualified colleagues. All entrants to the competition have learnt valuable lessons about the art and science of aesthetic dentistry.”

John Maloney, GC’s Director and Country Manager for the UK, Ireland and South Africa, said:

“It has been truly rewarding to see the admirable level of aesthetic dentistry skills demonstrated by newly qualified dentists. We look forward to continuing our work with the College and The Tom Bereznicki Charitable Educational Foundation to provide high quality, clinical training for early career professionals. Congratulations to all the winners, we can’t wait to see them at our Education Campus in Belgium.”

To register your interest in the 2024/25 award and receive notifications as soon as the competition opens in September, visit our award page.  

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Interviewees sought to help develop clinical risk assessment tool for GDPs

General dental practitioners are being sought to support research towards the development of a clinical risk assessment tool, and the College would like to encourage members to participate.

The research is part of the RADIANT project being conducted by a team at Peninsula Dental School at the University of Plymouth, and aims to create and develop a practical, evidenced-based restorative dental risk assessment tool informed by input from clinical practitioners, rather than the classical single speciality approach.

The concept behind the new index is to objectively assess the risk of dental complications for the patient’s whole mouth, focussing on improving the accuracy and consensus between clinicians regarding diagnostic and prognostic decision-making. It is hoped that the availability of a robust risk assessment tool will then help clinicians to develop treatment plans, and will provide a common reference point to improve risk communication between clinical dentists, primarily general dental practitioners, and their patients.

The Principal Investigator, Dr Mark-Steven Howe FCGDent, is a general dental practitioner in Broadway, Worcestershire. He would like to interview about 12 general dental practitioners of varying experience over the coming months in order to incorporate their views and opinions on how they make clinical decisions into the development of the new tool.

Interviews will take place virtually and should take only 30-60 minutes.

If you would like to participate, or to request further information, please send an email with the subject line ‘RADIANT’ to [email protected]

BSRD spring meeting 2023


Thursday 18 May & Friday 19 May 2023, RHS Garden Wisley, Surrey

Biomimetics… sustainability?

The British Society for Restorative Dentistry’s Spring Meeting, will examine a range of topics related to Biomimetics in dentistry, delivered by an array of speakers from across the dental profession.

Speakers & topics:

  • Maarten de Beer – Biomimetic Dentistry: Unravelling the Hype; IDS & DME: Creating the Biobase; Lifehacks in Dentistry
  • Erik-Jan Muts – White spots: the Infiltration Concept; Direct and Indirect Posterior Restorations
  • Pedja Pavlovic – Perio and Implants: Marriage Made in Heaven or Hell?
  • Robert Stone – Reflecting on 20 Years of Biomimetics in Practice. Biomimetics and Microscopy Practice
  • Eoin O’Sullivan – Can Digital Workflows Facilitate Biomimetic Dentistry?

Early bird offer ends 31 March


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Advanced restorative study day

Friday 17 February 2023

Advanced restorative study day
delivered by Stride Dental Academy in support of CGDent in Cymru/Wales

Stride Dental Academy, Bangor, North Wales, LL57 4FH (close to the A55 North Wales Expressway)

The Advanced Restorative Study Day has been rescheduled from 25 November 2022 to 17 February 2023.

This Advanced Restorative Study Day, held in support of CGDent in Cymru/Wales, provided an overview to General Dental Practitioners on structuring treatment plans into manageable phases, through the periodic implementation of different treatment modalities. It gave participants an update on restorative dentistry and dental implants, including perio, dentures, ortho, treating toothwear, treatment planning, CBCT use, and an insight into how Specialists treat Hypodontia patients. 

Members of the College of General Dentistry receive a discount on the study day fee.


The day included six lectures delivered by expert speakers Mike Lloyd Hughes and Karun Dewan, plus a Q&A session. The topics covered were:

  • Stabilisation and treatment planning phases

  • Back to basics: how to make good dentures, and when to use implant retained overdentures
  • Perio, ortho, restorative and implants: combination approach for long term stability
  • Restorative management of patients with tooth surface loss
  • Endodontic vs implant: what is your hierarchy in the decision making process?
  • Multidisciplinary management of hypodontia patients: care pathway


Mike Lloyd Hughes BDS (Cardiff) 2004, MFDS RCS (Eng), PG Cert Endodontics (Ches), Dip Rest Dent RCS (Eng), MSc (Leeds), ITI Fellow (UK)
Dental Surgeon with special interest in Implantology, Periodontics, and Restorative Dentistry

Karun Dewan BDS (Dist.), MFDS RCS (Eng), LDS RCS (Eng), MSc (Prosth. Dent), FDS RCS Rest Dent (Eng), American Board Cert., ILM
Consultant in Restorative Dentistry,
Specialist in Endodontics, Prosthodontics and Periodontics

Verifiable CPD: 7 hours

A carpark available for delegates.

Refreshments are included.

Study day fee

CGDent member: £250

Non-member: £325

Membership of the College of General Dentistry is open to all registered dental professionals. Membership for dentists is available from £94, and for other registered dental professionals from £33. The full list of CGDent membership rates is at

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CGDent Northern Ireland conference

CGDent Northern Ireland Biennial Conference 2022: Recreating nature – perfecting smiles

Friday 14 October 2022, 8.30am-5.30pm and Saturday 15 October 2022 (optional)

Waterfront Hall, Belfast

At this year’s CGDent Northern Ireland Biennial Conference, Dr Walter Devoto, international specialist in aesthetic and restorative dentistry, presented a masterclass and hands-on workshop examining the ‘perfect smile’, covering a range of topics including teeth whitening, the aesthetics of anterior and posterior teeth and endo treated teeth.

Day One only (14 October 2022) : Masterclass – Recreating nature – perfecting smiles

Day One and Day Two (14 & 15 October 2022): Masterclass & hands-on composite workshop, with limited places.

Speaker: Dr Walter Devoto

Walter is a general dental practitioner with a special interest in aesthetic and restorative dentistry. As well as a successful multi-clinic practice in Italy, Walter has an academic career spanning over 20 years and is currently a Lecturer in Aesthetic Dentistry at the International University of Catalonia, Barcelona, and a Visiting Professor at the Université de la Mediterranée, Marseille, in Refinement of Aesthetic Reconstructive Dentistry.

Lunch was included and tea/coffee will be provided throughout the day. Dinner was also available for an additional cost of £45.

Conference fee

Early bird rate until 7 October 2022

Day One – Masterclass

6 CPD hours

  • CGDent members: early bird £180; standard £230
  • Non-members: early bird £230; standard £280
  • Dinner (optional): £45

Days One & Two – Masterclass and hands-on composite workshop

12 CPD hours

  • CGDent members: early bird £675
  • Non-members: early bird £780

Membership of the College of General Dentistry is open to all registered dental professionals. Membership for dentists is available from £94, and for other registered dental professionals from £33. The full list of CGDent membership rates is at

Photo © Albert Bridge (cc-by-sa/2.0)

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Contemporary management of toothwear

CGDent Midlands study day: Contemporary management of toothwear
Friday 1 July 2022, 9am-4.30pm
Conference Aston, Aston University, Birmingham

At this CGDent Midlands study day, Professor Julian Satterthwaite provided authoritative updates on the management of toothwear, including the identification of common problems, issues around restorative maintenance and tooth survival and an exploration of adhesive approaches to restoration.


Professor Julian Satterthwaite, Professor/Honorary Consultant in Restorative Dentistry at the University of Manchester Dental Hospital


  • Conservative management of toothwear
  • Identify common problems in toothwear
  • Problems associated with restorative maintenance vs tooth survival


  • Presenting problems in patients with worn teeth
  • Dahl technique
  • Adhesive approaches to restoration

GDC Development outcome: C

7 CPD hours

Lunch and tea/coffee included


  • Dentist (CGDent member) – £95
  • Dentist (non-member)- £140
  • HEE Midlands FD – free (HEE-funded)
  • Dental therapist / dental hygienist / dental nurse / dental technician / clinical dental technician / orthodontic nurse / dental student – £50 (members and non-members)

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Specialising in restorative dentistry

Dr Tom Willan, General Dental Practitioner in Yorkshire, describes the career journey that led him to specialise in restorative dentistry.

I qualified from Leeds university in 2011 and began working in general practice in West Yorkshire. The variety and flexibility of life as a GDP appealed to me and after my Longitudinal Dental Foundation Training years; where I had posts in orthodontic practice, community Dental Care and general practice I began working life as an associate. 

After working in a busy NHS practice in Leeds I moved to my current practice, Horbury Dental Care, in a small town outside of Wakefield. Horbury Dental Care is a large practice with 10 surgeries and a referral centre for implant dentistry, restorative dentistry, treatment under sedation and periodontics. Shortly after working here I felt it was the right stage in my career to consider undertaking further postgraduate to improve my skills and further my career. 

I am glad that I was patient; waiting 5 years before undertaking further postgraduate training; as I felt that gave me real life experience as core foundation for me to build my knowledge from. I researched the numerous post graduate courses on offer and chose the FGDP Diploma in Restorative Dentistry. The course had been thoroughly recommended by colleagues and I felt offered a fantastic blend of academic, clinical and hands on experience. 

The course consisted of 14 modules where small group teaching, lectures, hands on teaching and assignments developed my knowledge in all aspects of day to day restorative dentistry. Periodontics, Endodontics, Composite Bonding, Crown and Bridgework, the restorative aspects of implant dentist and prosthodontics were all covered. 
I found the course thoroughly enjoyable and I feel I have gained confidence and developed as a practitioner as a direct result. I found the course days enjoyable and developed a strong bond with my cohort. I surprised even myself with how I enjoyed the written assignments as they were all on relevant topics and helped contribute to my clinical work. 

The course was assessed by the assignments and also clinical casework. I submitted 8 case reports and 20 mini case reports on clinical cases from my practice over the 2 years. These were challenging but again developed my confidence as they were constructively analysed by my course tutor, who was approachable and very generous with his time to support my learning when needed. 

I was pleased to find out in December 2018 that the hard work had paid off and I had passed my final case assessments and I have now been awarded the FGDP(UK) Diploma in Restorative Dentistry. I would whole heartedly recommend the restorative diploma to any GDP looking to improve their clinical skills, knowledge and confidence.

Author bio

I qualified from Leeds university in 2011 and have worked in general practice in Yorkshire since then. I currently work at Horbury Dental Care, a large practice near Wakefield which is a referral centre for implant dentistry, restorative dentistry, treatment under sedation and periodontics. I recently decided to specialise in restorative dentistry and after two years of study have now been awarded the FGDP(UK) Postgraduate Diploma in Restorative Dentistry.

Dr Tom Willan

This student advice blog was originally published by FGDP(UK) in June 2019 and has been republished by the College of General Dentistry with the author’s permission.