How to read a paper properly

Recorded webinar, Wednesday 28 September 2022

This lunch and learn webinar is the first in the College’s Research and Critical Appraisal of Evidence series of webinars.

The aim of this first webinar is to help you understand how to critically appraise a research paper. Our expert speakers Derek Richards and Dr Mark-Steven Howe, look at the major types of study design and the main biases that might affect its validity. The need for critical appraisal of research evidence is also discussed and the speakers provide an overview of the range of appraisal tools.


  • Derek Richards, Specialist in Dental Public Health, Director of the Centre for Evidence-Based Dentistry
  • Dr Mark-Steven Howe, General Dental Practitioner

Further webinars in this series:

GDC development outcomes: A C

CGDent members and ProDental subscribers have free access to the recorded webinar and can claim CPD hours for free.  A £20 fee will apply for non-members/non-subscribers who wish to claim CPD.

This webinar is powered by our CPD delivery partner, ProDental CPD

Membership of the College of General Dentistry is open to all registered dental professionals. Membership for dentists is available from £94, and for other registered dental professionals from £33. The full list of CGDent membership rates is at

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Duty of candour: the legal and regulatory risk

Recorded webinarThursday 21 July 2022

This webinar busts some myths about the duty of candour as it applies to dentistry and explains its implications for practice owners, dentists and other team members, the records we need to keep and the conversations we need to be having in order to stay on the right side of the law.

“There has always been a widespread misplaced belief that the duty of candour was introduced to fix a problem in medical/hospital-based/institutional healthcare and wasn’t really relevant to dentistry.  In fact, it certainly does apply, albeit in different (perhaps surprising) ways.”


  • To explain the essentials of the legal (statutory) and ethical (professional) duty of candour and the circumstances in which there will also be a contractual duty of candour
  • To explain the general duty of candour and importance of organisational culture and the involvement of the entire dental team
  • To improve understanding of what is (and isn’t) a notifiable safety incident, what needs to happen next
  • To emphasise the similarities and differences between what the law and the GDC expects of us in relation to the duty of candour


  • Kevin Lewis, Consultant Editor for Dentistry Magazine, former Dental Director at Dental Protection and a founding Trustee of the College of General Dentistry

GDC development outcomes: A, B, C, D

CGDent members and ProDental subscribers will have free access to the recorded webinar and can claim CPD hours for free.  A £20 fee will apply for non-members/non-subscribers who wish to claim CPD.

This webinar is powered by our CPD delivery partner, ProDental CPD.

A downloadable briefing paper to accompany the webinar is available below for CGDent members.

[um_loggedin show_lock=yes lock_text=”The downloadable briefing paper from the Duty of Candour webinar is available here to CGDent members.

If you are a CGDent member, you will already have an account, and can use your current details to login.

If you are not a CGDent member, you will need to join the College.”]
[um_show_content roles=’administrator,student_member,affiliate_member,associate_fellow,associate_member,college_council_member,fellow,foundation_member,full_member,inital_member’] 2022.07.21-Duty-of-Candour-webinar-handout

Membership of the College of General Dentistry is open to all registered dental professionals. Membership for dentists is available from £94, and for other registered dental professionals from £33. The full list of CGDent membership rates is at

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Social inequalities: the impact on dental study applications

Recorded webinar, Monday 4 July 2022

In this recorded webinar, speakers examine the issues surrounding social inequalities and consider how they may affect students when applying to study dentistry.


  • Dr Ian Mills, GDP, Associate Professor in Primary Care Dentistry at Peninsula Dental School
  • Dr Patricia Neville, Senior Lecturer in Social Sciences, Equality Diversity and Inclusion Lead, Bristol Dental School
  • Dr Adam Holder, Dentist, NIHR Academic Clinical Fellow
  • Dr Victoria Niven, Non-Clinical Teacher in Dental Public Health, King’s College London
  • Dr Sasha Scambler, Sociologist
  • Prof. Sally Hanks, Professor of Primary Care Dentistry
  • Prof. Jennifer Gallagher MBE, Dean for International Affairs, Kings College London

GDC development outcome: D

The recorded webinar is free to view for CGDent members and ProDental subscribers who can also can claim CPD hours for free.  A £20 fee will apply for non-members/non-subscribers.

This webinar is powered by our CPD delivery partner, ProDental CPD.

Membership of the College of General Dentistry is open to all registered dental professionals. Membership for dentists is available from £94, and for other registered dental professionals from £33. The full list of CGDent membership rates is at

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Dental Society of Wales 30th Annual Study Day and Conference

30fed Gynhadledd Y Gymdeithas Ddeintyddol – Dental Society of Wales 30th Annual Study Day and Conference

Saturday 2 July 2022, Vale Hotel, Cardiff

‘More than Teeth’

The 30th Annual Study Day of Y Gymdeithas Ddeintyddol (Dental Society of Wales) featured talks from a host of experts on the theme of ‘More than Teeth’. The study day was aimed at the whole dental team and CGDent members were invited to attend at the same rate as members of the Dental Society of Wales. The day was conducted in the Welsh language, with plans for simultaneous English translation, to be confirmed.


  • 9.30am – Welcome, Mr Quentin Jones AssocFCGDent, Chairperson
  • A New GDS Contract in Wales, a new emphasis on prevention and oral health
    Dr Ceindeg Arwel, GDP
  • Wellness and Health for the Whole Dental Team
    Dr Ceril Rhys-Dillon, Rheumatologist
  • ‘Human Factors’, risk management strategies in healthcare settings
    Dr Simon Burnett, Anaesthetist
  • Artificial Intelligence and Decision Making, in dental radiographic diagnostics
    Dr Tomos Wiliams, Manchester University
  • Inter Professional Healthcare and education
    Dr Llinos Roberts, Senior Clinical Tutor Swansea Medical School and GMP
  • 12.30pm – Lunch
  • The T Arfon Wiliams Memorial Lecture
    Ms Jenni Jones, BBC Wales News
  • The Bryn Morris Jones Student and Recent Graduate Prize
    Presentations from shortlisted entrants
  • Tea
  • Prize presentation
  • Dr Abhi Pal, President College of General Dentistry – Address
  • Mr William J Parry, President Y Gymdeithas Ddeintyddol – Address
  • AGM and Election of Officers
  • 5.00pm – Close of Day
  • 7.30pm – Society Evening Dinner

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Contemporary management of toothwear

CGDent Midlands study day: Contemporary management of toothwear
Friday 1 July 2022, 9am-4.30pm
Conference Aston, Aston University, Birmingham

At this CGDent Midlands study day, Professor Julian Satterthwaite provided authoritative updates on the management of toothwear, including the identification of common problems, issues around restorative maintenance and tooth survival and an exploration of adhesive approaches to restoration.


Professor Julian Satterthwaite, Professor/Honorary Consultant in Restorative Dentistry at the University of Manchester Dental Hospital


  • Conservative management of toothwear
  • Identify common problems in toothwear
  • Problems associated with restorative maintenance vs tooth survival


  • Presenting problems in patients with worn teeth
  • Dahl technique
  • Adhesive approaches to restoration

GDC Development outcome: C

7 CPD hours

Lunch and tea/coffee included


  • Dentist (CGDent member) – £95
  • Dentist (non-member)- £140
  • HEE Midlands FD – free (HEE-funded)
  • Dental therapist / dental hygienist / dental nurse / dental technician / clinical dental technician / orthodontic nurse / dental student – £50 (members and non-members)

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Treatment planning for carious primary and permanent molars

Recorded webinarTuesday 28 June 2022

The experts explore different treatment options for managing carious primary and permanent molars. The speakers discuss the latest evidence-based guidance and the different factors to consider when managing patients with carious molar teeth including the benefits of maintaining primary molars. We look at management strategies which can be easily conducted in primary care and we’ll explore when clinicians should consider a referral.


  • Reuben Bennett, DCT2 currently working in Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery and Oral Medicine in Bristol
  • Yi Loo, Registrar in Paediatric Dentistry at King’s College Hospital, London
  • Nabeel Ilyas, Specialist in Paediatric Dentistry, Registrar in Birmingham Community NHS trust and Birmingham Children’s Hospital

GDC development outcome: C

The recorded webinar is free to view for CGDent members and ProDental subscribers who can also can claim CPD hours for free.  A £20 fee will apply for non-members/non-subscribers.

This webinar is powered by our CPD delivery partner, ProDental CPD.

Membership of the College of General Dentistry is open to all registered dental professionals. Membership for dentists is available from £94, and for other registered dental professionals from £33. The full list of CGDent membership rates is at

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Dementia-friendly dentistry

Recorded webinarThursday 19 May 2022

Part of our ‘Talking Standards’ series, which sets out to examine areas covered by our evidence-based standards and guidance, this webinar explores Dementia-Friendly Dentistry: Good Practice Guidelines 

The recorded webinar is free to view for CGDent members and ProDental subscribers who can also can claim CPD hours for free.  A £20 fee will apply for non-members/non-subscribers.

We examine the evolving epidemiology of dementia and the changing demography within the UK population and the issues these raise for care provision. We explore how the dental team can ensure that it best meets the likely care needs of this segment of the population.

Speakers (TBC):

  • Paul Batchelor, Editor, Dementia-Friendly Dentistry: Good Practice Guidelines 
  • Dr James P Wise, Dentist, Special interest in the care of the elderly and medically compromised patient

This webinar is powered by our CPD delivery partner, ProDental CPD.

Membership of the College of General Dentistry is open to all registered dental professionals. Membership for dentists is available from £94, and for other registered dental professionals from £33. The full list of CGDent membership rates is at

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British Dental Conference & Dentistry Show, Birmingham

British Dental Conference & Dentistry Show

13-14 May 2022, NEC Birmingham, Hall 5

The College was delighted to be the Education Partner and headline supporter for the Core CPD Theatre at the 2022 British Dental Conference and Dentistry Show, and welcomed members and non-members alike to Stand P56, and to its CPD seminars on GDC-recommended subjects.

The Core CPD Theatre featured 11 seminars over the two day conference, with experts in their fields sharing their extensive knowledge, and offering practical advice, on an array of essential, GDC-recommended, CPD subjects. The College itself hosted four of these:

Medical emergencies

Friday 13 May, 9.15am – 10am, Core CPD Theatre

Dr Kaushik Paul, Specialty Dentist, Oral Surgery and Sedation

GDC development outcomes: C

Leadership in infection prevention and control

Friday 13 May, 10.15am – 11am, Core CPD Theatre

Fiona Ellwood BEM FFGDP(UK)(Hon.), Subject Expert, Bangor University, All Wales Faculty for Dental Care Professionals

This session provided an overview of the principles of leadership and the various leadership styles in the context of infection prevention and control. The presentation was important to those who lead in IPC or who are looking to become a decontamination lead. It considered legislation and policy and the impact of non-compliance at all levels. It gave support to existing leads and looked at enhancing skills and consider lessons learned so far because of the pandemic.

GDC development outcomes: A, B, C, D

Information sharing in the digital age

Saturday 14 May, 9.15am – 10am, Core CPD Theatre

Tashfeen Kholasi, Vice President, College of General Dentistry

This session provided an overview of information sharing for patient care, and covered GDPR, the Caldecott Principles, the role of digital technology in information sharing, and how to share information safely and securely in practice.

GDC development outcomes: A, D

Complaints handling: A step-by-step approach to resolving a dental complaint

Saturday 14 May, 3.15pm-4pm, Core CPD Theatre

George Wright, Deputy Dental Director, Dental Protection

Aimed at all members of the dental team, this session highlighted key stages of the complaint-handling process with real examples of patient complaints. Covering a number of scenarios including verbal and written complaints, delegates gained an insight into how complaints can be effectively handled to facilitate early resolution. 

GDC development outcomes: A

Conference registration was free, and delegates had access to over 250 seminars and workshop sessions in all, tailored to the whole dental team, across 14 lecture theatres.

The conference is co-sited with the Dental Technology Showcase, a major exhibition giving visitors the opportunity to discover the latest dental innovations and equipment from over 400 suppliers. And, of course, the Dentistry Show provides a great opportunity to network with thousands of dentists, practice managers, hygienists and therapists, dental nurses, technicians and laboratory owners.

See the full conference programme here

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NHS Infection prevention and control conference 2022

Infection Prevention and ControlLearning from Covid-19 & AMR

26 & 27 April 2022, National Conference Centre, Birmingham

This year, the NHS Infection Prevention and Control Conference takes place over two days and explored the lessons learnt from the COVID-19 pandemic and the important issues of antimicrobial resistance and Gram-Negative bloodstream infections.

Topics examined during the conference included outbreak management, improving hand hygiene (and auditing procedures), and decontamination/cleaning protocols. Speakers discussed the theme of infection prevention, review current control standards and celebrate best practice.

The accompanying exhibition will showcase the latest innovation and technology available globally.

For further details of the programme, visit

For a full list of invited speakers, go to

Aimed at all healthcare professionals, delegates can choose to attend either or both days.

Healthcare professionals working for the NHS, can register for a fully funded conference place here:

Fully funded places for CGDent members

CGDent members also qualified for access to a limited number of fully funded places, whether working in NHS or private practice.

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College of General Dentistry broadens membership eligibility

The College of General Dentistry has broadened its eligibility criteria for membership, enabling suitably qualified non-registrants to join, and offering practitioners with relevant non-dental qualifications the ability to progress to higher grades of membership.

Registration with the General Dental Council or an equivalent overseas authority is normally required for entry as an Associate Member. However former registrants, and those who hold a relevant qualification but may not be required to register with the GDC due to their job role – such as dental academics – are now eligible to join.

Those wishing to join as Full Members (MCGDent), or upgrade to Full Membership, have until now been required, in addition to meeting the requirements for Associate Membership, to hold either the DGDP, MJDF, MFGDP(UK), MFDS or a Postgraduate Certificate level qualification in a ‘relevant dental subject’. However Full Membership is now also open to those whose qualification is in a ‘subject relevant to the enhancement of oral healthcare’.

Those wishing to join at, or upgrade to, Associate Fellowship (AssocFCGDent), have up to this point needed to hold the MGDS, a Specialty Membership of a UK dental faculty, or a Postgraduate Diploma level or Masters level qualification in a dental subject. However, this recently-instituted membership grade, which offers a stepping stone to Fellowship, is similarly now available to those whose qualification is relevant to oral heath rather than being strictly ‘dental’ in scope.

Individuals qualifying under these extended criteria would then be eligible to apply for Fellowship (FCGDent) on the same basis as all other members of the College. This is currently open to existing Fellows of a UK Royal College or overseas equivalent, with a Fellowship by Experience route expected to be announced soon.

The changes are further to earlier departures from the eligibility criteria of the former Faculty of General Dental Practice, from which the College evolved – most notably the ability of Dental Hygienists, Dental Therapists, Dental Nurses, Dental Technicians and Clinical Dental Technicians to apply for membership at all grades, and for Practice Managers and other non-clinical members of the dental team to join as Affiliate Members.

The College’s updated membership eligibility criteria are available at

Dr Abhi Pal, President of the College, said:

“Among the key aims behind the establishment of The College of General Dentistry were the promotion of both dental and oral health, and to create a new type of college, breaking down barriers which are unnecessarily prescriptive and exclusionary, and replacing them with an inclusive approach fit for the 21st century.

“We are implementing this step by step, and are already a College open to all members of the dental team, formed of practitioners across the UK and beyond, and bridging the NHS/private divide.

“These latest changes offer recognition to a wide range of individuals and professional roles whose contribution to the advancement of general dental practice and oral healthcare is hugely significant, and we look forward to welcoming them into membership, and to bringing their significant knowledge, expertise and experience to bear in the fulfilment of our mission.”

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