Record-keeping in the real world of general dental practice

CGDent recorded webinar, Monday 12 December 2022

In this CGDent webinar, we discuss the importance of comprehensive and accurate record-keeping, fundamental for good clinical practice and essential for delivering quality patient care.


  • Dr Abhi Pal, President of the College of General Dentistry and general dental practitioner

CPD approx 1.5 hours

GDC development outcomes: A, D

This webinar is hosted by the College of General Dentistry and powered by our CPD delivery partner, ProDental CPD – watch the recording below.

It was free to view live for all dental professionals, and College members also have free access to the recorded webinar and can claim CPD hours for free.  A £20 fee will apply for non-members who wish to claim CPD.

Membership of the College of General Dentistry is open to all registered dental professionals. Membership for dentists is available from £94, and for other registered dental professionals from £33. The full list of CGDent membership rates is at

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Meta-analyses and their appraisal

CGDent recorded webinar, Wednesday 7 December 2022

This lunch and learn webinar is the third in the College’s Research and Critical Appraisal of Evidence series of webinars.

This third CGDent webinar outlines the main elements and key stages of meta-analysis and how to appraise meta-analyses. We examine heterogeneity and its causes, consider the interpretation of a forest plot and look at appraisal checklists.


  • Derek Richards, Specialist in Dental Public Health, Director of the Centre for Evidence-Based Dentistry
  • Dr Mark-Steven Howe, General Dental Practitioner

Further webinars in this series:

GDC development outcomes: A C

CPD approx 1 hour

This webinar is hosted by the College of General Dentistry and powered by our CPD delivery partner, ProDental CPD – watch the recording below.

It was free to view live for all dental professionals, and College members also have free access to the recorded webinar and can claim CPD hours for free.  A £20 fee will apply for non-members who wish to claim CPD.

Membership of the College of General Dentistry is open to all registered dental professionals. Membership for dentists is available from £94, and for other registered dental professionals from £33. The full list of CGDent membership rates is at

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CGDent Scotland Study Day

Friday 2 December 2022, 9am-5.30pm (Registration from 8.15am)

Glasgow Science Centre, Glasgow

The CGDent Study Day 2022 featured world-class, headline speakers Justin Durham and Finlay Sutton. The event finished with Professor Jeremy Bagg’s Caldwell Lecture presentation on volunteering opportunities within dentistry. Delegates benefitted from six hours of enhanced CPDA, a three-course lunch and the drinks reception.


  • Professor Justin Durham: Tough, Maddening, and Daunting: is this a real-world clinicians’ view of TMD?

    There are data to suggest clinicians find Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD) challenging to diagnose and manage. This lecture will explore challenges in diagnosis and management of TMD offering practical and evidence-based suggestions to help address these so clinicians feel better equipped to diagnose, educate and manage cases of TMD.
  • Finlay Sutton: Partial dentures that function superbly and look amazing – “The fantastic Scandinavian Hygienic approach

    This lecture explored the construction methods and function of partial dentures which work like removable bridges, protecting the periodontium of compromised abutment teeth. It examined why well designed and well-made partial dentures are valid alternatives (particularly aesthetically) to implant supported restorations. Delegates also learnt the Scandinavian hygienic partial denture design system to cover all combinations of missing teeth which anticipate future abutment failure allowing artificial tooth additions onto cobalt chromium minor connectors of the denture later.
  • The Caldwell Memorial Lecture presented by Professor Jeremy Bagg and colleagues: The MalDent Project – Progress through Partnerships

This study day could be attended in person or virtually.

Alongside the study day programme, delegates were invited to visit the accompanying 30-stand trade exhibition. Free parking was available.

6 hours CPD

For dental professionals practising in Scotland, CPDA was available for two sessions.

Study Day fee

CGDent member: £199

Dentist non-member: £299

Special rate for FD / VDP / Retired Dentist / Technician / Hygienist / Therapist / DCP / Practice Manager: £129

To read a review of the 2021 CGDent Scotland Study Day, visit our blog.

Membership of the College of General Dentistry is open to all registered dental professionals. Membership for dentists is available from £94, and for other registered dental professionals from £33. The full list of CGDent membership rates is at

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Preventing wrong tooth extraction

CGDent recorded webinar, Tuesday 15 November 2022

This CGDent webinar examines ways to mitigate wrong tooth extraction in primary care oral surgery and considers how human factors and non-technical skills can affect a patient’s care journey.


  • Dr Mick Horton, Trustee of the College of General Dentistry, General Dental Practitioner
  • Kevin Lewis, Consultant Editor for Dentistry Magazine and Former Dental Director at Dental Protection and a founding Trustee of the College of General Dentistry
  • Dr Anshu Sood, Specialist Orthodontist

GDC development outcomes: A, C, D

This webinar is hosted by the College of General Dentistry and powered by our CPD delivery partner, ProDental CPD – watch below.

It was free to view live for all dental professionals, and College members also have free access to the recorded webinar and can claim CPD hours for free.  A £20 fee will apply for non-members who wish to claim CPD.

Membership of the College of General Dentistry is open to all registered dental professionals. Membership for dentists is available from £94, and for other registered dental professionals from £33. The full list of CGDent membership rates is at

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Statistics in the real world

CGDent recorded webinar, Wednesday 2 November 2022

This lunch and learn webinar is the second in the College’s Research and Critical Appraisal of Evidence series of webinars.

This second CGDent webinar provides an overview of key statistical terms needed to support critical appraisal. We explore statistical terms and their real-world interpretation and discuss the difference between statistically significant and clinically significant results.


  • Derek Richards, Specialist in Dental Public Health, Director of the Centre for Evidence-Based Dentistry
  • Dr Mark-Steven Howe, General Dental Practitioner

Further webinars in this series:

GDC learning outcomes: A C

CPD approx 1 hour

This webinar is hosted by the College of General Dentistry and powered by our CPD delivery partner, ProDental CPD – watch the recording below.

It was free to view live for all dental professionals, and College members also have free access to the recorded webinar and can claim CPD hours for free.  A £20 fee will apply for non-members who wish to claim CPD.

Membership of the College of General Dentistry is open to all registered dental professionals. Membership for dentists is available from £94, and for other registered dental professionals from £33. The full list of CGDent membership rates is at

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College launches Professional Framework for dental careers

The College has launched its much-anticipated Professional Framework, which describes the expected level of a dental practitioner’s capabilities at each stage of their careers.

Aimed at providing recognition of professional development and promoting job satisfaction and workforce retention, Career Pathways in Dentistry: Professional Framework sets out the knowledge, skills and other attributes which define each of five career stages – safe, capable, experienced, enhanced and accomplished – for each role in the primary dental care team, and for each of five domains within each stage – clinical and technical, professionalism, reflection, development, and agency.

The framework has been mapped out by four working groups – representing dentists, dental hygienists & therapists, dental nurses & orthodontic therapists, and dental & clinical dental technicians – working together through a programme board and reference group.

The creation of career pathways for general dental practice was a key founding purpose of the College, and the Professional Framework provides the intellectual foundation of our Career Pathways in Dentistry programme, which is supported by Colgate.

The College is also developing a Certified Membership scheme, which will provide dental professionals with the tools to guide their individual postgraduate development journey. This will present the opportunity to embark on a pathway that fits in with personal learning and training goals using a flexible, modular approach supported by a facilitated, reflective personal development plan. It will also provide a structure through which those already established in their careers can further develop their career aspirations and/or mentor less experienced colleagues. This unique proposition, which will be for all members of the dental team, will enable dental professionals to demonstrate that they have met the capabilities for each career stage as defined in the Professional Framework. Progressing along the scheme will be a journey of professional development, rather than an end-point examination, and one in which the individual will be supported.

Dr Abhi Pal, President of the College, and Professor Avijit Banerjee, Chair of the College’s Career Pathways Programme Board, said:

“Those who carve out a career in the primary dental care sector have been almost unique within healthcare professions in not having defined career structures to support their professional development, despite the presence of multiple training opportunities.

The CGDent Professional Framework adopts an innovative approach which encourages flexibility for dental professionals to meet their practice and career aspirations, whilst recognising milestones along their often varied professional journeys, by providing a clear and coherent supporting structure.

It is a product made for dental professionals and by dental professionals, and the College owes its thanks to the many dentists, hygienists, therapists, nurses and technicians who have contributed to it, as well as to Colgate for their generous support that has enabled it to be completed.”

Career Pathways in Dentistry: Professional Framework is available for all dental professionals to download free of charge.

The College is inviting feedback on the Professional Framework in order to refine it and make it as robust as possible, and encourages dental professionals to explore it, test it out, and consider how they might use it to support their own development as well as that of colleagues. Feedback should be submitted online here

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Domestic abuse in dentistry – speak out

CGDent recorded webinar, Tuesday 1 November 2022

Safeguarding training is mandatory for all members of the dental team, and this webinar explores how dental professionals play an essential role in the safeguarding of patients and colleagues.

In this College-hosted webinar, speakers Preetee Hylton, Dr Alison Gregory and Dr Sandi Dheensa examine different types of abuse, explain how to recognise signs that someone is being subjected to abuse and how to act accordingly to preserve your patients’ and colleagues’ safety. The webinar also explores the importance of creating a safe space for employees to ask for help and will introduce the Employer’s Initiative for Domestic Abuse (EIDA), an evolving community working towards supporting domestic abuse victims, and providing access to services to help perpetrators to stop.


  • Abhi Pal, President of the College of General Dentistry


  • Preetee Hylton, Restorative Dental Nurse, Safeguarding Lead and survivor of domestic abuse
  • Dr Alison Gregory, Senior Research Fellow, Domestic Violence and Abuse Health Research Group, Bristol Medical School
  • Dr Sandi Dheensa, Research Fellow, Domestic Violence and Abuse Health Research Group, Bristol Medical School

GDC development outcomes: A, D

CPD approx 1.5 hours

This webinar is hosted by the College of General Dentistry and powered by our CPD delivery partner, ProDental CPD – watch the recording below.

It was free to view live for all dental professionals, and College members also have free access to the recorded webinar and can claim CPD hours for free.  A £20 fee will apply for non-members who wish to claim CPD.

Membership of the College of General Dentistry is open to all registered dental professionals. Membership for dentists is available from £94, and for other registered dental professionals from £33. The full list of CGDent membership rates is at

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CGDent Northern Ireland conference

CGDent Northern Ireland Biennial Conference 2022: Recreating nature – perfecting smiles

Friday 14 October 2022, 8.30am-5.30pm and Saturday 15 October 2022 (optional)

Waterfront Hall, Belfast

At this year’s CGDent Northern Ireland Biennial Conference, Dr Walter Devoto, international specialist in aesthetic and restorative dentistry, presented a masterclass and hands-on workshop examining the ‘perfect smile’, covering a range of topics including teeth whitening, the aesthetics of anterior and posterior teeth and endo treated teeth.

Day One only (14 October 2022) : Masterclass – Recreating nature – perfecting smiles

Day One and Day Two (14 & 15 October 2022): Masterclass & hands-on composite workshop, with limited places.

Speaker: Dr Walter Devoto

Walter is a general dental practitioner with a special interest in aesthetic and restorative dentistry. As well as a successful multi-clinic practice in Italy, Walter has an academic career spanning over 20 years and is currently a Lecturer in Aesthetic Dentistry at the International University of Catalonia, Barcelona, and a Visiting Professor at the Université de la Mediterranée, Marseille, in Refinement of Aesthetic Reconstructive Dentistry.

Lunch was included and tea/coffee will be provided throughout the day. Dinner was also available for an additional cost of £45.

Conference fee

Early bird rate until 7 October 2022

Day One – Masterclass

6 CPD hours

  • CGDent members: early bird £180; standard £230
  • Non-members: early bird £230; standard £280
  • Dinner (optional): £45

Days One & Two – Masterclass and hands-on composite workshop

12 CPD hours

  • CGDent members: early bird £675
  • Non-members: early bird £780

Membership of the College of General Dentistry is open to all registered dental professionals. Membership for dentists is available from £94, and for other registered dental professionals from £33. The full list of CGDent membership rates is at

Photo © Albert Bridge (cc-by-sa/2.0)

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Looking after your data

Recorded webinar, Tuesday 11 October 2022

This webinar was previously scheduled for 15 September 2022

In this webinar, we aim to demystify issues around handling patient data: how to store data, how to use it and how to share it within current guidelines and best practice. We provide an overview of Caldicott Principles, information sharing for patient care and GDPR. We also look at the role of digital technology in information sharing, and how to share information safely and securely in your practice.


  • Pat Langley, CEO Apolline

GDC learning outcomes: A, D

CPD approx 1.5 hours

CGDent members and ProDental subscribers have free access to the recorded webinar and can claim CPD hours for free.  A £20 fee will apply for non-members/non-subscribers who wish to claim CPD.

This webinar is powered by our CPD delivery partner, ProDental CPD

Membership of the College of General Dentistry is open to all registered dental professionals. Membership for dentists is available from £94, and for other registered dental professionals from £33. The full list of CGDent membership rates is at

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Dentistry Show London

Dentistry Show London

7-8 October 2022ExCel London, Halls N5-N8

The College was the headline education partner for the Clinical Excellence Theatre at Dentistry Show London 2022, hosting nine seminars in three CPD theatres over the two-day conference.

The College welcomed members and non-members alike to its sessions, with experts in their fields sharing their knowledge and giving advice on an array of subjects encompassing clinical dentistry, professionalism and career support:

Introduction to facial aesthetics and the current educational pathways

Friday 7 October, 10.10am – 10.55am

Clinical Excellence Theatre

Dr Jalpesh Patel BDS (Hons), MJDF RCS Eng., MSc (Aes. Dent.), PG Cert (Aes. Med.), MCGDent; Programme Director, CGDent Postgraduate Certificate in Non-Surgical Facial Aesthetics; Founder & Tutor, RASA Academy

Duty of Candour: the legal and regulatory risk

Friday 7 October, 10.45am – 11.45am

Compliance Hub

Kevin Lewis BDS, Dip. FFGDP(UK), FDS RCS (Eng.), FCGDent; Trustee of the College of General Dentistry; Special Consultant to the BDA & BDA Indemnity

Professionalism – a medico-legal perspective

Friday 7 October, 12.00pm – 1.00pm

Compliance Hub

Kevin Lewis BDS, Dip. FFGDP(UK), FDS RCS (Eng.), FCGDent; Trustee of the College of General Dentistry; Special Consultant to the BDA & BDA Indemnity

Creating a positive patient safety culture in dentistry

Friday 7 October, 2.15pm – 3.00pm

Enhanced CPD Theatre

Dr Jason Wong MBE, BDS, DPDS, FCGDent; Deputy Chief Dental Officer for England; General Dental Practitioner, Grantham

Antimicrobial prescribing in dentistry

Saturday 8 October, 10.45am – 11.45am

Compliance Hub

Dr Wendy Thompson BSc, BDS, Dip. MFGDP(UK), PhD, FCGDent, FHEA, FICD; College of General Dentistry lead on antimicrobial stewardship; Chair of the FDI-World Dental Federation working group on antibiotics

Mental health wellness in dentistry

Saturday 8 October, 12.15pm – 1.00pm

Enhanced CPD Theatre

Prof Tim Newton CPsychol, AFBPS; Professor of Psychology as Applied to Dentistry, King’s College London; Honorary Consultant Health Psychologist, Guy’s & St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust

Menopause policy – supporting staff through menopause (co-hosted with the British Association of Dental Nurses)

Saturday 8 October, 2.15pm – 3.00pm

Enhanced CPD Theatre

Jacqui Elsden RDN, MSc, FBADN; President of the British Association of Dental Nurses; former DCP Lead for Dental Nurses, HEE London, Kent, Surrey and Sussex

Mentoring in implant dentistry: good practice guidelines

Saturday 8 October, 2.45pm – 3.30pm

Clinical Excellence Theatre

Dr Pynadath George BDS, MFDS RCPS, MSc Rest. Dent., MSc Imp. Dent.; Co-Editor, Mentoring in Implant Dentistry: Good Practice Guidelines (CGDent); Treasurer of the Association of Dental Implantology

Record-keeping in the real world of general dental practice

Saturday 8 October, 3.15pm – 4.15pm

Compliance Hub

Dr Abhi Pal BDS, MGDSRCS, Dip. FFGDP(UK), FDSRCPS(Glasg.), FCGDent; President of the College of General Dentistry; General Dental Practitioner, Edgbaston; independent dental expert witness

College representatives were also available throughout the conference at Stand F58 to talk to delegates about its vision for the profession, the benefits of membership, and to answer questions.

Conference registration was free, and delegates had access to over 100 seminars in all across 6 lecture theatres, as well as over 180 exhibiting suppliers, and the opportunity to network with thousands of dentists, practice managers, hygienists and therapists, dental nurses, technicians and laboratory owners.

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